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  • Preliminaries Where prices are submitted by the contractor or nominated/selected sub contractor during the progress of the works in respect of contract instructions or in regard to a claim under the terms of the contract and notwithstanding the fact that such prices may be used in an interim payment certificate, there is to be no presumption of acceptance. Should the principal agent wish to accept any such prices prior to the issue of the final certificate, it will be in writing. Clause 31.9 is amended as follows: Payment shall be subject to the Employer giving the Contractor a Tax Invoice for the amount due. The Employer undertakes to ensure compliance with the administrative requirements of Sections 20 (2) and 21 (4) of the Value Added Tax Act (Act 89 of 1991). The Contractor agrees to the adoption of the self invoicing procedures and undertakes not to issue any tax invoices, debit or credit notes in respect of any transaction included in the Tax Invoices issued by the Employer. The above clauses shall constitute a written agreement between the parties as required in terms of the Value Added Tax Act (Act 89 of 1991).' 30 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Adjustment to the contract value (Clause 32). 31 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Recovery of expense and loss (Clause 33). 32 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Final account and final payment (Clause 34). 33 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Payment to other parties (Clause 35). 34 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Carried to Collection R Section 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries R CANCELLATION Cancellation by Employer - Contractor's default (Clause 36). 35 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Cancellation by Employer - Loss and damage (Clause 37). 36 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Cancellation by Contractor - Employer's default (Clause 38). 37 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Cancellation - Cessation of the works (Clause 39). 38 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item DISPUTE Dispute Settlement (Clause 40) 39 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item SUBSTITUTE PROVISIONS State Clauses (Clause 41) 40 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item CONTRACT VARIABLES The Schedule: Pre-Tender information (Clause 42). 41 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Carried to Collection Section 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries

  • Specific Preliminaries C1. Proprietary branded products The contractor shall take delivery of, handle, store, use, apply and/or fix all proprietary branded products in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions after consultation with the manufacturer's authorised representative. 95 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item C2. Trade Names, etc. All materials, fittings, finishings, etc., specified hereinafter under a trade name, catalogue number or reference, must be exactly as described. The Architect's approval in writing must be obtained for the use of any alternative to the specification before the submission of tenders otherwise the specified materials, fittings, finishings, etc., will be assumed to have been allowed for in the tender. The Contractor must take delivery of, handle, store, use, apply and/or fix all proprietary branded products in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions after consultation with the manufacturer's authorised representative. 96 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item C3. Contractors responsibility The Employer, the Principal Agent and the other professional consultants shall not be responsible for any act or omission on the part of the Contractor which may result in any patent or latent defects, in materials or workmanship, breach or neglect of any local regulations. The Contractor shall at all times be responsible for any such neglect, deviation or wrong act, whether the same is discovered before or after the final certificate, or any other Certificate, has been approved. 97 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item Carried to Collection R Section 1 Bill No. 1 Preliminaries C4. Overtime Should overtime be required to be worked for any reason whatsoever, the costs of such overtime are to be borne by the contractor unless the principal agent has specifically authorised in writing, prior to the execution thereof, that costs for such overtime are to be borne by the employer. 98 F: ……….… V: ….……… T: ….……... Item

  • Definiciones DEFINICIONES

  • Preliminary 4. The business of the Company may be commenced at any time after incorporation.

  • Preliminary Engineering In order to receive City review and approval of the Extensions, Developer shall furnish two (2) copies of the plat map, topographic map and proposed roads profile sheets in electronic format prior to the City’s ordering of the engineering plans from its Engineer. The contour elevation and road profile elevations shall be referenced to NAVD ‘88 datum. In the event Developer’s engineer prepares the construction plans and specifications, the above information shall be a part of the extension construction plans to be reviewed and approved by the City’s Engineer. The final plat map shall be to the scale of 1-inch = 20 feet. The contour map shall have a scale of 1-inch = 20 feet and contour intervals of two (2) feet or less. The road profile sheets shall be to the scale of 1-inch = 20 feet. Developer shall provide a minimum of one benchmark, datum being NAVD ‘88, on the project site; and the elevation and location of the benchmark shall be indicated on the maps furnished by Developer.

  • Usos permitidos y restricciones de la Licencia A. Licencia. De acuerdo con los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia y según lo permitido en las “Normas de uso del producto App Store” establecidas en los Términos y Condiciones de App Store (xxxx:// (“Normas de uso”) —a menos que haya obtenido el Software Apple como se describe en la sección 2B—, se le concede una licencia limitada, no transferible ni exclusiva para instalar y usar el Software Apple en cualquier dispositivo iOS de marca Apple compatible que posea o gestione. Se prohíbe distribuir o poner el Software Apple disponible a través de una red donde pueda ser utilizado simultáneamente por varios dispositivos. Usted no puede alquilar, arrendar, prestar, vender, redistribuir ni sublicenciar el Software Apple.

  • Preliminary Evaluation Site evaluation and planning functions should proceed concurrently with the accomplishment of Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents. The Design Professional shall conduct a preliminary review of the site based on information furnished by the Owner. The Design Professional will advise the Owner of potential site-related problems that the Design Professional notes from such review.

  • Trasferimento Non è consentito dare in locazione, in leasing, in prestito o in sublicenza il Software Apple. Tuttavia, è consentito trasferire in maniera permanente la totalità dei diritti relativi al Software Apple ad un'altra parte, a condizione che: (a) il trasferimento riguardi la totalità del Software Apple, inclusi tutti i componenti, i supporti originali, il materiale stampato e la presente Licenza; (b) non venga conservata nessuna copia totale x xxxxxxxx del Software Apple, nemmeno su computer o altro dispositivo atto alla memorizzazione di dati; e (c) la parte ricevente il Software Apple legga e accetti i termini e le condizioni della presente Licenza. Tutti i componenti del Software Apple sono forniti come parte di un pacchetto e potrebbero non essere separati da questo e distribuiti come applicazioni standalone. Aggiornamenti: se un aggiornamento del Software Apple sostituisce completamente (con installazione completa) una versione precedentemente concessa in licenza del Software Apple, non è consentito l'utilizzo contemporaneo di entrambe le versioni del Software Apple e non possono essere trasferite separatamente. Copie NFR (rivendita non concessa): nonostante quanto espresso nelle altre sezioni di questa Licenza, il Software Apple contraddistinto come promozionale o altrimenti fornito su base promozionale può essere utilizzato solo a scopo dimostrativo, di test e di valutazione, e non può essere rivenduto o ceduto.

  • Anerkennung der Rechte Dritter A. Apple stellt möglicherweise bestimmte Komponenten der Apple-Software und in der Apple-Software enthaltene Open-Source-Programme von Drittanbietern auf seiner Open-Source-Website (https:// („Open-Source-Komponenten“) zur Verfügung. Die Anerkennungen, Lizenzbestimmungen und Schadensersatzregelungen für diese Komponenten sind in der elektronischen Dokumentation für die Apple-Software enthalten. Ziehe bitte die elektronische Dokumentation zurate, da dir möglicherweise zusätzliche Rechte an den Open-Source-Komponenten der Apple-Software zustehen. Du erklärst dich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, dass im Falle eines aus der Änderung der Open-Source-Komponenten der Apple-Software resultierenden Ausfalls oder Schadens der Apple- Hardware dieser Ausfall oder Schaden von den Bestimmungen der Apple-Hardwaregarantie ausgeschlossen wird.

  • Definice „Důvěrné informace“ budou vykládány jako informace důvěrné a majetkové povahy náležející Zadavateli, přičemž budou zahrnovat (i) veškeré informace, jež byly Zdravotnickému zařízení, Zkoušejícímu či kterémukoli členu personálu Zdravotnického zařízení, poskytnuty, odhaleny, zpřístupněny či sděleny Zadavatelem či jeho jménem, zejména včetně informací o Hodnoceném léčivu, technických informací vztahujících se k Hodnocenému léčivu, veškeré Existující duševní vlastnictví (ve smyslu definice uvedené v Článku 4) Zadavatele, a Protokol; a (ii) informace vztahující se k procesu zařazování do Studie, informace vztahující se k aktuálnímu stavu Studie, komunikace vůči a od regulatorních úřadů, informace vztahující se k aktuálnímu stavu Hodnoceného léčiva na regulatorní úrovni a Studijních dat a údajů, a xxxx k Objevům (ve smyslu definice uvedené v Článku 4). Pojem Důvěrné informace nezahrnuje informace, ve vztahu ke kterým: na základě příslušné dokumentace lze prokázat, že byly veřejně známé před okamžikem či po okamžiku jejich odhalení, zpřístupnění či sdělení ze strany Zadavatele, aniž by xxx xxxxx k jakémukoli protiprávnímu jednání či opominutí přičitatelnému Zkoušejícímu, Zdravotnickému zařízení či jakémukoli jejich zaměstnanci; na základě příslušné dokumentace lze prokázat, že byly v dispozici Zkoušejícího, Zdravotnického zařízení či jakéhokoli zaměstnance před jejich zveřejněním, sdělením či zpřístupněním ze strany Zadavatele, a byly získány ze zdrojů odlišných od Zadavatele, přičemž tyto nebyly vázány povinností důvěrnosti vůči Zadavateli; na základě příslušné dokumentace lze prokázat, že byly vyvinuty nezávisle Zkoušejícím, Zdravotnickým zařízením či jakýmkoli jejich zaměstnancem; nebo jejich odhalení, zpřístupnění či sdělení lze provést na základě písemného svolení Zadavatele.

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