CLAIR CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD an English-language Separate District School Board under the laws of Ontario (hereinafter called the “Vendor”) -and- (hereinafter called the “Purchaser”)


  • School Board Any reference to School Board or District in this Agreement shall mean the District and/or its designated officials.

  • MINISTRY/SCHOOL BOARD INITIATIVES ETFO will be an active participant in the consultation process to develop a Ministry of Education PPM regarding Ministry/School Board Initiatives.

  • Professional Development Committee There shall be a Professional Development Committee composed of two (2) members of the Association one of whom shall be the Bargaining Unit President or designate and two (2) representatives of the Hospital one of whom shall be the Chief Nursing Officer or designate and one human resources representative.

  • Local Professional Development Committee A. There shall be a Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) to oversee, review, and approve individual professional development plans (IPDP) for course work, continuing education units and/or other equivalent activities. 1. The LPDC shall be responsible to recommend for the Superintendent’s approval, all in-service activities and workshops offered in the district during the school year for staff professional development. 2. Recommendations for District Workshops and In-Service activities should be submitted to the LPDC for approval and recommendation no later than the last school day of the year prior to the year it will be implemented. 3. The LPDC chair shall review and approve all “Professional Growth Reimbursement Application” forms. B. The LPDC shall consist of three (3) teachers appointed by the Association President and two (2) members appointed by the Superintendent. One of the Superintendent's appointees will be a Principal employed by the district. C. Appointments shall be for two (2) years with half of the committee members being appointed every other year. 1. Appointments shall be made on or before May 1. 2. The Appointments shall be made by each party outlined above, notifying the other of those appointed. 3. In the event of a vacancy, the committee members shall be replaced in accordance with "B." above. 4. The Association shall name a fourth teacher member and the Superintendent shall name a third administrative member to serve as alternates and attend trainings. These two (2) people shall act as substitutes when a committee member is absent. D. This committee shall meet monthly. 1. The committee may also be convened by the request of two sitting members. 2. A quorum shall consist of five (5) members. When administrative licenses/certificates are reviewed, two (2) sitting teacher members will abstain and the decision will be decided by three (3) members. 3. If the committee determines it is needed, they will be provided two (2) professional release days to meet during regular school hours. Substitutes will be provided for the committee members on these release days. 4. Committee members shall be provided an additional annual stipend of $1,000 for meetings beyond the normal work day or year. This stipend shall be paid in two (2) semi-annual payments. Any member who fails to serve the full year shall have the above compensation prorated on a monthly basis for each month served. 5. Decisions of the LPDC will be made by consensus of the committee members present. 6. The committee minutes shall be prepared and maintained in compliance with the laws governing the operation of committees of public bodies.

  • Professional Development Fund Article 20

  • Professional Development Days Upon request, each Employee shall be granted at least three (3) professional development days annually for professional development, at the Basic Rate of Pay. An Employee shall be advised, prior to taking any professional development days of any transportation, registration fees, subsistence and other expenses that will be paid by the Employer. Such hours not used in each fiscal year shall not be carried forward into subsequent years. Applications for such paid professional development opportunities shall be made in writing, to the Employer as early as possible.

  • CENTRAL LABOUR RELATIONS COMMITTEE C4.1 OPSBA, the Crown and OSSTF agree to establish a joint Central Labour Relations Committee to promote and facilitate communication between rounds of bargaining on issues of joint interest.

  • Professional Development Plan Professional Development Plan (PDP) refers to plans developed by faculty members addressing the criteria contained in Article 22 and Appendix G.

  • Professional Development Funds 23.1.1 Two Professional Development Funds, a Professional Development Support Fund and an Education Leave Fund, shall be established to support professional development activities as defined in 23.2. On April 1st of each year, the College will allocate an amount equal to no less than 0.9% of total faculty salary (exclusive of severance payments) to the Professional Development Support Fund, and an amount equal to no less than 0.6% of total faculty salary to the Educational Leave Fund. Any unused balances in these funds shall carry over to the next budget year. 23.1.2 The College agrees to provide the Association with the authority to administer the program on behalf of the College for those activities approved by the College in accordance with 23.2, 23.4 and 23.5. 23.1.3 Nothing in this Agreement prevents the College from funding professional development activities in addition to those activities supported through the Professional Development Funds (23.1.1) in accordance with the procedures described in this Article.

  • Labour Management Relations Committee In recognition of the mutual benefits of open communications and on-going consultation between the faculty and the employer, the Labour/Management Relations Committee will meet on a regular basis and have equal representation for the Union and the Employer. The LMRC will serve as an open forum for the free and candid discussion of matters of mutual concern to faculty members and management.