CO-MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT. (a) The Co-Management Agreement shall address matters affecting, in a discernible way, the quantity, quality, or rate of flow of waters in a Waterbody in respect of which the Band has riparian rights and may provide for any matters related to the use, management or development of the Waterbody. In particular, such an agreement may provide for the following:
(i) the establishment of a process for the exchange of information and consultations between the Band and Saskatchewan (and, where necessary, Canada) with respect to those Waterbodies and Water Projects;
(ii) the establishment of a process for the active and meaningful participation by the Band in the decision making process with respect to the approval or disapproval of Water Projects; and
(iii) the establishment of a Co-Management Board to make binding decisions with respect to Waterbodies and Water Projects.
(b) In no event shall the entering into of a Co-Management Agreement be a condition precedent to the sale of any Crown Land, Minerals or Improvements hereunder.