RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. 9.01 Employees will be recalled from lay-off in reverse order of their lay-off provided they meet the skill, ability and qualifications of the job to be performed.
9.02 Notice of recall from a lay-off other than Christmas Break, March Break, Summer Break or Intercession (alternate school year) Break, shall be by Registered Mail or Priority Post and Employees recalled will be allowed seven(7) calendar days from delivery of the notice to report for work. The recall notice will be sent to the last known address of which the Employer has record. Employees are responsible for notifying the Employer in writing regarding changes in the Employee’s mailing address.
9.03 The Employee must within two (2) working days of receipt of such notice contact Human Resource Services and advise them of their intent to accept or decline the recall.
9.04 An Employee who fails to report for work or fails to notify Human Resource Services per 9.02 and 9.03 shall have their recall rights and employment terminated unless the Employee’s failure to report can be proven to the satisfaction of the Employer, to be beyond the Employee’s control.
9.05 An Employee shall have the right to refuse a recall without loss of recall rights, if the location of the school is farther than 40 km. from the Employees home and seniority will continue to accrue.
9.06 Employees recalled for work of a temporary nature may decline the recall without loss of seniority or recall rights. The Employer shall then contact the next laid-off Employee and offering the temporary assignment and so on down the list until all laid- off Employees from the Bargaining Unit have had the opportunity for the temporary assignment. It is understood as per 9.01 above that the Employees must have the skill, ability and qualifications to do the work in question in order to be recalled for temporary assignment.
9.07 Employees who change position as the result of the recall procedure above shall be paid according to the rate for the position to which they are being recalled and will maintain the same step on the salary grid that they had at the time of the lay-off.
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. Persons on layoff will be eligible to apply for positions. Provisions under “Selection for Vacancy” would apply; should there be no applicants for the posted position, the following process for recall would be used. Seniority shall be the determining factor in cases of recall from lay-off so that the last person to be laid off will be the first person recalled, provided that the employee affected has the necessary skill, ability, and has the qualifications to do the work available.
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. When a job opening occurs within the bargaining unit, in the same or lower salary band from which an employee was laid off, the employee will be eligible, seniority permitting, to fill that opening provided the employee has the skills and ability to perform the normal requirements of the position with a reasonable amount of training. Opportunity of recall shall be applied before such opening is filled on a regular basis under the job posting procedure.
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. Laid off employees shall be recalled in order of seniority provided they possess the requisite qualifications, skill and ability to perform the work available.
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. An employee who has been laid off will be offered placement in order of highest seniority in an available position in his or her classification. If more than one vacancy exists in the classification, the vacancy with the highest number of hours per week will be offered to the most senior employee on lay-off, and so on until all vacancies have been filled. If there are insufficient vacancies within the employee’s classification, the employee may be offered a vacant position in the other classification if the employee has the qualifications, and ability to perform the job function.
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. A Nurse on layoff shall be notified of opportunities for recall in the most expeditious manner possible including telephone, fax, and in person. A formal verification in writing will be provided where the initial contact of recall is other than in writing. Nurses are responsible for leaving their current address and telephone number(s) with the Employer.
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. The names of the employees who have been laid off shall be put on a recall list according to their seniority. The employee with the most seniority shall be recalled first, prior to hiring new employees, when job vacancies are to be filled or when funds and work are available. The employee being recalled shall possess the qualifications for the job. In recalling employees, the Xxxxx County Auditor shall use registered mail to the employee's last known address. The laid-off employee is responsible for giving written notice to the Xxxxx County Auditor of address change during this period of layoff.
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. (a) Regular full-time and regular part-time nurses shall be recalled separately, in the order of their seniority subject to Article 10.04 (c), at the Centre or at the region they are employed, provided they are willing and able to perform the available work. Recall shall be by registered mail forwarded to the last address on record with the Employer.
(b) Nurses on lay-off may notify the Employer, in writing, of their interest in accepting occasional vacancies and/or temporary vacancies which may arise. Seniority and service will accrue during periods of temporary or occasional work.
(c) Regular Full-time Nurses Regular Part-time Nurses
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. Employees will be recalled from lay-off in reverse order of their lay-off provided they meet the skill, ability and qualifications of the job to be performed.
RECALL FROM LAY-OFF. (a) When vacancies or new positions occur within the classification where employees are on lay-off, said employees shall be recalled first on the basis of seniority within the classification where the new or vacant position exists.
(b) The Superintendent shall give written notice of recall from lay-off by sending a certified letter to the classified employee's last known address. Any employee receiving a recall notice shall have seven (7) calendar days in which to notify the Superintendent, in writing, of his/her intention to return to work.
(c) It is the responsibility of the classified employee to notify the Superintendent of any change in address.
(d) Any classified employee who declines reinstatement, or does not respond to the notice of recall shall be removed from future consideration when new positions or vacancies occur.
(e) The laid-off classified employee shall be considered for reinstatement within the classification of lay-off for a period of six (6) months from the date of layoff.
(f) Employees recalled from lay-off will retain seniority accrued prior to lay-off; be placed at their experience level within the classification on the salary schedule at the current prevailing wage rate; and receive fringe benefits appropriate to the position at the time of reinstatement.
(g) No new hire shall be employed in a bargaining unit position until all eligible, laid off employees who meet the job qualifications have been offered such position.