Comment Posting Period. At the direction from the SC, the SPM then facilitates the posting of the draft Standard on the ReliabilityFirst website, along with a draft implementation plan and supporting documents, for a 30-day comment period. The SPM shall also inform ReliabilityFirst Members and other potentially interested entities inside or outside of ReliabilityFirst of the posting using typical membership communication procedures then currently in effect or by other means as deemed appropriate. As early as the start of the first posting for comment, entities may join one of the five categories of the Ballot Pool established for the eventual voting on the proposed standard being posted. The Ballot Pool category description and associated requirements are in Appendix D. Within 30 days of the conclusion of 30-day comment posting period the SDT shall convene and consider changes to the draft Standard, the implementation plan and/or supporting technical documents based upon comments received. Based upon these comments, the SDT may elect to return to step 3 to revise the draft Standard, implementation plan and/or supporting technical documentation. The SDT shall prepare a “modification report” summarizing the comments received and the changes made as a result of these comments. The modification report also summarizes comments that were rejected by the SDT and the reason(s) that these comments were rejected, in part or whole. Responses to all comments will be posted on the ReliabilityFirst website no later than the next posting of the proposed Standard.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Delegation Agreement, Delegation Agreement, Delegation Agreement
Comment Posting Period. At the direction from the SC, the SPM then facilitates the posting of the draft Standard on the ReliabilityFirst website, along with a draft implementation plan and supporting documents, for a 30-day comment period. The SPM shall also inform ReliabilityFirst Members and other potentially interested entities inside or outside of ReliabilityFirst of the posting using typical membership communication procedures then currently in effect or by other means as deemed appropriate. As early as the start of the first posting for comment, entities may join one of the five categories of the Ballot Pool established for the eventual voting on the proposed standard being postedstandard. The Ballot Pool category description and associated requirements are in Appendix D. Within 30 days of the conclusion of 30-day comment posting period the SDT shall convene and consider changes to the draft Standard, the implementation plan and/or supporting technical documents based upon comments received. Based upon these comments, the SDT may elect to return to step 3 to revise the draft Standard, implementation plan and/or supporting technical documentation. The SDT shall prepare a “modification report” summarizing the comments received and the changes made as a result of these comments. The modification report also summarizes comments that were rejected by the SDT and the reason(s) that these comments were rejected, in part or whole. Responses to all comments will be posted on the ReliabilityFirst website no later than the next posting of the proposed Standard.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Delegation Agreement