Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased with your credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the purchase. To use this right, all of the following must be true:
CANCELLATION VERSUS TERMINATION Cancellation of this agreement may be done by either the Student or UCF DHRL, but entitles UCF DHRL to rents and assessments either not yet due (such as pre-paid rents for some or all of the remainder of the semester or term), or charges in addition to amounts already paid or payable to UCF DHRL (such as a cancellation assessment for cancelled future semesters). Termination of this agreement is a completion of the agreement by either the Student or UCF DHRL that does not entitle UCF DHRL to additional rents or assessments. In either event, assessments already charged to the Student prior to termination or upon cancellation (i.e., late fees and cancellation fees) remain due and payable, and are not affected by the termination or cancellation.
Enhanced Optional Daily Usage File (EODUF 13.1 The EODUF service Agreement with terms and conditions is included in this Attachment as Exhibit C. Rates for EODUF are as set forth in Exhibit D.
Cancellation of Event A. XXXX reserves the right to cancel Event due to circumstances beyond NYLA’s control or not reasonably anticipated by XXXX, including but not limited, to acts of God, acts of war, governmental emergency, imposition of martial law, labor strike or unrest, or inability of Facility to host Event.
Cancellation of Services (a) ARTC will request the HVCCC to inform ARTC on a weekly basis of the total number of cancelled services assigned to the Access Holder in the previous week by the Live Run Superintendent Group, as collated and reported by the HVCCC, and whether the total number of cancellations assigned to the Access Holder in that week has had, in the reasonable opinion of the HVCCC, an impact on Capacity, Coal Chain Capacity or the Capacity entitlement of another access holder in that week.
Happen After We Receive Your Letter When we receive your letter, we must do two things:
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF Laid off employees shall be recalled in order of seniority provided they possess the requisite qualifications, skill and ability to perform the work available.
Termination of Check-Off An employee shall cease to be subject to check-off deductions beginning with the month immediately following the month in which he is no longer a member of the bargaining unit.
Cancellation of Service You have the right to cancel this Agreement with NEC Co-op Energy without penalty or fee of any kind within three (3) federal business days after you receive your Terms of Service Agreement. NEC Co-op Energy will provide you with 45 calendar days advance written notice of any material change in the Terms of Service, either in your bill or in a separate mailing. The changes will become effective on the date stated in the notice unless you cancel your Agreement. You may cancel your Agreement no later than 10 calendar days before the effective date of the material change. In the event of cancellation, if you request a specific date to switch your service other than your next meter read date, you may incur a cost for this switch. Service Protections: NEC Co-op Energy will not terminate a customer's service for (1) delinquency of payment by a previous occupant, (2) failure to pay charges not related to electric service, (3) failure to pay for a different class of electric service, (4) failure to pay an under billing, other than for theft of service, more than 6 months old, (5) failure to pay for a disputed charge until a determination as to the accuracy is made,
What Will Happen After We Receive Your Letter When we receive your letter, we must do two things: