Customer List The Administrative Agent shall have received a true and complete customer list for the Borrower and its Subsidiaries, which list shall state the customer’s name, mailing address and phone number and shall be certified as true and correct by a Financial Officer.
Convicted Vendor List Vendor shall immediately notify Citizens’ Contract Manager or designee in writing if it or any of its affiliates are placed on the convicted vendor list maintained by the State of Florida pursuant to Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, or on any similar list maintained by any other state or the federal government.
Subproviders and Suppliers List Pursuant to requirements of 43 Texas Administrative Code §9.350 et seq., the Engineer must provide the State a list (Exhibit H-5/DBE or Exhibit H-6/HUB) of all Subproviders and suppliers that submitted quotes or proposals for subcontracts. This list shall include subproviders and suppliers names, addresses, telephone numbers, and type of work desired.
Directory Listings 15.1.1 CBT, as publisher of its White Pages, will include Primary Listings of CLEC’s resale directory customers in its White Pages, and shall cause its publisher to include primary listings of CLEC’s directory customers in its Publisher’s Yellow Pages Directories under the following terms and conditions: CBT will publish the Primary Listing of CLEC Directory Customers located within the geographic scope of its White Pages directory and will recover costs for both resale and facility based Customers in accordance with the Act.
Recall List The Board shall maintain a recall list. Copies of the list will be sent to each person on the list and the Association at least once during the fall and once during the spring each year.
Employee List No later than five (5) Business Days after the Bank Closing Date, the Assuming Institution shall provide the Receiver with a list of all Failed Bank employees the Assuming Institution will not hire. Unless otherwise agreed, the Assuming Institution shall pay all salaries and payroll costs for all Failed Bank employees until the list is provided to the Receiver. The Assuming Institution shall be responsible for all costs and expenses (i.e., salary, benefits, etc.) associated with all other employees not on that list from and after the date of delivery of the list to the Receiver. The Assuming Institution shall offer to the Failed Bank employees it retains employment benefits comparable to those the Assuming Institution, offers its current employees.
White Pages Listings 5.1 BellSouth shall provide <<customer_name>> and their customers access to white pages directory listings under the following terms:
Access to Public Records No records of District shall be made available for public inspection or copying by NWRDC, NWESD, or XXXXX without express written authorization of District. Requests pursuant to RCW 42.17 for inspection or copying of public records of District, held or maintained by NWRDC shall be referred to District.
Layoff List A list of all ASF Members laid-off within the prior three (3) year period shall be maintained by the System office. The list shall indicate if an individual has recall rights. The Association President shall be provided a copy of the list, and notified promptly of changes.
GRIEVANCE REPORT FORM Grievance # School District Distribution of Form 1. Superintendent