Access Rights Upon reasonable notice and supervision by the Granting Party, and subject to any required or necessary regulatory approvals, either the Connecting Transmission Owner or Developer (“Granting Party”) shall furnish to the other of those two Parties (“Access Party”) at no cost any rights of use, licenses, rights of way and easements with respect to lands owned or controlled by the Granting Party, its agents (if allowed under the applicable agency agreement), or any Affiliate, that are necessary to enable the Access Party to obtain ingress and egress at the Point of Interconnection to construct, operate, maintain, repair, test (or witness testing), inspect, replace or remove facilities and equipment to: (i) interconnect the Large Generating Facility with the New York State Transmission System; (ii) operate and maintain the Large Generating Facility, the Attachment Facilities and the New York State Transmission System; and (iii) disconnect or remove the Access Party’s facilities and equipment upon termination of this Agreement. In exercising such licenses, rights of way and easements, the Access Party shall not unreasonably disrupt or interfere with normal operation of the Granting Party’s business and shall adhere to the safety rules and procedures established in advance, as may be changed from time to time, by the Granting Party and provided to the Access Party. The Access Party shall indemnify the Granting Party against all claims of injury or damage from third parties resulting from the exercise of the access rights provided for herein.
BANK’S RIGHTS 3.1 The Bank shall have a right to: (a) Recover the Rent and any other cost incurred by the Bank in relation to the Locker to the debit of the Customer’s account, in the event the same is not paid by the Customer, when due; and (b) Refuse access to the Locker- (i) In case the rent due on the Locker remains unpaid; and (ii) Customer fails to provide proof of identity when demanded by the Bank, at the time of seeking access to the Locker.
HHS Right to Use Contractor agrees that HHS has the right to use, produce, and distribute copies of and to disclose to HHS employees, agents, and contractors and other governmental entities all or part of this Contract or any related Solicitation Response as HHS deems necessary to complete the procurement process or comply with state or federal laws.
Owner’s Rights B.1.1 The Owner shall have the right to perform work related to the project and to award contracts in connection with the project that are not part of the Consultant’s responsibilities under the AGREEMENT. The consultant shall notify the Owner in writing if any such independent action will in any way compromise the Consultants’ ability to meet their responsibilities under the AGREEMENT. B.1.2 The Owner reserves the right to approve the consultant’s personnel and to require a replacement satisfactory to the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to have such person replaced if, in the judgment of the Owner, any such person proves unsatisfactory. However, such replacement must fit within the rate/fee structure; in the alternative, the Owner shall have the option for a higher rate person for which the Consultant shall be compensated at the higher rate. B.1.3 The Owner shall have the right to effect the removal of any of the Consultant’s employees at any time during the duration of the AGREEMENT if that employee is deemed not to be of the level of competence or ability required under the AGREEMENT, or said employee is for any reason found to be unsuitable for the work. In such case, the Consultant shall promptly submit the name and qualifications of a replacement for approval by the Owner. B.1.4 The Owner shall have the right to assign the administration of any or all contracts related to this project from the Owner to another State Agency, Authority or Commission at any time during the life of the project. In doing so, the Consultant agrees to continue to perform all contractual work under the AGREEMENT. The Consultant shall make no claim against the Owner in the event of such assignment. B.1.5 The Owner may make changes in the scope of services within the general scope of the AGREEMENT. The Owner may also make changes to the scope of the project which may give rise to changes in the scope of the Consultant services. In such case, the Consultant shall be entitled to an adjustment in fee and in other terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT.
Company’s Rights The existence of this Agreement will not affect in any way the right or power of the Company or its Shareholders to accomplish any corporate act, including, without limitation, the acts referred to in Section 11.16 of the Plan.
PATIENT’S RIGHTS CONTRACTOR shall post the current California Department of Mental Health Patients’ Rights poster as well as the Orange County HCA Mental Health Plan Grievance and Appeals poster in locations readily available to Clients and staff and have Grievance and Appeal forms in the threshold languages and envelopes readily accessible to Clients to take without having to request it on the unit.
Third parties rights The Contract does not give rise to any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of the Contract.
Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership 5.1. You acknowledge that all Intellectual Property Rights (including any new Intellectual Property Rights) arising out of or in connection with the Access Products and associated Documentation, belong at all times to Us or Our licensors. 5.2. Nothing in this Agreement shall transfer any Intellectual Property Rights in or arising from Access Products or Documentation to You but that these shall remain vested in Us or Our licensors. No rights to use any such Intellectual Property are granted, except as expressly stated in these Terms and Conditions or the relevant Statement of Work. If, notwithstanding this, any Intellectual Property Rights in or arising from the Access Product and/or Documentation are acquired by You (including any new Intellectual Property Rights), You hereby assign (and to the extent that any such Intellectual Property Rights are not capable of such assignment, agree to hold on trust) and agree to do all such things and sign all such documents as We may reasonably require in respect of the assignment of all such Intellectual Property Rights to Us or Our licensors as may be appropriate. 5.3. Subject to clauses 5.6 and 5.7, We will indemnify You against all direct costs, claims, demands, expenses (including reasonable legal costs) and liabilities of whatever nature incurred by or awarded against You arising out of or in connection with any claim that Your use of the Access Product(s) any Documentation, information, data, computer facilities or material that We supply, infringes a third party’s Intellectual Property (Infringement Claim). 5.4. We warrant that We are not aware that the Access Product(s) any Documentation, information, data, computer facilities or material that We supply, or Your use of the same in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, will infringe any third party’s Intellectual Property Rights but We have not carried out any investigation into the same. We shall indemnify You against all direct costs, claims, demands, expenses (including reasonable legal costs) and liabilities of whatever nature incurred by or awarded against You arising out of or in connection with any breach of the warranty contained in this clause. 5.5. If an Infringement Claim is alleged or threatened against either You or Us, or if We believe that the Access Product or the Documentation or any part thereof may infringe any third party’s copyright or registered patent (effective at the date of this Agreement), We may, at Our sole option, (i) procure such licence, authorisation or consent as is necessary to enable Your continued use of the Access Product and/or the Documentation; (ii) modify or replace the same as necessary to avoid infringement without any material adverse effect to the functionality of the Access Product; or (iii) terminate this Agreement and/or the affected Statement of Work and refund an amount equal to the unused portion of any Annual Licence Fees pre-paid in respect of such Software (as the case may be) to You. 5.6. You shall permit Us to have access upon reasonable Notice during the Licence Term to inspect during Business Hours the premises and the Customer System at or on which the Software is being kept or used, and any records kept pursuant to the Licence, for the purposes of ensuring that You are complying with the terms of this Agreement. In carrying out such an inspection We will comply with any reasonable restrictions You require, and We will only request such an inspection where We believe We have reasonable cause to do so. In the event that You have unauthorised copies of the Software, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies that We may have, You shall pay an additional fee to Us in respect of any such unauthorised copies calculated by reference to the standard list price prevailing at the date of invoice in respect of such Software. 5.7. Without prejudice to clause 5.8, We shall only be liable under the terms of this Agreement for an Infringement Claim or alleged Infringement Claim if (i) You promptly notify Us of any infringement or alleged infringement of which You are aware, or ought reasonably to have been made aware of; (ii) You make no admission as to liability or agree any settlement of such claim without Our prior written consent; (iii) You allow Us (or a relevant third party supplier), at Our expense, to conduct and/or settle all negotiations and litigation arising from any claim or action relating to the alleged infringement; and (iv) You, at Our expense, give Us (or a relevant third party supplier) such reasonable assistance as may berequested in such settlement or negotiation. 5.8. We shall have no liability for any Infringement Claim or alleged Infringement Claim to the extent such claim arises from (i) possession, use, development, modification, or operation of the Access Product or part thereof by You other than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the relevant Statement of Work or the Documentation; (ii) failure by You to take any reasonable corrective action directed by Us (including using an alternative, non-infringing version of the Access Products); or (iii) is based upon any item provided by You and incorporated into the Access Product(s) or used in combination with the Access Product(s) at Your request.
TEACHERS’ RIGHTS A. Pursuant to the Public Employment Relations Act, the Board hereby agrees that every teacher as defined in Article I, Section A of this Agreement, shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining or negotiation and other concerted activities for mutual aid and protection, or choose not to join and support the association. As a duly elected body exercising governmental power under color of law of the State of Michigan, the Board undertakes and agrees that it will not directly or indirectly discourage any teacher in the employment of any rights conferred by the Public Employment Relations Act or other laws of Michigan and the United States; that it will not discriminate against any teacher with respect to hours, wages, or any terms or conditions of employment by reason of membership in the Association or collective professional negotiations with the Board or institution of any grievance, complaint or proceeding under this Agreement, or otherwise with respect to any terms or conditions of employment. B. The Association and its members shall have the right in accordance with Board policy for rental and use of the Xxxxxxx Community Schools’ buildings and facilities, to use school building facilities at all reasonable hours for meetings, except when school is in session. No one shall be prevented from wearing insignias, common pins, or other identification of membership in the Association, either on or off the school premises. A bulletin board shall be made available to the Association in each building. Communication by the Association to the Association members on association matters may be distributed by use of the teacher mailbox and email, per acceptable use policy. Other communications shall also be clearly identified. C. The Board of Education agrees to furnish the Association, in response to written reasonable requests, the available information concerning the financial resources of the District, and such other information as requested in writing which will assist the Association in developing an intelligent, accurate, informative, and constructive program on behalf of the teachers together with other information, in the form in which it is available, which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint. Additional copies will be provided at a reasonable charge. D. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any teacher rights under the Michigan General School Laws or other laws or regulations applicable. The rights granted to teachers hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided by law or contract. E. The Association recognizes that it shall not have the right to partake in any election campaigns involving the Association during regular school hours. F. The Association may counsel with the Board on any new or modified fiscal, budgetary or tax programs, instruction programs, or major revisions of educational policy, which are proposed and the Association may avail itself of the opportunity to advise the Board with respect to such matters.
MANAGEMENT'S RIGHTS Section 1. Except to the extent expressly modified by a specific provision of this agreement, the City of Xxxxxxxx reserves and retains solely and exclusively all of its statutory and common law rights to manage the operation of the Xxxxxxxx Fire Division of the City of Mitchell, South Dakota, as such rights existed prior to the execution of this agreement with the Union including, but not limited to: A. The right to operate and manage all manpower, facilities and equipment; B. The right to adopt, modify, change, enforce, or discontinue any existing rules, regulations, procedures and policies that are not in direct conflict with any provision of the agreement; C. The right to formulate, implement, modify, or discontinue standard operating procedures for the governing of the operation of the division. Standard operating procedures will be distributed to the union and shall be posted by the City on station bulletin boards and/or published in the form of a manual; D. To determine work assignments or eliminate work schedules, locations or functions in accordance with municipal and divisional needs and to contract or subcontract all or any of the functions of the Fire Division that does not take work away from the bargaining unit; E. To transfer, promote or demote employees, or to lay-off, terminate or otherwise relieve employees from duty for just cause; F. To recruit, select and determine the number and types of employees required; G. To establish recognized fire service in-service training programs and requirements for upgrading employees; H. To establish fire functions and programs, including the setting and amending of budgets; I. To determine the utilization of technology and manpower and to modify organizational structures. To select, direct and determine the number of personnel engaged in total functions or any particular part thereof; X. Xx perform any inherent managerial functions not specifically limited by this agreement and to take such other measures as the City or Xxxxxxxx Fire Division administration may deem necessary for the orderly and efficient operation of the Xxxxxxxx Fire Division so long as it does not conflict with this agreement. Section 2. To the extent that the above rights are specifically limited, in whole or in part, by the provisions of this agreement, alleged violations are subject to the grievance procedure in accordance with Article 19, except regarding those issues identified in this agreement as being subject to the City Council appeal process only.