BEAR PROGRAM REPORTS AND REVIEW. At least semi-annually, and more often if so requested by the DMC, but not more frequently than quarterly, BioStar shall prepare a report summarizing all results, developments, and Technical Information created or resulting from its activities under the BEAR Program. Upon request by the DMC or Asahi, all Technical Information generated or developed by BioStar pursuant to the BEAR Program will be provided to the DMC and Asahi. The DMC will review the results of the BEAR Program at the end of each milestone period as set forth in Exhibit A and will propose appropriate changes to the BEAR Program based upon such results. Any such approved changes to the general plan for the BEAR Program shall be attached as amendments to Exhibit A hereto.
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  • Shareholder Records, Reports and Services (1) The Transfer Agent shall maintain all shareholder accounts, which shall contain all required tax, legally imposed and regulatory information; shall provide shareholders, and file with federal and state agencies, all required tax and other reports pertaining to shareholder accounts; shall prepare shareholder mailing lists; shall cause to be printed and mailed all required prospectuses, annual reports, semiannual reports, statements of additional information (upon request), proxies and other mailings to shareholders; and shall cause proxies to be tabulated.

  • Reports and Records The Custodian shall:

  • Development Reports Beginning six months after Effective Date and ending on the date of first commercial sale of a Licensed Product in the United States, LICENSEE shall report to Cornell progress covering LICENSEE's (and Affiliate's and Sublicensee's) activities and efforts in the development of rights granted to LICENSEE under this Agreement for the preceding six months. The report shall include, but not be limited to, activities and efforts to develop and test all Licensed Products and obtain governmental approvals necessary for marketing the same. Such semi-annual reports shall be due within sixty days (60) of the reporting period and shall use the form as provided herein as Appendix C.

  • Special Reports and Services (i) Ultimus may provide additional special reports upon the request of the Trust or a Portfolio's investment adviser, which may result in an additional charge, the amount of which shall be agreed upon between the parties.

  • Periodic Review of Compliance Policies and Procedures During the Term, Transfer Agent shall periodically assess its compliance policies and procedures (the “Policies”). Transfer Agent shall provide, (i) no less frequently than annually, electronic access to its Policies to the chief compliance officer of the Fund (the “Chief Compliance Officer”), and/or any individual designated by the Fund or such Chief Compliance Officer, including but not limited to members of the internal compliance and audit departments of Federated Investors, Inc., and any advisory board constituted by the Fund provided that the Transfer Agent may reasonably require any members of such advisory board that are not employees of the Fund or its Affiliates to execute a confidentiality agreement with respect to such information; (ii) at such reasonable times as he or she shall request, access by such Chief Compliance Officer to such individuals as may be necessary for the Chief Compliance Officer to conduct an annual review of the operation of such Policies for purposes of making his or her annual report to the Board of the Fund (the “Annual Report”), (iii) promptly upon enactment, notification of, and a copy of, any material change in such Policies, and (iv) promptly upon request, such other information as may be reasonably requested by such Chief Compliance Officer for purposes of making such Annual Report.

  • REPORTS AND ACCESS The Advisor agrees to supply such information to the Fund's administrator and to permit such compliance inspections by the Fund's administrator as shall be reasonably necessary to permit the administrator to satisfy its obligations and respond to the reasonable requests of the Trustees.

  • Commercialization Reports After the First Commercial Sale of a Licensed Product anywhere in the Territory, LICENSEE shall submit to Cornell semi-annual reports on or before each February 28 and August 31 of each year. Each report shall cover LICENSEE’s (and each Affiliate’s and Sublicensee’s) most recently completed calendar half-year and shall show:

  • Reliance upon Books, Reports and Records Each director, each member of any committee designated by the Board of Directors, and each officer of the Corporation shall, in the performance of his or her duties, be fully protected in relying in good faith upon the books of account or other records of the Corporation and upon such information, opinions, reports or statements presented to the Corporation by any of its officers or employees, or committees of the Board of Directors so designated, or by any other person as to matters which such director or committee member reasonably believes are within such other person’s professional or expert competence and who has been selected with reasonable care by or on behalf of the Corporation.

  • Sub-Advisor Compliance Policies and Procedures The Sub-Advisor shall promptly provide the Trust CCO with copies of: (i) the Sub-Advisor’s policies and procedures for compliance by the Sub-Advisor with the Federal Securities Laws (together, the “Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures”), and (ii) any material changes to the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures. The Sub-Advisor shall cooperate fully with the Trust CCO so as to facilitate the Trust CCO’s performance of the Trust CCO’s responsibilities under Rule 38a-1 to review, evaluate and report to the Trust’s Board of Trustees on the operation of the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures, and shall promptly report to the Trust CCO any Material Compliance Matter arising under the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures involving the Sub-Advisor Assets. The Sub-Advisor shall provide to the Trust CCO: (i) quarterly reports confirming the Sub-Advisor’s compliance with the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures in managing the Sub-Advisor Assets, and (ii) certifications that there were no Material Compliance Matters involving the Sub-Advisor that arose under the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures that affected the Sub-Advisor Assets. At least annually, the Sub-Advisor shall provide a certification to the Trust CCO to the effect that the Sub-Advisor has in place and has implemented policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure compliance by the Sub-Advisor with the Federal Securities Laws.

  • Commission Reports and Reports to Holders If, at any time, the Company is not subject to the reporting requirements of Sections 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act to file any periodic reports with the Commission, the Company agrees to furnish to the Holders of Notes and the Trustee for the period of time during which the Notes are Outstanding: (i) within 90 days after the end of the each fiscal year of the Company (which fiscal year ends on December 31), audited annual consolidated financial statements of the Company and (ii) within 45 days after the end of each fiscal quarter of the Company (other than the Company’s fourth fiscal quarter), unaudited interim consolidated financial statements of the Company. All such financial statements shall be prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with GAAP.”

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