Targets Sample Clauses

Targets. Seller’s supplier diversity spending target for Work supporting the construction of the Project prior to the Commercial Operation Date is ____ percent (___%) as measured relative to Seller’s total expenditures on construction of the Project prior to the Commercial Operation Date, and;
Targets a. Readmission and Re-Hospitalization Reduction Targets b. MHAC Targets
Targets. The M&E Plan shall document for each Indicator the expected value and the expected time by which the corresponding result shall be achieved (“Target”).
TargetsThe Franchisee agrees that he/ she/ they shall adhere to targets and its terms as described in Annexure III
TargetsThe Company will [acquire, construct, expand, equip,] improve, and operate the Facility, and achieve the Targets.
Targets. On or before the date that is nine (9) months after the Amendment Date to Amendment No. 2 to this Agreement, LOXO shall designate six (6) Targets from Exhibit B for which research activities will be discontinued. Upon such designation, such discontinued Targets shall cease to be Targets under this Agreement, and Exhibit B shall be deemed to be updated accordingly. On or before the date that is eighteen (18) months after the Amendment Date to Amendment No. 2 to this Agreement, LOXO shall designate two (2) additional Targets from Exhibit B for which research activities will be discontinued; provided, however, that if on or before the date that is eighteen (18) months after the Amendment Date to Amendment No. 2 to this Agreement Loxo provides to Array written notice and a payment of [***] (the “Extension Payment”), Loxo will only be required to designate one (1) additional Target from Exhibit B for which research activities will be discontinued at the end of such eighteen (18) months. Upon such designation, such additional discontinued Target(s) shall cease to be Target(s) under this Agreement, and Exhibit B shall be deemed to be updated accordingly. If Loxo made the Extension Payment, then on or before the date that is [***] after the Amendment Date to Amendment No. 2 to this Agreement, Loxo shall designate one (1) additional Target from Exhibit B for which research activities will be discontinued unless Loxo provides to Array written notice and a payment of [***] (“Additive Payment”) in which case Loxo will not need to designate any more Targets from Exhibit B for discontinuation of research activities. Until such time as the eight (8) Targets (or seven (7) Targets if Loxo has made the Extension Payment and Additive Payment) have been designated for discontinuation, and notwithstanding Section 8.2.1 to the contrary, Loxo shall only have the right, at its discretion, to file provisional patent applications covering the applicable Active Compounds to the Targets from Exhibit B and will not convert such provisional patent applications to a non-provisional patent application or otherwise prosecute any non-provisional patent application covering such Active Compounds. During the Discovery Program Term, Loxo may determine in its sole discretion that research activities with respect to one (1) particular Target on Exhibit B should be discontinued [***] Certain confidential information contained in this document, marked by brackets, has been omitted and filed separ...
TargetsAs of the Effective Date, the Parties have jointly selected the pair of Targets as set forth in Exhibit A for the Collaboration Program.
TargetsPrior to the end of each calendar year, the Board's Compensation Committee shall approve the performance targets (the "Targets") upon which the Employee's Incentive Bonus for the following year will be based with respect to each of the criteria described in the Bonus Structure, except that the Targets for 1998 have been approved by the Board's Compensation Committee as of the date hereof. The Targets for 1998 are as described in Exhibit B, which is hereby incorporated as part of this Agreement. The Targets for each of such criteria in each subsequent calendar year shall, after approval by the Board's Compensation Committee, be attached hereto as Exhibit B as a substitute for the previous years' Targets, and shall become a part of this Agreement for such calendar year.
TargetsThe Company will complete the Project, including making a Capital Investment of at least $ , and creating and Maintaining at least New Jobs at the Facility, all as of the Performance Date. [(b)] [Other Performance Criteria: IF THE GRANT IS ALSO PREDICATED ON OTHER FACTORS, SUCH AS ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING THE COMPANY’S CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS IN THE LOCALITY, ADD HERE LANGUAGE REQUIRING THE COMPANY TO DO THOSE OTHER THINGS.]
Targets. The Parties have previously agreed to the following national targets which are critical to the achievement of the outcomes: Australia considered to be a high quality and high equity schooling system by international standards by 2025; lift the Year 12 (or equivalent) or Certificate III attainment rate to 90 per cent by 2020; and at least halve the gap for Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander students in Year 12 or equivalent attainment rates by 2020, from the 2006 baseline. National measures The Parties will track progress against the following sub-outcomes. These incorporate, as well as build on and supersede existing COAG education targets and aim to promote a culture that strives for continuous improvement in the performance of Australia’s schooling system. Academic achievement improves for all students, including priority equity cohorts. Lower the proportion of students in the bottom levels and increase the proportion of students in the top levels of performance (bottom two and top two bands) in the National Assessment ProgramLiteracy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) Literacy and Numeracy, of Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Lower the proportion of Australian students in the bottom levels and increase the proportion of students in the top levels of performance (proficiency Levels 1 and 2 and proficiency Levels 5 and 6) for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) testing in reading, mathematics and science. Lower the proportion of students from priority equity cohorts in the bottom levels and increase the proportion of students in the top levels of performance (bottom two and top two bands) in NAPLAN Literacy and Numeracy, for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Reduce the gap in achievement between students from various socio-economic backgrounds in Australia’s PISA educational performance compared to other countries and the OECD average. Increase the proportion of young people from priority equity cohorts, who have completed year 12 or equivalent or gained a qualification at the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate III or above. All students are engaged in their schooling. Increase the proportion of students attending school 90 per cent or more of the time, including students from priority equity cohorts Students gain the skills they need to transition to further study and/or work and life success. Increase the proportion of young people who have completed year 12 or equivalent or gained a ...