Credit Reports With your consent, in dealing with you we may obtain and consult credit reports on you prepared by credit reporting agencies. You have rights of access and correction in relation to the files held on you by these agencies by contacting them. Please write to us at the address shown at the end of this booklet to the attention of the Compliance Department, Protection of Personal Information if you wish to obtain the name and address of the agency or agencies from whom we have obtained a credit report about you.
Credit Reporting; Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (a) With respect to each Mortgage Loan, each Sexxxxxx xxxxxx xx xully furnish, in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information (e.g., favorable and unfavorable) on its borrower credit files to Equifax, Experian and TransUnion Credit Information Company (three of the credit repositories), on a monthly basis. (b) Each Servicer shall comply with Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 and all applicable regulations promulgatxx xxxxxxxxxx, xxxating to the Mortgage Loans required to be serviced by it and the related borrowers and shall provide all required notices thereunder.
Letter of Credit Reports Each Issuing Bank shall furnish (A) to the Agent on the first Business Day of each month a written report summarizing issuance and expiration dates of Letters of Credit issued by such Issuing Bank during the preceding month and drawings during such month under all such Letters of Credit and (B) to the Agent on the first Business Day of each calendar quarter a written report setting forth the average daily aggregate Available Amount during the preceding calendar quarter of all Letters of Credit issued by such Issuing Bank.
Credit Reporting For each Mortgage Loan, the Company shall accurately and fully furnish, in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information on its borrower credit files to each of the following credit repositories: Equifax Credit Information Services, Inc., TransUnion, LLC and Experian Information Solution, Inc. on a monthly basis.
Fair Credit Reporting Act The Servicer has fully furnished, in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and its implementing regulations, accurate and complete information (e.g., favorable and unfavorable) on its borrower credit files to Equifax, Experian and Trans Union Credit Information Company (three of the credit repositories) on a monthly basis.
Audit Reports Promptly upon receipt thereof, one copy of each interim or special audit made by independent accountants of the books of the Company or any Subsidiary;
Credit Union Examination The Credit Union may disregard information on any check other than the signature of the drawer and amount of the item and any magnetic encoded information. You agree the Credit Union does not fail to exercise ordinary care in paying an item solely because its procedures do not provide for sight examination of items.
CONSUMER REPORTS The Buyer is hereby notified that a consumer report containing credit and/or personal information may be referred to in connection with this transaction.
SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION AND DVBE PARTICIPATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS a. If for this Contract Contractor made a commitment to achieve small business participation, then Contractor must within 60 days of receiving final payment under this Contract (or within such other time period as may be specified elsewhere in this Contract) report to the awarding department the actual percentage of small business participation that was achieved. (Govt. Code § 14841.) b. If for this Contract Contractor made a commitment to achieve disabled veteran business enterprise (DVBE) participation, then Contractor must within 60 days of receiving final payment under this Contract (or within such other time period as may be specified elsewhere in this Contract) certify in a report to the awarding department: (1) the total amount the prime Contractor received under the Contract; (2) the name and address of the DVBE(s) that participated in the performance of the Contract; (3) the amount each DVBE received from the prime Contractor; (4) that all payments under the Contract have been made to the DVBE; and (5) the actual percentage of DVBE participation that was achieved. A person or entity that knowingly provides false information shall be subject to a civil penalty for each violation. (Mil. & Vets. Code § 999.5(d); Govt. Code § 14841.)
Audit Report Audits will be conducted as provided by the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and OMB Circular A-133. The Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury reserve the right to conduct periodic random audits. Under penalty of perjury, the undersigned officials certify that they have read and understand their obligations under the Equitable Sharing Agreement and that the information submitted in conjunction with this Document is an accurate accounting of funds received and spent by the Agency under the Justice and/or Treasury Guides during the reporting period and that the recipient Agency is in compliance with the National Code of Professional Conduct for Asset Forfeiture. The undersigned certify that the recipient Agency is in compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of the following laws and their Department of Justice implementing regulations: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. § 794), and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.), which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, or age in any federally assisted program or activity, or on the basis of sex in any federally assisted education program or activity. The Agency agrees that it will comply with all federal statutes and regulations permitting federal investigators access to records and any other sources of information as may be necessary to determine compliance with civil rights and other applicable statutes and regulations. judgment, or determination that the Agency discriminated against any person or group in violation of any of the federal civil rights statutes listed above; or (2) has the Agency entered into any settlement agreement with respect to any complaint filed with a court or administrative agency alleging that the Agency discriminated against any person or group in Signature: Name: XXXX XXXX XXXXXX Title: COMMANDER Date: E-mail: