Planning Period. Planning time shall be defined as individual teacher planning and preparation, individual teacher evaluation and grading of students’ work, and other similar tasks associated with the immediate demands of classroom teaching. Each teacher on the secondary level shall be provided one daily uninterrupted class period during the normal work day, free from supervision of students, and each teacher on the elementary level shall be provided one daily uninterrupted period of not less than fifty (50) minutes during the normal work day, free from the supervision of students, for planning. Principals shall preserve planning time reserved in this section for the stated planning period. Meetings shall not be scheduled during a teacher’s planning period in excess of the following: August – 2 December – 1 April – 3 September – 3 January – 3 May – 2 October – 3 February – 3 November – 2 March – 3 Meetings for the purpose of this provision shall include, but not be limited to, grade level meetings, department meetings, IEP meetings, team meetings, parent conferences, group planning times, professional development meetings, training meetings, curriculum meetings, evaluation conferences, etc. This restriction shall not apply to brief consultations regarding student discipline, student services, administrative inquiries or any meeting initiated or requested by the teacher. This provision shall supersede any other provisions concerning work hours and planning period.
Planning Period. Middle and High School teachers shall have one normal instructional period each day as preparation time or a cumulative plan time each week that would be equal to 160 minutes per four
Planning Period. The Board and the Association agree to a goal of providing a minimum of two hundred (200) minutes per week for all teachers during a normal workweek. This uninterrupted time will be during the regular workday and is intended to be used as preparation/follow-up for instruction. Additionally, teachers will not be responsible for students during this time. This goal is not subject to the grievance procedure.
Planning Period. 311 The schedule for each full-time equivalent classroom teacher, who is assigned to a school with a teacher day of six (6) hours or longer exclusive of lunch period, shall include at least two hundred (200) minutes per week for instructional planning, evaluation and conferences.
Planning Period. 6 1.38 President....................................................... 6 1.39
Planning Period. FOR ALL TEACHERS 8
Planning Period. The Building Principal will schedule each member one duty-free forty (40) minutes of planning time during each student day.
Planning Period. Citrus County Schools shall provide teacher planning in a minimum of 30-minute blocks for a total of not less than 150 minutes per week. Schools should make every effort to schedule the 30 minutes during student contact time unless: • Mandate(s) and/or state statute(s) require the district to expend additional money in order to do so. • Staff meetings or professional development are scheduled during student contact time that would not allow sufficient time for 30 continuous minutes. • There is a week in which the school calendar does not contain five full student work days. Special schools or programs including, but not limited to: Crest, WTI, Renaissance, Marine Science, AES, and Pre-K may be exempt due to unique scheduling. Individual teachers may waive all or part of their designated planning time during student contact time. Any exceptions not listed above shall be reviewed by the CCEA and Superintendent or his/her designee before approved by the Superintendent for implementation.
Planning Period. Professional employees with daily instructional responsibility with students will receive 225 minutes per week to be scheduled daily as approved by the supervising administrator. Professional employees whose assignment is not daily instructional responsibility with students receive 225 minutes per week as scheduled as approved by the supervising administrator.
1. If there is a loss in the minimum weekly planning time, due to professional obligations required by the building principal, compensation will be made at the rate of $5.00 per quarter hour or part thereof. The teacher will file monthly claims with the base school building principal.
2. If, as a result of required travel between buildings for assignment, there is a loss in the minimum weekly planning time, compensation will be made at the rate of $5.00 per quarter hour or part thereof. The building principal(s) will meet with the affected teacher(s) at the beginning of the year and determine, with the teacher, the expected loss of planning time per week. The teacher will file monthly claims with the base school building principal. Staff teaching an overload will be paid an additional 1/7th of their salary.
3. Teachers will receive a 2 hour block of planning during the professional learning at the beginning of the school year. In addition, on other full-day professional learning days during the school year, there will be a minimum of one (1) hour of district or building PLC time and 45 minutes of teacher plan time scheduled. These specific times will be established by the building administrators.