Unit Prices If unit prices are stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon, and if the quantities originally contemplated are so changed in a Change Order that application of the agreed unit prices to the quantities of work proposed will cause substantial inequity to the Owner or the Contractor, the applicable unit prices shall be equitably adjusted as provided in the Special Conditions or as agreed to by the parties and incorporated into the Change Order.
Product Prices Product prices and validity of product prices are stated in the Offer and/or in the Individual Agreement.
Price Schedule, Payment Terms and Billing, and Price Adjustments (a) Price Schedule: Price Schedule under this Contract is set forth in Exhibit B.
Price Adjustments for OGS Centralized Contracts Periodic price adjustments will occur no more than twice per year on a schedule to be established solely by OGS. Pricing offered shall be fixed for the first twelve (12) months of the Contract term. Such price increases will only apply to the OGS Centralized Contracts and shall not be applied retroactively to Authorized User Agreements or any Mini-bids already submitted to an Authorized User. Price decreases may be made at any time. Additionally, some price decreases shall be calculated in accordance with Appendix B, section 17, Pricing.
Supply Price The Initial Term “Supply Price” for the “Monthly Fixed Price Volume” set forth on Exhibit A shall be $[______]/MWh for the first [***] years of the Initial Term, and thereafter shall be the then-current market price as mutually agreed by Customer and Supplier prior to the end of the [***] year. The Extension Term Supply Price, if any, will be the then-current market price as mutually agreed by Customer and Supplier prior to entering into the Extension Term. Supplier and Customer may agree to fix the Supply Price for one or more periods during the Term that individually and in total are shorter than the full Term. Exhibit A sets forth the hourly delivery volume for which the Energy Price will be fixed during each month of the Term to take into account the phase-in of the facility which is expected to progress at a rate of approximately [***]MW per month (the “Monthly Fixed Price Volume”). Supplier represents that Supplier has used commercially reasonable efforts to set such Supply Price at approximately [***]% discount to the forward price at which Supplier xxxxxx its delivery obligations under this Transaction Confirmation with respect to any financial or physical energy supply arrangement intended to cover the Monthly Fixed Price Volume, the settlement index (ERCOT North Load Zone), and this Transaction Confirmation term. The [***]% discount shall be revised to take into account any physical or software limitations originating from Customer and limiting Supplier’s ability to curtail 100% of the load at the Data Center. Exhibit A also sets forth the minimum load that Customer has designated as not subject to economic curtailment (“Non-Curtailable Load”), which represents, among other things, the Motor Control Center (MCC), and other essential server and administrative load. Customer and Supplier can, in the context of the immediately preceding sentence, agree on a lesser than [***]% discount with respect to the Supply Price to account for Supplier’s incremental cost of providing a fixed Supply Price for Non-Curtailable Load.
Price Adjustments 17.1 Prices for Goods/Services supplied in terms of this Agreement shall be subject to review as indicated in the Schedule of Requirements/Works Order annexed hereto. 17.2 No less than 2 [two] months prior to any proposed Price adjustment, the Parties shall commence negotiations for Prices for the next period or as otherwise indicated in Schedule 1 hereto. The Parties shall have regard for market-related pricing of equivalent goods, continuous improvement initiatives, costs [including labour, raw materials and transport/delivery], order size and frequency and changes to the specification of the Goods/Services. 17.3 Pursuant to clause 17.2 above, the Supplier/Service Provider shall keep full and accurate records of all costs associated with the supply of the Goods/Services to Transnet, in a form to be approved in writing by Transnet. The Supplier/Service Provider shall produce such records to Transnet for inspection at all reasonable times on request and such records may, at Transnet's option, be audited by Transnet or its designated representatives. 17.4 Should Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider fail to reach an agreement on Price for the successive period, either Party shall be entitled to submit this matter to dispute resolution in accordance with clause 32 of the Master Agreement [Dispute Resolution]. 17.5 If during the period of this Agreement Transnet can purchase similar Goods/Services of a like quality from another supplier at a total delivered cost to a Transnet facility that is lower than the total delivered cost of the Goods/Services purchased hereunder from the Supplier/Service Provider, Transnet may notify the Supplier/Service Provider of such total delivered cost and the Supplier/Service Provider shall have an opportunity to adjust the Price of the Goods/Services purchased hereunder, on such a basis as to result in the same total delivered cost to Transnet, within 30 [thirty] calendar days of such notice. If the Supplier/Service Provider fails to do so or cannot legally do so, Transnet may (i) purchase the Goods/Services from such other supplier in which case the obligations, including, but not limited to, any purchase and sale requirements and/or commitments, if any, of Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider hereunder shall be reduced accordingly; (ii) terminate this Agreement without any penalty, liability or further obligation; or (iii) continue purchases under this Agreement. 17.6 If during the period of this Agreement the Supplier/Service Provider sells any materials which are the same as, equivalent to, or substantially similar to the Goods/Services herein, at a total delivered cost to a third party lower than the total delivered cost to a Transnet facility, then the Supplier/Service Provider has an opportunity to adjust its Price for the Goods/Services purchased hereunder within 30 [thirty] calendar days so that the Price is the same or lower than the total delivered cost of such third party. If the Supplier/Service Provider fails to do so or cannot legally do so, Transnet may (i) purchase the Goods/Services from any other such supplier, in which case the obligations, including, but not limited to, any purchase and sale requirements and/or commitments, if any, of Transnet and the Supplier/Service Provider hereunder shall be reduced accordingly; or
The Price The buyer may wish to apportion the purchase price among the assets first, for tax purposes; and second, so that if by chance some item is not available on completion, there is some yardstick for a claim. In most cases however, the basis for ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . For various tax purposes it may be important to specify ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Minimum Customer Support Requirements for TIPS Sales Vendor shall provide timely and commercially reasonable support for TIPS Sales or as agreed to in the applicable Supplemental Agreement.
Product Price Termination under any of the above paragraphs shall not result in any change to unit prices for Products not terminated.
Minimum Shipping Requirements for TIPS Sales Vendor shall ship, deliver, or provide ordered goods and services within a commercially reasonable time after acceptance of the order. If a delay in delivery is anticipated, Vendor shall notify the TIPS Member as to why delivery is delayed and provide an updated estimated time for completion. The TIPS Member may cancel the order if the delay is not commercially acceptable or not consistent with the Supplemental Agreement applicable to the order.