Closed Accounts. If for any reason this Agreement is terminated with regard to your Account, that Account will be closed, upon which all rights granted to you under this Agreement shall terminate with regard to the Closed Account, and you must discontinue your use of the Software, and you may not access the System or any Closed Account, and all the attributes of the Accounts.
Closed Accounts. You are responsible for any outstanding BillPay payments if you choose to close your Payment Account. You are to inform the bank of any outstanding payments at the time you close your Payment Account.
Closed Accounts. If you close an account receiving electronic statements, you will need to print or save copies of your electronic statements prior to closing the account.
Closed Accounts. If for any reason the XXXX is terminated with regard to your Account, that Account will be closed, upon which all rights granted to you under the XXXX shall terminate with regard to the closed Account, and you must discontinue your use of the Software, and you may not access the System any closed Account, and all the attributes of the Accounts, including video & comments will be transferred to the Location Administrator. Users whose Accounts have been closed may not access the System in any manner or for any reason, including through any other Account, without the express written permission of IRIS CONNECT. Users of active accounts may not knowingly allow former users whose Accounts have been closed to use the active user's Accounts.
Closed Accounts. If the qualified low-income customer’s account on the Pay Run Funding File has been closed, between the time a pledge has been made by the LSP and the Utility’s receipt of the LIHEAP benefit, and the account has an owing balance, the Utility shall apply the LIHEAP benefit to the closed account. Any remaining amount of the LIHEAP benefit shall be refunded to CSD. If the qualified low-income customer’s account number is closed with no outstanding balance, the total amount of the LIHEAP benefit shall be returned to CSD. All LIHEAP benefits returned to CSD shall be in accordance with section 1.7 of this Agreement.
Closed Accounts. You may close your Account at any time by written, e-mail, or online service request to the CSC. In order to close your Account via e-mail, the request must be sent from the e-mail address that TxDOT has on file for your Account. Once the request to close your Account is received by TxDOT, your Tag will no longer be valid. A refund of any remaining Account funds, after all applicable fees and charges have been applied, will be issued to you after the closing process is complete. If you replenish your Account by credit or debit card, a refund will be issued to the card on file or to the card last used for payment. If you replenish your Account by cash or check, a refund check will be mailed to the address on file.
Closed Accounts. You agree to pay us immediately for the amount of any transactions originated by the use of your Check Card which cannot be charged to your share draft account because it is closed or the funds are otherwise unavailable for withdrawal. In the event that you close your account, you also agree to immediately discontinue use of your card and return it to us.
Closed Accounts. 27 Closed Accounts shall mean those Accounts where there is a change in 28 ownership or service type (e.g. between SFD and MFD). CONTRACTOR shall 29 transfer the management of the delinquent amounts aged over ninety (90) days for 30 closed Accounts to the CITY. CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY with all the 31 billing information for each closed Account transferred to the CITY. On a monthly 32 basis, CONTRACTOR shall notify the CITY of all closed Accounts with outstanding 33 amounts due over thirty (30) days.
Closed Accounts. If you notify the Bank that you intend to close the account, the accrued interest may be included in the closing balance.
Closed Accounts. If for any reason the ORGANIZATION XXXX is terminated with regard to your Account, that Account will be closed, upon which all rights granted to you under the ORGANIZATION XXXX shall terminate with regard to the closed Account, and you must discontinue your use of the Software, and you may not access the System any closed Account, and all the attributes of the Accounts.
i) Users whose Accounts have been closed may not access the System in any manner or for any reason, including through any other Account, without the express written permission of IRIS Connect. Users of active accounts may not knowingly allow former users who’s Accounts have been closed to use the active user's Accounts.
ii) Data – Video’s. The video created and uploaded during the licence period will be made available for download by the user for a period of 60 days. A separate secure online folder will be created so that the Organization Administrator is able to download any video they wish to keep. At the end of the 60 days the account will be closed and the data deleted.