CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM. Fans Operate and check heater and air conditioning controls through all selector ranges and check varying fan speed for proper function. Check rear unit output, as applicable. Check filters, coils, hoses and ensure there are no leaks. Fare Collection System If equipped, ensure fare collection equipment is securely mounted and operating properly. Cleanliness Check the general cleanliness of the vehicle interior.
CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM. A climate-control system shall be provided for total cab environmental comfort. This system shall provide heat, cooling and defrost capabilities to various areas in the cab. The system shall consist of a single evaporator unit, mounted in the center overhead of the cab. The ceiling mounted evaporator/heater unit shall include the following: Heavy-duty, high output blower. High efficiency coil that includes "rifled" tubing and oversized header tubes for maximum refrigerant distribution.
CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM. The offeror/contractor's standard heater/defroster and air conditioning system will be provided. The climate control system will induct at least 60 cubic feet per minute of fresh air into the cab. Cab mounted components will be protected from inadvertent damage by personnel.