Recall List Sample Clauses
Recall List. The Board shall maintain a recall list. Copies of the list will be sent to each person on the list and the Association at least once during the fall and once during the spring each year.
Recall List. Employees shall remain on the recall list for one year following the date of layoff provided, however, laid off employees shall be removed from the recall list if:
a. They accept recall to a position in a class at the same salary range as the position from which they were laid off, or
b. They decline appointment to a position in the same department and in a class at the same salary range as the position from which their lay off occurred, or
c. They fail to report for duty within fifteen (15) calendar days of mailing of Notice of Recall to County employment.
Recall List. The names of laid off employees retaining recall rights shall be inscribed on a list, a copy of which shall be provided to the Association and updated on a quarterly basis.
Recall List. The Personnel Department will automatically establish a recall list for a period of 12 months.
a. All departments where classifications exist which are on the recall list, will be notified of the employee's availability.
b. Individuals on the recall list will be appointed to vacancies for which they qualify in the department from which they were laid off, so long as any person in that class is on such a list, before any other names on any other eligible lists - promotional or open competitive - are used.
Recall List. Members who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list for a period of two (2) years. If there is a recall, members who are still on the recall list shall be recalled, in the inverse order of their layoff, provided they are presently qualified to perform the work in the job classification to which they are recalled without further training or certification.
Recall List. Regular employees laid-off under this Article, who do not bump a more junior employee in accordance with Article 17.03, and who do not take severance pay in accordance with Article 17.06 shall be placed on the recall list in seniority order for a period not to exceed twelve (12) continuous months.
Recall List. The College will provide current recall list to the ESC on its request.
Recall List. Regular employees laid off under this Article 14, and not bumping a more junior employee in accordance with Article 14.03, and not electing to take severance pay in accordance with Article 14.06, shall be placed on the recall list in seniority order for a period not to exceed twelve (12) consecutive months.
Recall List. The District shall maintain, as public record, a list of all MBUs who have retained recall rights. The recall list shall include the MBU’s name, classification title, certification, highly qualified status, and date of hire into the District. A MBU shall remain on the recall list for at least two years after the effective date of layoff, unless the MBU waives recall rights in writing and/or resigns in writing to the District.
Recall List. A regular employee with six (6) months or more of service who is laid off due to lack of work or redundancy shall be placed on a recall list for a period of twelve (12) months.