Calculation of Firm Park Closing Balance. The Firm Park Closing Balance for each Day during the Service Term of the Firm Park Service will be calculated as follows: where:
Calculation of Firm Park Closing Balance. The Firm Park Closing Balance for each Day during the Service Term of the Firm Park Service will be calculated as follows: where: Firm Park Allocated Delivery Quantity is the quantity of Gas that has been provided into the Firm Park Account on that Day, as determined under clause 15.8(a)(i); and Firm Park Allocated Receipt Quantity is the quantity of Gas that has been taken from the Firm Park Account on that Day, as determined under clause 15.8(a)(ii).
Calculation of Firm Park Closing Balance. The Firm Park Closing Balance for each Day during the Service Term of the Firm Park Service will be calculated as follows: where: CB is the Firm Park Closing Balance on that Day; OB is the Firm Park Firm Opening Balance on that Day; Firm Park Allocated Delivery Quantity is the quantity of Gas that has been taken from the Firm Park Account on that Day, as determined under clause 15.7(a)(i); and Firm Park Allocated Receipt Quantity is the quantity of Gas that has been provided into the Firm Park Account on that Day, as determined under clause 15.7(a)(ii).