Other Stipulations Absent mutual agreement, any change in existing Division boundaries will not affect this agreement.
Accommodations of Spiritual or Cultural Observances Where an employee observes a cultural/spiritual day other than those listed above, the employee shall submit their request in January of each year for the twelve (12) month period following March 1st, identifying the required date they need off.
Other Religious Observances (a) Employees who are members of non-Christian religions are entitled to up to two days leave without pay per calendar year to observe spiritual or holy days. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld. (b) A minimum of two weeks' notice is required for leave under this provision. Where two weeks' notice is not possible due to the unpredictable nature of the spiritual or holy days, then as much notice as possible shall be provided. (c) Employees granted leave under this provision may utilize or reschedule CTO, ETO, unused vacation or lieu days.
Non-Admissions Employee acknowledges that by entering into this Agreement, Company does not admit, and does specifically deny, any violation of any local, state, or federal law.
Admissions The Academy Trust must ensure that pupils with SEN are admitted on an equal basis with others in accordance with its admissions policy.
COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES 7.01 If an employee has a complaint concerning the application, interpretation, administration, or alleged violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, he/she shall take the matter up orally with his/her immediate Supervisor or designate within five (5) business days after the circumstance giving rise to the complaint. The Supervisor or designate will give his/her answer to the 7.02 If such complaint or question is not settled to the satisfaction of the employee, then the following steps of the grievance procedure may be invoked in order. It is understood that a grievance must be lodged within five (5) business days after receiving the Supervisor’s or designate response to the complaint as per article 7.01. STEP 1 Any employee grievance shall be set forth in writing, in duplicate, and shall be presented to the Supervisor. The submissions shall include reference to the specific clause and article of the Agreement allegedly violated or misinterpreted and redress sought. The Supervisor shall review the grievance and reply in writing to the Union within five (5) business days, giving his/her disposition and his/her reason thereof. STEP 2 If a settlement has not been reached under Step 1, the employee may within five (5) business days of the Supervisor's reply, refer the grievance to the Administrator of the Home, at interest, or his/her nominee. The Administrator of the Home or his/her nominee together with the employee and his/her Supervisor, and his/her Xxxxxxx, shall meet within five (5) business days of reference to the Administrator of the Home. The Administrator of the Home shall give his/her reply in writing to the Union within five (5) business days after date of meeting. STEP 3 If settlement has not been reached under Step 2, the employee may refer the grievance to his/her Union Grievance Committee which may within five (5) business days of the Administrator's reply refer the grievance to the Director of Human Resources or his/her designate. Within five (5) business days the Director of Human Resources or his/her designate together with such other representation as may be chosen to represent the Employer shall meet with the Union Grievance Committee to discuss the grievance. At this meeting a full-time representative of the Union may be present, if his/her presence is requested by the Employer or the Union. Written reply to the grievance shall be given to the Union within five (5) business days after such meeting. If a grievance is not settled to the satisfaction of either party to this Agreement by the procedure outlined above, then either party may, within ten (10) working days of the reply of the Director of Human Resources, refer the grievance to arbitration in accordance with the provisions contained in Article 9. 7.03 Any of the time allowances provided in the Article may be extended by mutual agreement in writing between the Union and the Employer. 7.04 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, any grievance not initiated or appealed at any stage of the grievance procedure, including reference to arbitration within the limits stipulated, shall be considered settled on the basis of the last decision and NOT subject to further appeal. 7.05 No employee written reprimand shall be entered in an employee's personnel file unless the employee and Local Recording Secretary or designate are given a copy of such written reprimand. 7.06 Saturdays and Sundays and paid holidays shall not be considered working days within the scope of this Article.
Stipulations The Parties stipulate to the following:
Sub-loop Elements 2.8.1 Where facilities permit, BellSouth shall offer access to its Unbundled Sub-Loop (USL) elements as specified herein.
Modifications to this Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties on the subjects covered. Employee expressly warrants that he or she is not accepting this Agreement in reliance on any promises, representations, or inducements other than those contained herein. Modifications to this Agreement or the Plan can be made only in an express written contract executed by a duly authorized officer of the Company.
Alterations and Attachments Student and Parent may not make any alterations in or add attachments, hardware, or software to the mobile device computer absent express permission from M-DCPS, which permission is at the sole option of M-DCPS.