THE CONTRACT PRICE A. This Contract is an indefinite-quantity contract for construction work and services. The Estimated Annual Value of this Contract is $2,000,000. This is only an estimate and may increase or decrease at the discretion of Sourcewell. B. The Contractor shall perform any or all Tasks in the Construction Task Catalog for the Unit Price appearing therein multiplied by the following Adjustment Factors:
Contract Price 3.1 For full and complete performance, OWNER agrees to pay CONTRACTOR the sum of $659,258.00 payable in accordance with the terms hereof and to the satisfaction of the OWNER.
C1 Contract Price In consideration of the Contractor’s performance of its obligations under the Contract, the Authority shall pay the Contract Price in accordance with clause C2 (Payment and VAT).
Change Order The Change Order is then submitted to the Project Manager who immediately processes the CO with OPC as required by Bulletin 3.5 and BGS’ Contracting Plan.
Change Orders Any alteration or deviation from the Services mentioned or any other contractual specifications that result in a revision of this Agreement shall be executed and attached to this Agreement as a change order (“Change Order”).
Contract Changes Changes may not be made in the terms and conditions of this contract without the agreement and written permission of the Director of Residence Life or the Director’s designee.
Project Schedule Construction must begin within 30 days of the date set forth in Appendix A, Page 2, for the start of construction, or this Agreement may become null and void, at the sole discretion of the Director. However, the Recipient may apply to the Director in writing for an extension of the date to initiate construction. The Recipient shall specify the reasons for the delay in the start of construction and provide the Director with a new start of construction date. The Director will review such requests for extensions and may extend the start date, providing that the Project can be completed within a reasonable time frame.
Recovery Schedule If the initial schedule or any current updates fail to reflect the Work’s actual plan or method of operation, or a contractual milestone date is more than fifteen (15) days behind, Owner may require that a recovery schedule for completion of the remaining Work be submitted. The Recovery Schedule must be submitted within seven (7) calendar days of Owner’s request. The Recovery Schedule shall describe in detail Construction Contractor’s plan to complete the remaining Work by the required Contract milestone date. The Recovery Schedule submitted shall meet the same requirements as the original Construction Schedule. The narrative submitted with the Recovery Schedule should describe in detail all changes that have been made to meet the Contract milestone dates.
THE CONTRACT SUM The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the contract, subject to additions and deductions provided by approved change orders, in current funds, the Contract Sum as follows:
Contractor Changes The Contractor shall notify DAS in writing no later than ten (10) Days from the effective date of any change in: a. its certificate of incorporation or other organizational document; b. more than a controlling interest in the ownership of the Contractor; or c. the individual(s) in charge of the Performance. This change shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the Performance. DAS, after receiving written notice by the Contractor of any such change, may require such agreements, releases and other instruments evidencing, to DAS’s satisfaction, that any individuals retiring or otherwise separating from the Contractor have been compensated in full or that provision has been made for compensation in full, for all work performed under terms of the Contract. The Contractor shall deliver such documents to DAS in accordance with the terms of DAS’s written request. DAS may also require, and the Contractor shall deliver, a financial statement showing that solvency of the Contractor is maintained. The death of any Contractor Party, as applicable, shall not release the Contractor from the obligation to Perform under the Contract; the surviving Contractor Parties, as appropriate, must continue to Perform under the Contract until Performance is fully completed.