Binding Arbitration If the Parties are unable to resolve a Dispute through informal negotiations, the Dispute (except those Disputes expressly excluded below) will be finally and exclusively resolved by binding arbitration. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT WITHOUT THIS PROVISION, YOU WOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO SUE IN COURT AND HAVE A JURY TRIAL. The arbitration shall be commenced and conducted under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") and, where appropriate, the AAA’s Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes ("AAA Consumer Rules"), both of which are available at the AAA website Your arbitration fees and your share of arbitrator compensation shall be governed by the AAA Consumer Rules and, where appropriate, limited by the AAA Consumer Rules. [If such costs are determined to by the arbitrator to be excessive, we will pay all arbitration fees and expenses.] The arbitration may be conducted in person, through the submission of documents, by phone, or online. The arbitrator will make a decision in writing, but need not provide a statement of reasons unless requested by either Party. The arbitrator must follow applicable law, and any award may be challenged if the arbitrator fails to do so. Except where otherwise required by the applicable AAA rules or applicable law, the arbitration will take place in [name of county] County, [name of state]. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Parties may litigate in court to compel arbitration, stay proceedings pending arbitration, or to confirm, modify, vacate, or enter judgment on the award entered by the arbitrator. If for any reason, a Dispute proceeds in court rather than arbitration, the Dispute shall be commenced or prosecuted in the state and federal courts located in [name of county] County, [name of state], and the Parties hereby consent to, and waive all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction, and forum non conveniens with respect to venue and jurisdiction in such state and federal courts. Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the the Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act (UCITA) are excluded from these Terms and Conditions. In no event shall any Dispute brought by either Party related in any way to the Site be commenced more than years after the cause of action arose. If this provision is found to be illegal or unenforceable, then neither Party will elect to arbitrate any Dispute falling within that portion of this provision found to be illegal or unenforceable and such Dispute shall be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction within the courts listed for jurisdiction above, and the Parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of that court.
Selection of Arbitrator Upon the proper submission of a grievance under the terms of this procedure, the parties shall, within ten (10) days after the request to arbitrate, attempt to agree upon the selection of an arbitrator. If no agreement on an arbitrator is reached, either party may request the BMS to appoint an arbitrator, pursuant to PELRA, providing such request is made within twenty (20) days after request for arbitration. The request shall ask that the appointment be made within thirty (30) days after the receipt of said request. Failure to request an arbitrator from the BMS within the time periods provided herein shall constitute a waiver of the grievance.
Selection of Arbitrators 1. Unless the disputing parties otherwise agree, the tribunal shall comprise three arbitrators: (a) one arbitrator appointed by each of the disputing parties; and (b) the third arbitrator, who shall be the presiding arbitrator, appointed by agreement of the disputing parties. The third arbitrator shall be a national of a non-Member State which has diplomatic relations with the disputing Member State and non-disputing Member State, and shall not have permanent residence in either the disputing Member State or non- disputing Member State. 2. Any person appointed as an arbitrator shall have expertise or experience in public international law, international trade or international investment rules. An arbitrator shall be chosen strictly on the basis of objectivity, reliability, sound judgment and independence and shall conduct himself or herself on the same basis throughout the course of the arbitral proceedings. 3. Subject to Article 36 (Conduct of the Arbitration), if a tribunal has not been constituted within 75 days from the date that a claim is submitted to arbitration under this Section, the Appointing Authority, on the request of a disputing party, shall appoint, in his or her discretion, the arbitrator or arbitrators who have not been appointed. 4. The tribunal shall reach its decisions by a majority of votes and its decisions shall be binding. 5. The parties to the dispute shall bear the cost of their respective arbitrators to the tribunal and share equally the cost of the presiding arbitrator and other relevant costs. In all other respects, the tribunal shall determine its own procedures. 6. The disputing parties may establish rules relating to expenses incurred by the tribunal, including remuneration of the arbitrators. 7. Where any arbitrator appointed as provided for in this Article resigns or becomes unable to act, a successor shall be appointed in the same manner as prescribed for the appointment of the original arbitrator and the successor shall have all the powers and duties of the original arbitrator.
Initiation of Arbitration Pursuant to Section 110 of the Arbitration Act, the parties agree that a party may initiate Arbitration by giving written notice to the other party (“Arbitration Notice”) in the same manner that notice is permitted under Section 9.13 of the Agreement; provided, however, that the Arbitration Notice may not be given by email or fax. Arbitration will be deemed initiated as of the date that the Arbitration Notice is deemed delivered to such other party under Section 9.13 of the Agreement (the “Service Date”). After the Service Date, information may be delivered, and notices may be given, by email or fax pursuant to Section 9.13 of the Agreement or any other method permitted thereunder. The Arbitration Notice must describe the nature of the controversy, the remedies sought, and the election to commence Arbitration proceedings. All Claims in the Arbitration Notice must be pleaded consistent with the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
Mandatory Binding Arbitration The Parties agree to submit to binding arbitration any claims that they may have against each other, of any nature whatsoever, other than those prohibited by law, pursuant to the New Mexico Uniform Arbitration Act, and hereby waive any rights to file suit in a court of law on any such claims.
Decision of Arbitrator The decision of the Arbitrator will be final, binding and enforceable on the parties. The Arbitrator will have the power to dispose of a dismissal, discharge or discipline grievance by any arrangement which they deem just and equitable. However, the Arbitrator will not have the power to change this agreement or to alter, modify or amend any of its provisions.
Location of Arbitration The arbitration shall take place in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and the arbitrator shall issue any award at the place of arbitration. The arbitrator may conduct hearings and meetings at any other place agreeable to the parties or, upon the motion of a party, determined by the arbitrator as necessary to obtain significant testimony or evidence.
BINDING ARBITRATION PROHIBITED The State of Colorado does not agree to binding arbitration by any extra-judicial body or person. Any provision to the contrary in this contact or incorporated herein by reference shall be null and void.
Notice of Arbitration If a Person asserts that there exists a Dispute, then such Person (the “Disputing Person”) will give each other Person involved in such Dispute a written notice setting forth the nature of the asserted Dispute. If all such Persons do not resolve any such asserted Dispute prior to the 10th business day after such notice is given, then any of them may commence arbitration pursuant to this Paragraph 19 by giving each other Person involved in such Dispute a written notice to that effect (an “Arbitration Notice”), setting forth any matters which are required to be set forth therein in accordance with the AAA Rules.
Mediation/Arbitration (a) All disputes, claims or controversies arising out of or relating to this Agreement (collectively, “Disputes”) shall be submitted to non-binding mediation by either party to an impartial mediator, as agreed to by the parties, and appointed through JAMS in San Francisco, California, for a good faith effort at resolution. The mediator shall review the Dispute within thirty (30) days of submission or at such other time provided the parties so agree. Any mediation fee shall be paid equally among the parties. Any Dispute which is not resolved through such mandatory mediation shall be settled by final and binding arbitration before a single neutral arbitrator of JAMS in accordance with the then current Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association in San Francisco, California. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court in California. In the event that any Dispute between Indemnitee and the Corporation should result in arbitration, the prevailing party in the Dispute shall be entitled to recover from the other party all reasonable fees, costs and expenses of enforcing any right of the prevailing party, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, experts’ fees, and expenses. Each party agrees that the Dispute as mediated and/or arbitrated and the final resolution of such Dispute shall be considered to be confidential information, and shall be kept confidential by each party. (b) Indemnitee specifically acknowledges and understands that by agreeing to this provision, Indemnitee is waiving all rights to have his or her claims brought, investigated, and/or adjudicated by an administrative agency, or heard before a judge or jury. Indemnitee also understands that Indemnitee’s rights to discovery may be lesser or narrower in arbitration, that there may be fees and costs associated with mediation and/or arbitration that Indemnitee may not otherwise have, and that Indemnitee is waiving substantial time that Indemnitee might otherwise have to make a claim, prepare his or her case, or investigate his or her claims. The claims include claims of any kind relating to Indemnitee’s relationship with the Corporation, including claims relating to compensation, discrimination, any benefits, status as an officer, director or Agent of the Corporation, conflict of interest, or any other claim or dispute relating to or arising out of Indemnitee’s relationship with the Corporation. The underlying Disputes shall be fully and finally resolved through arbitration, including any right to permanent injunctive relief.