Examples of Opening Balance in a sentence
AA88 movement is defined as the Opening Balance at the beginning of a month, plus new AA88s issued, minus AA88 Cancelled and or Finalised (Settled) to end with a closing Balance at the end of the month.
The Government of Madhya Pradesh has notified the final Opening Balance Sheet on 12th June 2008 in the position of 31.05.2005.
The Opening Balance Sheet fairly represents the pro forma financial condition of the Companies as of its date.
Check this box to indicate there were no changes to the number of outstanding shares within the past two completed fiscal years and any subsequent periods: ☐ Shares Outstanding as of Second Most Recent Fiscal Year End: 12/31/2018 Opening Balance: 2,411,070 Date: 12/31/2019.
XXX COMMUNITY COUNCIL Statement of Income and Expenditure of XXX Community Council for the period XXX to XXX Income £ Council Grant XXX Other Donations XXX Income From Fund Raisers XXX Other Income XXX Bank/Building Society Interest XXX Total Income XXX Postages XXX Hall Hire XXX Advertising XXX (Surplus)Deficit for the Period XXX Opening Balance XXX Closing Balance as at XXX XXX Bank Account XXX Cash in hand XXX Prepared by …………………………… Date…………………………………..