The Grievance Sample Clauses

The Grievance and Appeals Manager shall ensure the Contractor has appropriate representation and/or provides adequate documentation in the event that a member appeals to the State.
The Grievance. (i) relates to a selection for promotion decision and the position concerned has a maximum salary that is no greater than that prescribed for an ASA6 in the collective agreement covering employees employed by Airservices in that classification at that time; and (ii) is that the decision was not determined by a proper assessment of the relative efficiency of the employee lodging the grievance and the successful employee. (For the purposes of the determination of a grievance of the kind referred to in clause 16(b), the question of the relative efficiency of employees shall be regarded by the EGB as entailing an assessment of the relative abilities, qualifications, experience, standard of work performance and personal qualities of the relevant candidates in relation to the position concerned.)
The Grievance. Arbitration Board may quash or confirm any action taken by either party and may vary any action taken by either party, but shall not impose an action contrary to the agreement nor alter the agreement.
The Grievance. (a) Form (b) Content
The Grievance. Arbitration Board shall hear and determine the difference and shall issue an award in writing and the decision is final and binding upon the parties and upon any member affected by it. The decision of a majority is the award of the Grievance Arbitration Board, but if there is no majority, the decision of the Chairman governs, and it shall be deemed to be the award of the Board.
The Grievance. (i) relates to a selection for promotion decision and the position concerned has a maximum salary that is no greater than that prescribed for SY TTCU; and (ii) is that the decision was not determined by a proper assessment of the relative efficiency of the employee lodging the grievance and the successful employee.
The Grievance. All grievances to be processed under this Article 4 shall be presented in writing. The grievance shall state: the name of the grievant; the Article and Section of the Agreement alleged to have been violated; the date of the occurrence which gave rise to the grievance; and, a description of the occurrence. The grievance shall be signed by the grievant or their representative, dated and present to the grievant’s immediate supervisor.
The Grievance. Election of an alternative course of action or remedy prior to the submission of a grievance at this stage shall be considered to be a waiver of the right of an employee to thereafter seek recourse by means of the grievance procedure. (ii) Within fifteen (15) school days after such written notice of submission to arbitration, the Board of Education will select an arbitrator competent in the area of grievance and will obtain a commitment from said arbitrator to serve. (iii) The parties further agree to accept the arbitrator’s decision as final and binding upon them so long as the decision does not imply any obligation which is not specifically set forth in this Agreement or requires the commission of an act prohibited by law, regulation, directive, or other obligation binding upon the Board. (iv) Costs of the services of the arbitrator will be borne equally by the Board of Education and the grievant.
The Grievance. 16. The grievance in this case was filed by the local Union, Okanagan-Skaha Teachers' Union. It relates to disputes about class size and composition for the current school year, 2010-2011, within the Okanagan Skaha school district. Thirty-four classes are disputed in the grievance. 17. Other local Unions in other school districts have or will also be filing their own grievances about class size and composition. This is the result of a change within the B.C. Teachers' Federation that future grievances on this issue will be made at the local level. Previously, disputes over class size and composition were considered provincial matters. Local grievances are a significant change from the provincial approach that resulted in the provincial and representational process and the Merits Award. 18. The background to the grievance in this case was explained by Xx. Xxx, the President of the Okanagan Skaha Teachers' Union. Beginning in 2002 the members of his local have had a growing sense of frustration about the issue of class size and composition. There was some hope after the 2006 amendments to the School Act but Xx. Xxx testified that the current view is that the legislation is "completely flawed" and it does "not protect workloads, students or the educational environment". He was critical of release days as set out in the Merits Award because "getting a release day, one or two years later, has no benefit to workload" issues. He testified that in his school district there are a number of disputed classes from the 2006-2007, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 school years that have not been resolved by arbitration. There are no outstanding class disputes for the 2007-2008 school year in this district. Another problem, described by Xx. Xxx, is that the current situation creates conflicts between teachers. A February 2011 article written by Xx. Xxx for the local Union's newsletter described an example of colleague-to-colleague conflict as "When colleagues become frustrated that some teachers "accept" huge classes/overages …". 19. Xx. Xxx described "the basic cause" of the class size/composition disputes as being that "freely negotiated language [in the pre-2002 collective agreement about class sizes] was ripped out of the collective agreement". The faith of teachers in the system is "tenuous at best" because "they see nothing in the way of corrective measures" when there are disagreements over class sizes. This has now developed into frustration with the local union because the...
The Grievance. The grievance shall be: