Verizon OSS Services 8.2.1 Upon request by ECI, Verizon shall provide to ECI Verizon OSS Services. Such Verizon OSS Services will be provided in accordance with, but only to the extent required by, Applicable Law. 8.2.2 Subject to the requirements of Applicable Law, Verizon Operations Support Systems, Verizon Operations Support Systems functions, Verizon OSS Facilities, Verizon OSS Information, and the Verizon OSS Services that will be offered by Verizon, shall be as determined by Verizon. Subject to the requirements of Applicable Law, Verizon shall have the right to change Verizon Operations Support Systems, Verizon Operations Support Systems functions, Verizon OSS Facilities, Verizon OSS Information, and the Verizon OSS Services, from time-to-time, without the consent of ECI. 8.2.3 To the extent required by Applicable Law, in providing Verizon OSS Services to ECI, Verizon will comply with Verizon’s applicable OSS Change Management Guidelines, as such Guidelines are modified from time-to-time, including, but not limited to, the provisions of the Guidelines related to furnishing notice of changes in Verizon OSS Services. Verizon’s OSS Change Management Guidelines will be set out on a Verizon website.
Online Services Microsoft warrants that each Online Service will perform in accordance with the applicable SLA during Customer’s use. Customer’s remedies for breach of this warranty are described in the SLA.
Loop Provisioning Involving Integrated Digital Loop Carriers 2.6.1 Where Xxxx has requested an Unbundled Loop and BellSouth uses IDLC systems to provide the local service to the End User and BellSouth has a suitable alternate facility available, BellSouth will make such alternative facilities available to Xxxx. If a suitable alternative facility is not available, then to the extent it is technically feasible, BellSouth will implement one of the following alternative arrangements for Xxxx (e.g. hairpinning): 1. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to any spare copper that exists to the customer premises. 2. Roll the circuit(s) from the IDLC to an existing DLC that is not integrated. 3. If capacity exists, provide "side-door" porting through the switch. 4. If capacity exists, provide "Digital Access Cross Connect System (DACS)- door" porting (if the IDLC routes through a DACS prior to integration into the switch). 2.6.2 Arrangements 3 and 4 above require the use of a designed circuit. Therefore, non- designed Loops such as the SL1 voice grade and UCL-ND may not be ordered in these cases. 2.6.3 If no alternate facility is available, and upon request from Xxxx, and if agreed to by both Parties, BellSouth may utilize its Special Construction (SC) process to determine the additional costs required to provision facilities. Xxxx will then have the option of paying the one-time SC rates to place the Loop.
Originating Switched Access Detail Usage Data A category 1101XX record as defined in the EMI Telcordia Practice BR-010-200- 010.
NON-NETWORK PROVIDER is a provider that has not entered into a contract with us or any other Blue Cross and Blue Shield plan. For pediatric dental care services, non-network provider is a dentist that has not entered into a contract with us or does not participate in the Dental Coast to Coast Network. For pediatric vision hardware services, a non-network provider is a provider that has not entered into a contract with EyeMed, our vision care service manager.
Beta Services From time to time, We may invite You to try Beta Services at no charge. You may accept or decline any such trial in Your sole discretion. Beta Services will be clearly designated as beta, pilot, limited release, developer preview, non-production, evaluation or by a description of similar import. Beta Services are for evaluation purposes and not for production use, are not considered “Services” under this Agreement, are not supported, and may be subject to additional terms. Unless otherwise stated, any Beta Services trial period will expire upon the earlier of one year from the trial start date or the date that a version of the Beta Services becomes generally available. We may discontinue Beta Services at any time in Our sole discretion and may never make them generally available. We will have no liability for any harm or damage arising out of or in connection with a Beta Service.
Telemedicine Services This plan covers clinically appropriate telemedicine services when the service is provided via remote access through an on-line service or other interactive audio and video telecommunications system in accordance with R.I. General Law § 27-81-1. Clinically appropriate telemedicine services may be obtained from a network or non- network provider, and from our designated telemedicine service provider. When you seek telemedicine services from our designated telemedicine service provider, the amount you pay is listed in the Summary of Medical Benefits. When you receive a covered healthcare service from a network or non-network provider via remote access, the amount you pay depends on the covered healthcare service you receive, as indicated in the Summary of Medical Benefits. For information about telemedicine services, our designated telemedicine service provider, and how to access telemedicine services, please visit our website or contact our Customer Service Department.
Statewide HUB Program Statewide Procurement Division Note: In order for State agencies and institutions of higher education (universities) to be credited for utilizing this business as a HUB, they must award payment under the Certificate/VID Number identified above. Agencies, universities and prime contractors are encouraged to verify the company’s HUB certification prior to issuing a notice of award by accessing the Internet (xxxxx:// or by contacting
Interface A defined set of transmission facilities that separate Load Zones and that separate the NYCA from adjacent Control Areas. Investor-Owned Transmission Owners. A Transmission Owner that is owned by private investors. At the present time these include: Central Xxxxxx Gas & Electric Corporation, Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., New York State Electric & Gas Corporation, Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc., and Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation.
Network Interconnection Architecture Each Party will plan, design, construct and maintain the facilities within their respective systems as are necessary and proper for the provision of traffic covered by this Agreement. These facilities include but are not limited to, a sufficient number of trunks to the point of interconnection with the tandem company, and sufficient interoffice and interexchange facilities and trunks between its own central offices to adequately handle traffic between all central offices within the service areas at a P.01 grade of service or better. The provisioning and engineering of such services and facilities will comply with generally accepted industry methods and practices, and will observe the rules and regulations of the lawfully established tariffs applicable to the services provided.