Claim Forms and Claim Packages Sample Clauses

Claim Forms and Claim Packages. (a) Each Settlement Class Member applying for a Compensation Award must complete a Claim Form and submit the Claim Form along with a complete Claim Package to the Claims Administrator.
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Related to Claim Forms and Claim Packages

  • Claim Form i. Within 15 days after receiving a notice of a claim, you or your Dental Provider will be provided with a Claim Form to make claim for Benefits. To make a claim, the form should be completed and signed by the Provider who performed the services, and by the patient (or the parent or guardian if the patient is a minor), and submitted to the address above.

  • Claims Submission We will submit your claims and assist you in any way we reasonably can to help get your claims paid. Your insurance company may need you to supply certain information directly. It is your responsibility to comply with their request. Please be aware that the balance of your claim is your responsibility whether or not your insurance company pays your claim. Your insurance benefit is a contract between you and your insurance company; we are not party to that contract.

  • Product Claims You acknowledge that Company, not an App Distributor, is responsible for addressing any claims of yours or any third party relating to the Company application or your possession and/or use of the Company application, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the Company application fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation. (5)

  • Indemnification for Certain Claims The Party providing services hereunder, its affiliates and its parent company, shall be indemnified, defended and held harmless by the Party receiving services hereunder against any claim, loss or damage arising from the receiving company’s use of the services provided under this Agreement pertaining to (1) claims for libel, slander or invasion of privacy arising from the content of the receiving company’s own communications, or (2) any claim, loss or damage claimed by the End User of the Party receiving services arising from such company’s use or reliance on the providing company’s services, actions, duties, or obligations arising out of this Agreement.

  • Indemnification for Suits or Claims for Intellectual Property Infringement The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Owner harmless from any suits or claims of infringement of any patent rights, trademarks or copyrights arising out of any patented, trademarked, or copyrighted materials, methods, or systems used by the Contractor.

  • Claim Procedure Any Person entitled to indemnification hereunder shall (i) give prompt written notice to the indemnifying party of any claim with respect to which it seeks indemnification (provided that the failure to give prompt notice shall impair any Person’s right to indemnification hereunder only to the extent such failure has prejudiced the indemnifying party) and (ii) unless in such indemnified party’s reasonable judgment a conflict of interest between such indemnified and indemnifying parties may exist with respect to such claim, permit such indemnifying party to assume the defense of such claim with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party. If such defense is assumed, the indemnifying party shall not be subject to any liability for any settlement made by the indemnified party without its consent (but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed). An indemnifying party who is not entitled to, or elects not to, assume the defense of a claim shall not be obligated to pay the fees and expenses of more than one counsel for all parties indemnified by such indemnifying party with respect to such claim, unless in the reasonable judgment of any indemnified party a conflict of interest may exist between such indemnified party and any other of such indemnified parties with respect to such claim. In such instance, the conflicted indemnified parties shall have a right to retain one separate counsel, chosen by the Holders representing a majority of the Registrable Securities included in the registration if such Holders are indemnified parties, at the expense of the indemnifying party.

  • Indemnification Claims (a) In the event that any of the Parties are entitled, or seek to assert rights, to indemnification under this Article VI, the Party or Parties seeking indemnification (the “Indemnified Parties”) shall give written notification to the other Party or Parties (the “Indemnifying Parties”) of the commencement of any suit or proceeding relating to a third party claim for which indemnification pursuant to this Article VI may be sought. Such notification shall be given within 20 Business Days after receipt by the Indemnified Parties of notice of such suit or proceeding, and shall describe in reasonable detail (to the extent known by the Indemnified Parties) the facts constituting the basis for such suit or proceeding and the amount of the claimed damages; provided, however, that no delay on the part of the Indemnified Parties in notifying the Indemnifying Parties shall relieve the Indemnifying Parties of any liability or obligation hereunder except to the extent of any damage or liability caused by or arising out of such failure. Within 20 days after delivery of such notification, the Indemnifying Parties may, upon written notice thereof to the Indemnified Parties seeking indemnification, assume control of the defense of such suit or proceeding with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified Party seeking indemnification; provided that the Indemnifying Parties may not assume control of the defense of a suit or proceeding involving criminal liability or in which equitable relief is sought against the Indemnified Party seeking indemnification. If the Indemnifying Parties do not so assume control of such defense, the Indemnified Parties seeking indemnification shall control such defense. The Party not controlling such defense (the “Non-Controlling Party”) may participate therein at its own expense; provided that if the Indemnifying Parties assumes control of such defense and the Indemnified Parties seeking indemnification reasonably concludes that the Indemnifying Parties and the Indemnified Parties seeking indemnification have conflicting interests or different defenses available with respect to such suit or proceeding, the reasonable fees and expenses of counsel to the Indemnified Parties shall be considered “Damages” for purposes of this Agreement. The Party or Parties controlling such defense (the “Controlling Party”) shall keep the Non-Controlling Party advised of the status of such suit or proceeding and the defense thereof and shall consider in good faith recommendations made by the Non-Controlling Party with respect thereto. The Non-Controlling Party shall furnish the Controlling Party with such information as it may have with respect to such suit or proceeding (including copies of any summons, complaint or other pleading which may have been served on such party and any written claim, demand, invoice, billing or other document evidencing or asserting the same) and shall otherwise cooperate with and assist the Controlling Party as reasonably needed in the defense of such suit or proceeding at the sole cost and expense of the Indemnifying Parties under Section 6.1 or 6.2, which cost and expense shall be considered “Damages” for purposes of this Agreement. The Indemnifying Parties shall not agree to any settlement of, or the entry of any judgment arising from, any such suit or proceeding without the prior written consent of the Indemnified Parties, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided that the consent of the Indemnified Parties shall not be required if the Indemnifying Parties agrees in writing to pay any amounts payable pursuant to such settlement or judgment and such settlement or judgment includes a complete release of the Indemnified Parties from further liability and has no other materially adverse effect on the Indemnified Parties. The Indemnified Parties shall not agree to any settlement of, or the entry of any judgment arising from, any such suit or proceeding without the prior written consent of the Indemnifying Parties, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

  • Direct Claims Any Action by an Indemnified Party on account of a Loss which does not result from a Third Party Claim (a “Direct Claim”) shall be asserted by the Indemnified Party giving the Indemnifying Party reasonably prompt written notice thereof, but in any event not later than 30 days after the Indemnified Party becomes aware of such Direct Claim. The failure to give such prompt written notice shall not, however, relieve the Indemnifying Party of its indemnification obligations, except and only to the extent that the Indemnifying Party forfeits rights or defenses by reason of such failure. Such notice by the Indemnified Party shall describe the Direct Claim in reasonable detail, shall include copies of all material written evidence thereof and shall indicate the estimated amount, if reasonably practicable, of the Loss that has been or may be sustained by the Indemnified Party. The Indemnifying Party shall have 30 days after its receipt of such notice to respond in writing to such Direct Claim. The Indemnified Party shall allow the Indemnifying Party and its professional advisors to investigate the matter or circumstance alleged to give rise to the Direct Claim, and whether and to what extent any amount is payable in respect of the Direct Claim and the Indemnified Party shall assist the Indemnifying Party’s investigation by giving such information and assistance (including access to the Company’s premises and personnel and the right to examine and copy any accounts, documents or records) as the Indemnifying Party or any of its professional advisors may reasonably request. If the Indemnifying Party does not so respond within such 30 day period, the Indemnifying Party shall be deemed to have rejected such claim, in which case the Indemnified Party shall be free to pursue such remedies as may be available to the Indemnified Party on the terms and subject to the provisions of this Agreement.

  • Disputed Claims 4.1 Notwithstanding paragraph 4.5 of this Schedule, payment by the Authority of all or any part of any invoice rendered or other claim for payment by the Contractor shall not signify approval of such invoice/claim. The Authority reserves the right to verify invoices/claims after the date of payment and subsequently to recover any sums which have been overpaid.

  • Payment Claims Subject to clause 11.3, the Contractor must give the PDS Contractor claims for payment on account of the Contract Price and all other amounts then payable by the Commonwealth to the Contractor under the Contract: at the times specified in the Contract Particulars until Completion or termination of the Contract (whichever is earlier); unless terminated earlier: after Completion, within 28 days (or such longer period agreed in writing by the PDS Contractor) after the issue of a Completion certificate under clause 13.1; and after the Defects Liability Period, within the time required by clause 11.9; in the format set out in the Schedule of Collateral Documents or in any other format which the PDS Contractor reasonably requires; which are based on the Table of Variation Rates and Prices or the Schedule of Rates to the extent these are relevant; which show separately the amounts (if any) claimed on account of the: Contract Price; and all other amounts then payable by the Commonwealth to the Contractor under the Contract; and which set out or attach sufficient details, calculations, supporting documentation and other information in respect of all amounts claimed by the Contractor: to enable the PDS Contractor to fully and accurately determine (without needing to refer to any other documentation or information) the amounts then payable by the Commonwealth to the Contractor under the Contract; and including any such documentation or information which the PDS Contractor may by written notice from time to time require the Contractor to set out or attach, whether in relation to a specific payment claim or all payment claims generally.

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