Layoff List Sample Clauses
Layoff List. A list of all ASF Members laid-off within the prior three (3) year period shall be maintained by the System office. The list shall indicate if an individual has recall rights. The Association President shall be provided a copy of the list, and notified promptly of changes.
Layoff List. An employee reverting from trial service following appointment to a position as a layoff option will have his or her name reinstated on any layoff list from which their name was removed at the time of placement in the position.
Layoff List. A layoff list will be bargaining unit wide, by class, with employees ranked according to seniority. The names of permanent employees who have been laid off, or have accepted another appointment in lieu of layoff will be placed on the layoff list(s). Employees will be placed on the list(s) for the class(es) in which they have held permanent status with the same or lower salary range as the classification from which they were laid off and all lower classifications in the same occupational category/class series. The term of eligibility for each name on the layoff list will be two (2) years from the date the employee’s name is placed on the layoff list. An employee who accepts a comparable position in the same occupational category/class series as the position from which he or she was laid off will be removed from the layoff list(s). An employee who has been demoted for cause is not eligible to be on the layoff list for that classification. An offer of reemployment into the employee’s previous job classification will be made in writing.
Layoff List. The University will provide a designated Councillor of the Union, or their designate, with a current copy of the Layoff List referred to in this Article. The Councillor, or designate, may use University facilities and equipment to copy this list and to mail it to the Union office. The Union will rotate the designation of Councillors, or designates, for this function such that no one Councillor, or designate, performs this function in two consecutive terms.
Layoff List. The Employer will maintain an internal layoff list for each job classification covered by this Agreement. Employees may request to have their name placed on the layoff list for the job classification from which they were laid off or bumped. Additionally, employees may request to have their name placed on the layoff list for other job classifications in which they previously held permanent status.
Layoff List. A layoff list shall be a list of employees by classification and functional unit who are laid off. Such lists are maintained in inverse order of layoff for the functional unit. Recall shall be from the list, one (1) name at a time, to the vacancy in the classification and within the functional unit from which the employee was laid off provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks. No new employees may be hired within any county until all employees on the layoff list in that class have been offered reemployment. Names shall be maintained on the appropriate layoff list(s) for two (2) years from the effective date of layoff.
Layoff List. Names of regular status employees of the Agency who have separated from the service of the State in good standing by layoff or who have demoted in lieu of layoff shall be placed on layoff lists in seniority order established by the class from which the employee was laid off or demoted in lieu of layoff. The life of a layoff list shall be two (2) years. Employees who are on an Agency layoff list shall be recalled in seniority order beginning with the employee with the highest seniority. Employees refusing the offer of a position from which he/she was laid off within their geographic area shall lose all future re-employment rights under this Article.
Layoff List. The Board shall maintain a layoff list. Current copies of that list will be sent to the Union by September 30 and by June 15.
Layoff List list shall be a list of employees by classification and geographic area who are laid off from the Agency. Such lists are maintained in inverse order of layoff for the geographic area. Recall shall be from the list, one (1) name at a time, to the vacancy in the classification and within the geographic area from which the employee was laid off provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks. No new employees may be hired within that geographic area until all employees on the layoff list in that class have been offered reemployment. Names shall be maintained on the appropriate layoff list(s) for two (2) years from the effective date of layoff.
Layoff List. A list of all ASF Members laid-off within the prior three