Board of Governors. 1. Each ESM Member shall appoint a Governor and an alternate Governor. Such appointments are revocable at any time. The Governor shall be a member of the government of that ESM Member who has responsibility for finance. The alternate Governor shall have full power to act on behalf of the Governor when the latter is not present. 2. The Board of Governors shall decide either to be chaired by the President of the Euro Group, as referred to in Protocol (No 14) on the Euro Group annexed to the Treaty on the European Union and to the TFEU or to elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from among its members for a term of two years. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson may be re-elected. A new election shall be organised without delay if the incumbent no longer holds the function needed for being designated Governor. 3. The Member of the European Commission in charge of economic and monetary affairs and the President of the ECB, as well as the President of the Euro Group (if he or she is not the Chairperson or a Governor) may participate in the meetings of the Board of Governors as observers. 4. Representatives of non-euro area Member States participating on an ad hoc basis alongside the ESM in a stability support operation for a euro area Member State shall also be invited to participate, as observers, in the meetings of the Board of Governors when this stability support and its monitoring will be discussed. 5. Other persons, including representatives of institutions or organisations, such as the IMF, may be invited by the Board of Governors to attend meetings as observers on an ad hoc basis. 6. The Board of Governors shall take the following decisions by mutual agreement: (a) to cancel the emergency reserve fund and transfer its content back to the reserve fund and/or paid-in capital, in accordance with Article 4(4); (b) to issue new shares on terms other than at par, in accordance with Article 8(2); (c) to make the capital calls, in accordance with Article 9(1); (d) to change the authorised capital stock and adapt the maximum lending volume of the ESM, in accordance with Article 10(1); (e) to take into account a possible update of the key for the subscription of the ECB capital, in accordance with Article 11(3), and the changes to be made to Annex I in accordance with Article 11(6); (f) to provide stability support by the ESM, including the economic policy conditionality as stated in the memorandum of understanding referred to in Article 13(3), and to establish the choice of instruments and the financial terms and conditions, in accordance with Articles 12 to 18; (g) to give a mandate to the European Commission to negotiate, in liaison with the ECB, the economic policy conditionality attached to each financial assistance, in accordance with Article 13(3); (h) to change the pricing policy and pricing guideline for financial assistance, in accordance with Article 20; (i) to change the list of financial assistance instruments that may be used by the ESM, in accordance with Article 19; (j) to establish the modalities of the transfer of EFSF support to the ESM, in accordance with Article 40; (k) to approve the application for membership of the ESM by new members, referred to in Article 44; (l) to make adaptations to this Treaty as a direct consequence of the accession of new members, including changes to be made to the distribution of capital among ESM Members and the calculation of such a distribution as a direct consequence of the accession of a new member to the ESM, in accordance with Article 44; and (m) to delegate to the Board of Directors the tasks listed in this Article. 7. The Board of Governors shall take the following decisions by qualified majority: (a) to set out the detailed technical terms of accession of a new member to the ESM, in accordance with Article 44; (b) whether to be chaired by the President of the Euro Group or to elect, by qualified majority, the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Governors, in accordance with paragraph 2; (c) to set out by-laws of the ESM and the rules of procedure applicable to the Board of Governors and Board of Directors (including the right to establish committees and subsidiary bodies), in accordance with paragraph 9; (d) to determine the list of activities incompatible with the duties of a Director or an alternate Director, in accordance with Article 6(8); (e) to appoint and to end the term of office of the Managing Director, in accordance with Article 7; (f) to establish other funds, in accordance with Article 24; (g) on the actions to be taken for recovering a debt from an ESM Member, in accordance with Article 25(2) and (3); (h) to approve the annual accounts of the ESM, in accordance with Article 27(1); (i) to appoint the members of the Board of Auditors, in accordance with Article 30(1); (j) to approve the external auditors, in accordance with Article 29; (k) to waive the immunity of the Chairperson of the Board of Governors, a Governor, alternate Governor, Director, alternate Director or the Managing Director, in accordance with Article 35(2); (l) to determine the taxation regime applicable to the ESM staff, in accordance with Article 36(5); (m) on a dispute, in accordance with Article 37(2); and (n) any other necessary decision not explicitly provided for by this Treaty. 8. The Chairperson shall convene and preside over the meetings of the Board of Governors. The Vice-Chairperson shall preside over these meetings when the Chairperson is unable to participate. 9. The Board of Governors shall adopt their rules of procedure and the by-laws of the ESM.
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Board of Governors. 1. Each ESM Member shall appoint a Governor and an alternate Governor. Such appointments are revocable at any time. The Governor shall be a member of the government of that ESM Member who has responsibility for finance. The alternate Governor shall have full power to act on behalf of the Governor when the latter is not present.
2. The Board of Governors shall decide either to be chaired by the President of the Euro Group, as referred to in Protocol (No 14) on the Euro Group annexed to the Treaty on the European Union and to the TFEU or to elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from among its members for a term of two years. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson may be re-elected. A new election shall be organised without delay if the incumbent no longer holds the function needed for being designated Governor.
3. The Member of the European Commission in charge of economic and monetary affairs and the President of the ECB, as well as the President of the Euro Group (if he or she is not the Chairperson or a Governor) may participate in the meetings of the Board of Governors as observers.
4. Representatives of non-euro area Member States participating on an ad hoc basis alongside the ESM in a stability support financial assistance operation for a euro area Member State shall also be invited to participate, as observers, in the meetings of the Board of Governors when this stability support financial assistance and its monitoring will be discussed.
5. Other persons, including representatives of institutions or organisations, such as the IMF, may be invited by the Board of Governors to attend meetings as observers on an ad hoc basis.
6. The Board of Governors shall take the following decisions by mutual agreement:
(a) to cancel the emergency reserve fund and transfer its content back to the reserve fund and/or paid-in capital, in accordance with Article 4(4);
(b) to issue new shares on terms other than at par, in accordance with Article 8(2);
(cb) to make the capital calls, in accordance with Article 9(1);
(dc) to change the authorised capital stock and adapt the maximum lending volume of the ESM, in accordance with Article 10(1);
(ed) to take into account a possible update of the key for the subscription of the ECB capital, in accordance with Article 11(3), and the changes to be made to Annex I in accordance with Article 11(6);
(fe) to provide stability support grant financial assistance by the ESM, including the economic policy conditionality as stated in the memorandum of understanding referred to in Article 13(3), and to establish the choice of instruments and the financial terms and conditions, and the choice of instruments, in accordance with Articles 12 to 1815;
(gf) to give a mandate to the European Commission to negotiate, in liaison with the ECB, the economic policy conditionality attached to each financial assistance, in accordance with Article 13(3);
(hg) to change the pricing policy structure and pricing guideline policy for financial assistance, in accordance with Article 2014(4);
(ih) to change the list of financial assistance instruments that may be used by the ESM, in accordance with Article 1916;
(ji) to establish the modalities of the transfer of EFSF support to the ESM, in accordance with Article 4035;
(kj) to approve the application for membership of the ESM by new members, referred to in Article 4439;
(lk) to make adaptations to this Treaty as a direct consequence of the accession of new members, including changes to be made to the distribution of capital among ESM Members and the calculation of such a distribution as a direct consequence of the accession of a new member to the ESM, in accordance with Article 4439; and
(ml) to delegate to the Board of Directors the tasks listed in this Article.
7. The Board of Governors shall take the following decisions by qualified majority:
(a) to set out the detailed technical terms of accession of a new member to the ESM, in accordance with Article 4439;
(b) whether to be chaired by the President of the Euro Group or to elect, by qualified majority, the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Governors, in accordance with paragraph 2;
(c) to set out by-laws of the ESM and the rules of procedure applicable to the Board of Governors and Board of Directors (including the right to establish committees and subsidiary bodies), in accordance with paragraph 9;
(d) to determine the list of activities incompatible with the duties of a Director or an alternate Director, in accordance with Article 6(8);
(e) to appoint and to end the term of office of the Managing Director, in accordance with Article 7;
(f) to establish other funds, in accordance with Article 2420;
(g) on the actions to be taken for recovering a debt from an ESM Member, in accordance with Article 25(221(2) and (3);
(h) to approve the annual accounts of the ESM, in accordance with Article 27(123(1);
(i) to appoint the members of the Board of AuditorsInternal Auditing Board, in accordance with Article 30(1)24;
(j) to approve the external auditors, in accordance with Article 2925;
(k) to waive the immunity of the Chairperson of the Board of Governors, a Governor, alternate Governor, Director, alternate Director or the Managing Director, in accordance with Article 35(230(2);
(l) to determine the taxation regime applicable to the ESM staff, in accordance with Article 36(531(5);
(m) on a dispute, in accordance with Article 37(232(2); and
(n) any other necessary decision not explicitly provided for by this Treaty.
8. The Chairperson shall convene and preside over the meetings of the Board of Governors. The Vice-Chairperson shall preside over these meetings when the Chairperson is unable to participate.
9. The Board of Governors shall adopt their rules of procedure and the by-laws of the ESM.
Appears in 4 contracts
Board of Governors. 1. Each ESM Member shall appoint a Governor and an alternate Governor. Such appointments are revocable at any time. The Governor shall be a member of the government of that ESM Member who has responsibility for finance. The alternate Governor shall have full power to act on behalf of the Governor when the latter is not present.
2. The Board of Governors shall decide either to be chaired by the President of the Euro Group, as referred to in Protocol (No 14) on the Euro Group annexed to the Treaty on the European Union and to the TFEU or to elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from among its members for a term of two years. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson may be re-elected. A new election shall be organised without delay if the incumbent no longer holds the function needed for being designated Governor.
3. The Member of the European Commission in charge of economic and monetary affairs and the President of the ECB, as well as the President of the Euro Group (if he or she is not the Chairperson or a Governor) may participate in the meetings of the Board of Governors as observers.
4. Representatives of non-euro area Member States participating on an ad hoc basis alongside the ESM in a stability support operation for a euro area Member State shall also be invited to participate, as observers, in the meetings of the Board of Governors when this stability support and its monitoring will be discussed. Representatives of Participating Member States participating alongside the ESM in backstop financing for the SRF shall also be invited to participate, as observers, in the meetings of the Board of Governors when matters regarding the common backstop will be discussed.
5. Other persons, including representatives of institutions or organisations, such as the IMF, may be invited by the Board of Governors to attend meetings as observers on an ad hoc basis.
6. The Board of Governors shall take the following decisions by mutual agreement:
(a) to cancel the emergency reserve fund and transfer its content back to the reserve fund and/or paid-in capital, in accordance with Article 4(4), to cancel the suspension of the application of the first subparagraph of Article 18a(6), to change the voting majority required for an adoption of a decision on loans and respective disbursements under the backstop facility under the emergency voting procedure and set the circumstances in which a review is to take place in the future, in accordance with the third subparagraph of Article 18a(6);
(b) to issue new shares on terms other than at par, in accordance with Article 8(2);
(c) to make the capital calls, in accordance with Article 9(1);
(d) to change the authorised capital stock and adapt the maximum lending volume of the ESM, in accordance with Article 10(1);
(e) to take into account a possible update of the key for the subscription of the ECB capital, in accordance with Article 11(3), and the changes to be made to Annex I in accordance with Article 11(6);
(f) to provide stability support by the ESM, including the economic policy conditionality as stated in the memorandum of understanding referred to in Article 13(3) or as referred to in Article 14(2), and to establish the choice of instruments and the financial terms and conditions, in accordance with Articles 12 to 18; (fa) to change the eligibility criteria for precautionary financial assistance set out in Annex III in accordance with Article 14(1);
(g) to give a mandate to entrust (i) the Managing Director and (ii) the European Commission to negotiate, in liaison with the ECB, together to negotiate the economic policy conditionality attached to each financial assistance, in accordance with Article 13(3);
(h) to change the pricing policy and pricing guideline for financial assistance, in accordance with Article 20;
(i) to change the list of financial assistance instruments that may be used by the ESM, in accordance with Article 19;
(j) to establish the modalities of the transfer of EFSF support to the ESM, in accordance with Article 40;
(k) to approve the application for membership of the ESM by new members, referred to in Article 44;
(l) to make adaptations to this Treaty as a direct consequence of the accession of new members, including changes to be made to the distribution of capital among ESM Members and the calculation of such a distribution as a direct consequence of the accession of a new member to the ESM, in accordance with Article 44; and
(m) to delegate to the Board of Directors the tasks listed in this Article.
7. The Board of Governors shall take the following decisions by qualified majority:
(a) to set out the detailed technical terms of accession of a new member to the ESM, in accordance with Article 44;
(b) whether to be chaired by the President of the Euro Group or to elect, by qualified majority, the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Governors, in accordance with paragraph 2;
(c) to set out by-laws of the ESM and the rules of procedure applicable to the Board of Governors and Board of Directors (including the right to establish committees and subsidiary bodies), in accordance with paragraph 9;
(d) to determine the list of activities incompatible with the duties of a Director or an alternate Director, in accordance with Article 6(8);
(e) to appoint and to end the term of office of the Managing Director, in accordance with Article 7;
(f) to establish other funds, in accordance with Article 24;
(g) on the actions to be taken for recovering a debt from an ESM Member, in accordance with Article 25(2) and (3);
(h) to approve the annual accounts of the ESM, in accordance with Article 27(1);
(i) to appoint the members of the Board of Auditors, in accordance with Article 30(1);
(j) to approve the external auditors, in accordance with Article 29;
(k) to waive the immunity of the Chairperson of the Board of Governors, a Governor, alternate Governor, Director, alternate Director or the Managing Director, in accordance with Article 35(2);
(l) to determine the taxation regime applicable to the ESM staff, in accordance with Article 36(5);
(m) on a dispute, in accordance with Article 37(2); and
(n) any other necessary decision not explicitly provided for by this Treaty.
8. The Chairperson shall convene and preside over the meetings of the Board of Governors. The Vice-Chairperson shall preside over these meetings when the Chairperson is unable to participate.
9. The Board of Governors shall adopt their rules of procedure and the by-laws of the ESM.
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Samples: Treaty