Services Availability 13.1 Pentana Solutions must provide the Services between 0900 hours and 1700 hours GMT, Monday to Friday.
Services Available To help resolve employment relationship problems, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment provides: An Information Service
DNS service availability Refers to the ability of the group of listed-‐as-‐authoritative name servers of a particular domain name (e.g., a TLD), to answer DNS queries from DNS probes. For the service to be considered available at a particular moment, at least, two of the delegated name servers registered in the DNS must have successful results from “DNS tests” to each of their public-‐DNS registered “IP addresses” to which the name server resolves. If 51% or more of the DNS testing probes see the service as unavailable during a given time, the DNS service will be considered unavailable.
EPP service availability Refers to the ability of the TLD EPP servers as a group, to respond to commands from the Registry accredited Registrars, who already have credentials to the servers. The response shall include appropriate data from the Registry System. An EPP command with “EPP command RTT” 5 times higher than the corresponding SLR will be considered as unanswered. If 51% or more of the EPP testing probes see the EPP service as unavailable during a given time, the EPP service will be considered unavailable.
Service Availability You understand that Service availability is at all times conditioned upon the corresponding operation and availability of the communication systems used in communicating your instructions and requests to the Credit Union. We will not be liable or have any responsibility of any kind for any loss or damage thereby incurred by you in the event of any failure or interruption of such communication systems or services resulting from the act or omission of any third party, or from any other cause not reasonably within the control of the Credit Union.
RDDS availability Refers to the ability of all the RDDS services for the TLD, to respond to queries from an Internet user with appropriate data from the relevant Registry System. If 51% or more of the RDDS testing probes see any of the RDDS services as unavailable during a given time, the RDDS will be considered unavailable.
General Availability The commitment to availability specified in the letter of appointment shall be subject to mutually acceptable revision. Such revision will occur once per year, or, if mutually agreed between the Employer and the employee, on a more frequent basis. The Employer will issue a revised letter of appointment to reflect approved changes to employee’s general availability.
High Availability Registry Operator will conduct its operations using network and geographically diverse, redundant servers (including network-‐level redundancy, end-‐node level redundancy and the implementation of a load balancing scheme where applicable) to ensure continued operation in the case of technical failure (widespread or local), or an extraordinary occurrence or circumstance beyond the control of the Registry Operator. Registry Operator’s emergency operations department shall be available at all times to respond to extraordinary occurrences.