Trade in Services 1. The Parties shall aim at gradually liberalising and opening their markets for trade in services in accordance with the provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (hereinafter referred to as the “GATS”), taking into account ongoing work under the auspices of the WTO. 2. If a Party grants to a non-Party, after the entry into force of this Agreement, additional benefits with regard to the access to its services markets, it shall agree to enter into negotiations with a view to extending these benefits to another Party on a reciprocal basis. 3. The Parties undertake to keep under review paragraphs 1 and 2 with a view to establishing an agreement liberalising trade in services between them in accordance with Article V of the GATS.
Out of Scope Services Axon is only responsible to perform the professional services described in the Quote and this Appendix. Any additional professional services are out of scope. The Parties must document scope changes in a written and signed change order. Changes may require an equitable adjustment in the charges or schedule.
Subpoenas Directed to BellSouth Where BellSouth provides resold services or local switching for <<customer_name>>, BellSouth shall respond to subpoenas and court ordered requests delivered directly to BellSouth for the purpose of providing call detail records when the targeted telephone numbers belong to <<customer_name>> end users. Billing for such requests will be generated by BellSouth and directed to the law enforcement agency initiating the request. BellSouth shall maintain such information for <<customer_name>> end users for the same length of time it maintains such information for its own end users.
Production of Witnesses At all times from and after the Distribution Date, upon reasonable request: (a) FTD shall use commercially reasonable efforts to make available, or cause to be made available, to any member of the UOL Entities, the directors, officers, employees and agents of any member of the FTD Entities as witnesses to the extent that the same may reasonably be required by the requesting Party (giving consideration to business demands of such directors, officers, employees and agents) in connection with any legal, administrative or other proceeding in which the requesting Party may from time to time be involved, except in the case of any action, suit or proceeding in which any member of the FTD Entities is adverse to any member of the UOL Entities; and (b) United Online shall use commercially reasonable efforts to make available, or cause to be made available, to any member of the FTD Entities, the directors, officers, employees and agents of any member of the UOL Entities as witnesses to the extent that the same may reasonably be required by the requesting Party (giving consideration to business demands of such directors, officers, employees and agents) in connection with any legal, administrative or other proceeding in which the requesting Party may from time to time be involved, except in the case of any action, suit or proceeding in which any member of the UOL Entities is adverse to any member of the FTD Entities.
DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ a) The Institution and the Investigator acknowledge and agree that the Sponsor shall have exclusive ownership rights to all Study Data, Study results, information, improvements, developments, discoveries, inventions, work, know-how and other rights (whether or not patentable), created, developed, and/or reduced to practice as a result of or in connection with the conduct of the Study and/or the use of the Study Drug or the Confidential Information, together with all intellectual property rights (existing and future) relating thereto (“Intellectual Property”) conceived by the Institution or the Investigator or Study Personnel, solely or jointly with others as a result of work done under this Agreement, to the widest extent possible under applicable law. The Institution and the Investigator shall promptly disclose in writing to PSI and the Sponsor all Intellectual Property made or reduced to practice by the Institution, the Investigator and/or the Study Personnel related to the Study. At the Sponsor's request, the Institution and the Investigator shall cause all rights titles and interests in and to any such Intellectual Property to be assigned to the Sponsor without additional compensation and provide reasonable assistance to obtain patents, including causing the execution of any invention assignment or other documents. b) All parties to this Agreement and Sponsor shall retain all right, title and interest in any Intellectual Property that was owned by such party or Sponsor prior to or apart from the commencement of this Agreement. No a) Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející uznávají a souhlasí, že Zadavatel bude mít výhradní vlastnická práva ke všem Studijním údajům, výsledkům Studie, informacím, vylepšením, na vývoj, k objevům, vynálezům, dílům, know-how a dalším právům (ať už patentovatelným či nikoli), vytvořeným, vyvinutým, a/nebo uvedeným do praxe v důsledku nebo v souvislosti s prováděním Studie, a/nebo používáním Studijního léku nebo Důvěrných informací společně s právy duševního vlastnictví (stávajícími i budoucími) s nimi souvisejícími (dále jen „Duševní vlastnictví“), které vytvořilo Zdravotnické zařízení, Hlavní zkoušející nebo Studijní personál, samostatně nebo společně s ostatními jako výsledek práce prováděné na základě této Smlouvy, a to v největším možném rozsahu povoleném příslušnými zákonnými předpisy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející budou neprodleně písemně informovat PSI a Zadavatele o veškerém Duševním vlastnictví vytvořeném nebo uvedeném do praxe Zdravotnickým zařízením, Hlavním zkoušejícím a/nebo Studijním personálem v souvislosti se Studií. Na žádost Zadavatele zajistí Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející převod veškerých práv a zájmů týkajících se Duševního vlastnictví na Zadavatele bez další odměny a poskytnou přiměřenou součinnost k získání patentu včetně zajištění podpisu dokumentů k převodu objevu nebo jiných dokumentů. b) Všechny strany této Smlouvy a Zadavatel si i nadále ponechají veškerá práva, nároky a podíly na jakémkoli Duševním vlastnictví, které daná strana nebo Zadavatel vlastnili před začátkem platnosti této Smlouvy nebo na které license grant or assignment, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is intended by, or shall be inferred from, this Agreement except to the extent necessary for each party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement or otherwise give effect to this Agreement.
Telemedicine Services This plan covers clinically appropriate telemedicine services when the service is provided via remote access through an on-line service or other interactive audio and video telecommunications system in accordance with R.I. General Law § 27-81-1. Clinically appropriate telemedicine services may be obtained from a network or non- network provider, and from our designated telemedicine service provider. When you seek telemedicine services from our designated telemedicine service provider, the amount you pay is listed in the Summary of Medical Benefits. When you receive a covered healthcare service from a network or non-network provider via remote access, the amount you pay depends on the covered healthcare service you receive, as indicated in the Summary of Medical Benefits. For information about telemedicine services, our designated telemedicine service provider, and how to access telemedicine services, please visit our website or contact our Customer Service Department.
Media Relations 7.1 Elected officers or appointed committee chairpersons of the Union shall be allowed to speak or comment to the media while on duty provided they change into civilian clothes and provided further, that they do not purport to represent the views of the Department. The Chief's office shall be informed in advance, whenever possible, of such contact with the media. No member shall leave their duty or work station without specific prior approval of the Chief of the Department or authorized management official. Approval shall include consideration of the operating needs and work schedules of the Department or division to which the member is assigned.
Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.
Personnel, Office Space, and Facilities of Manager The Manager at its own expense shall furnish or provide and pay the cost of such office space, office equipment, office personnel, and office services as the Manager requires in the performance of its investment advisory and other obligations under this Agreement.
NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES REGARDING THE SAFELY SURRENDERED BABY LAW The Contractor shall notify and provide to its employees, and shall require each Subcontractor to notify and provide to its employees, a fact sheet regarding the Safely Surrendered Baby Law, its implementation in Los Angeles County, and where and how to safely surrender a baby. The fact sheet is set forth in Exhibit I of this Contract and is also available on the Internet at for printing purposes.