By June 30, 2016 the District will submit to OCR for review and approval, documentation of its implementation of the policy and procedure, and provision of compensatory alternative language services, in Action Items B.1 and B.2 during the 2015-2016 school year.
By June 30, 2016 the District will provide to OCR documentation demonstrating that the District convened an assessment committee for each ELL student to review ELL students’ pertinent information and make placement determinations regarding the student’s participation in the district’s alternative language program for the 2015-2016 school year.
By June 30, 2016 the District will provide to OCR a copy of the notification of the placement that was sent to parents/guardians of ELL students in accordance with Action Item B.4 for the 2015-2016 school year.
By June 30, 2016 the District will identify whether any students who have exited the alternative language program during the 2015- 2016 school year have suffered any academic deficiencies and take appropriate steps to remediate such academic deficiencies (e.g. tutoring). In circumstances where a student is not succeeding academically because of premature exiting or lack of appropriate English language development, the District will consider reentry into the alternative language program as a remedy.
By June 30, 2016 the HPS will provide OCR with documentation of its notice to the complainant of the reimbursement offer described in Action Item 2.2. The HPS will also inform OCR whether the complainant provided the referenced expense documentation. If so, the HPS will also provide documentation of the complainant’s reimbursement for the cost of the Student’s XXXX XXXX SAT administration.