Common use of COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS Clause in Contracts

COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. (a) The Employer agrees to recognize six (6) stewards to be selected by the Union and to recognize a Grievance Committee which shall consist of the Local President and any two (2) stewards. The Union agrees to advise the Employer of the names of the local president and the stewards. All stewards shall be regular employees of the Board who have completed the probationary period. It is intention of the parties to have the xxxxxxx for each administrative area process the grievances in that area. When the xxxxxxx for the area is unable to act because of illness, vacation, or other conflict of interest, the Employer will recognize a replacement xxxxxxx provided that the is selected--with a view to minimizing travel time and work disruption. (a) The Union that committee members and executive members have duties to perform in connection with their employment, and only such time as reasonably necessary will be taken to service the grievance. (e) The time shall be devoted to the prompt handling of The stewards members of the Grievance Committee concerned shall the permission of the supervisor concerned before their work. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. The time away from productive work shall be reported to the supervisor so that a proper record of same may be kept. The Board the right to limit such time if it deems the time so taken to be excessive. (a) The parties to this Agreement are agreed that it is of the utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. No grievance be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it 'occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working before the filing of the grievance. It is understood that an employee has no grievance until the matter has been referred to immediate supervisor and an opportunity given to adjust the complaint. The time limits contained in the Grievance Procedure may The aggrieved employee shall present grievance in writing to immediate supervisor outside the bargaining unit who shall then arrange a meeting to discuss the grievance within a period of five days after the presentation of the grievance to employee shall have the assistance of xxxxxxx at meeting the employee so desires. The immediate supervisor give answer in writing within a period of five (8) days of the said meeting. If the answer is not satisfactory to the employee or if no answer is given then the next step in the grievance procedure may be taken at any time within five (5) days after receipt of the said

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Samples: Collective Agreement

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COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. (a) The Employer agrees to recognize six (6) stewards to be selected by the Union and to recognize a Grievance Committee which shall consist of the Local President and any two (2) stewards. The Union agrees to advise the Employer may elect or otherwise select five union stewards consisting of the names of the local president and the stewards. All stewards shall be regular employees of the Board who have completed the their probationary period. It is intention understood that the Employer shall not be required to meet with more than one xxxxxxx in the settling of grievances at a time. A member of the parties to have grievance committee may, where a grievance must reasonably be dealt with during working hours, assist an employee in presenting a grievance without loss of pay, provided the xxxxxxx for each administrative area process the grievances in that area. When the xxxxxxx for the area is unable to act because of illnesscommittee member has obtained her supervisor's consent, vacation, or other conflict of interest, the Employer will recognize a replacement xxxxxxx provided that the is selected--with a view to minimizing travel time and work disruption. (a) The Union that committee members and executive members have duties to perform in connection with their employment, and only such time as reasonably necessary will be taken to service the grievance. (e) The time shall be devoted to the prompt handling of The stewards members of the Grievance Committee concerned shall the permission of the supervisor concerned before their work. Such permission which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The time away from productive ), to leave her work shall be reported to the supervisor so that a proper record of same may be kept. The Board the right to limit such time if it deems the time so taken to be excessive. (a) The parties to this Agreement are agreed that it is of the utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. No grievance be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it 'occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working before the filing of the grievance. It is understood that an employee has no grievance until the matter has been referred to immediate supervisor and an opportunity given to adjust the complaint. The time limits contained in the Grievance Procedure may The aggrieved employee shall present grievance in writing to immediate supervisor outside the bargaining unit who shall then arrange a meeting to discuss station, deals with the grievance within a period of five days after the presentation promptly and reports to her supervisor upon her return. Members of the grievance to employee shall have the assistance of xxxxxxx at meeting the employee so desires. The immediate supervisor give answer committee are not covered under this article until named in writing within by the Union to the Employer. Meetings between the grievance committee and the Employer shall take place at times mutually agreed to. Where there are matters of mutual concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a period Labour-Management Committee meeting during the term of five (8) days this Agreement, the following shall apply. An equal number of representatives of each party as mutually agreed shall meet at a time and place mutually satisfactory. A request for such meeting will be made in writing at least one week prior to the date proposed and accompanied by an agenda of matters proposed to be discussed, which shall not include matters that are properly the subject of grievance or matters that are properly the subject of negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this Agreement. Suitable subjects for discussion will include orientation, aggressive residents and work load issues. A representative attending such meeting shall be paid for wages lost from regularly scheduled hours. A Union staff member may attend as representative of the said meetingUnion. If the answer is not satisfactory to the employee or if no answer is given then the next step in the grievance procedure may Meetings will be taken at any time within five (5) days after receipt of the saidheld quarterly unless otherwise agreed.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. (a) It is the Union has the right to elect or otherwise select a negotiating committee consisting of five representatives; all members of the shall regular employees of the Employer who have completed their probationary period. The Employer agrees to recognize six (6) stewards to Nursing Home members of the committee will be selected paid by the for time used during normally scheduled working negotiations of this Agreement or its successor including conciliation. The will a Union and to recognize a Grievance Committee Administrative Commit- tee for each Home which shall consist of three stewards let-xxx by the Local President and Union, not more two of which committee shall meet with Management at any two (2) stewardsone time. The Union agrees to advise the Employer shall be advised of the names of the local president of this committee and the stewardsshall be notified of any changes from time to time. All stewards members of the Committee shall be regular employees of the Board Employer who have completed the their probationary period. It is intention of the parties to have the xxxxxxx for each administrative area process the grievances in that area. When the xxxxxxx for the area is unable to act because of illness, vacation, or other conflict of interest, the Employer will recognize a replacement xxxxxxx provided that the is selected--with a view to minimizing travel time and work disruption. (a) The Union that committee members and executive members have duties to perform in connection with their employment, and only such time as reasonably necessary will be taken to service acknowledges the grievance. (e) The time shall be devoted to the prompt handling of The stewards members of the Grievance Union Ad- ministrative Committee concerned shall the permission must continue to perform their regular duties, and that so far as possible all activities of the supervisor concerned before their workCom- mittee will be carried on outside the regular working hours of the members thereof, unless otherwise mutually arranged. Such permission Labour -C-o-mmittee there are matters of mutual. concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour-Management Commit- tee the term of this Agreement, the following shall apply. An equal number representatives of each party as mutu- ally meet at a time and place mutually satisfac- tory. A request for such meeting will- be made in writing at least one week prior to the date proposed and by an agenda of , which shall. not be unreasonably withheld. The time away from productive work include matters that are properly the subject of grievance or matters that are properly the subject of negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this A representative attending such meetings shall be reported paid for wages Lost from regularly scheduled hours. A Union staff member may at-tend as a representative of the Union. Meetings will be held quarterly unless otherwise agreed. ARTICLE COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES complaints and shall be taken up in the manner: Step No. 1 An employee having a complaint shall refer it to his immediate supervisor within eight working days of the actual occurrence leading to the supervisor so that a proper record of same question or complaint,. At this stage, the employee may be kept. The Board the right to limit such time accompanied by a Union Xxxxxxx, if it deems the time so taken to be excessive. (a) The parties to this Agreement are agreed that it is of the utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. No grievance be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it 'occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working before the filing of the grievance. It is understood that an employee has no grievance until the matter has been referred to immediate supervisor and an opportunity given to adjust the complaint. The time limits contained in the Grievance Procedure may The aggrieved employee shall present grievance in writing to immediate supervisor outside the bargaining unit who shall then arrange a meeting to discuss the grievance within a period of five days after the presentation of the grievance to employee shall have the assistance of xxxxxxx at meeting the employee he so desires. The immediate supervisor give Supervisor shall reply to giving the answer to the complaint or question within working days from date of submission. Step If the grievance is not settled, the aggrieved employee may submit his grievance to the Department f-lead, who shall consider it in writing within a period of five (8) days the presence of the said meetingperson or persons presenting same and the Supervisor, and render his decision in writing. If The aggrie- ved shall have the answer is not satisfactory a of his Xxxxxxx, if he so desires. Should no settlement to the employee or if no answer is given then be reached within four working days, the next step in the grievance xxxx- xxxxx procedure may be taken at any time within four working days thereafter. If further action is then to be taken, the grievance shall be submitted in writing to the Administrator within five (5) days after of receipt of the saidSupervisor's reply and within further three working days receipt of written griev- ance, a meeting of the or his designate and 'his committee and a Union committee, which include a Union Representative, shall take place and the Administrator shall have three working days to study the matter and make his reply. If the reply of the Administrator, or his designate, is not to the matter may then be to arbitration and the following rules governing arbitra- tion must apply. The notification of arbitration must be made within ten working days after Step No. 3 above is com- pleted. Any of the time allowances above may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties. Where the employee's immediate Supervisor and Department are one and the same person, Step No. 2 will be omitted and the grievance may proceed from Step 1 to Step The may institute a grievance consisting of an allegation of a general misinterpretation or a violation by the of this Agreement in writing at Step the grievance procedure, providing that it is presented within ten 0 working after circumstances viny rise to the grievance have originated or occurred. However, it is understood that the provisions this clause not be to institute a grievance directly affecting an employee or employees which such employee or employees could themselves initiate and the regular grievance procedure shall not be thereby bypassed. of - - Letters Letters of reprimand shall be removed from files after a period of months. An employee subject disciplinary action which is to be recorded in the employee's personnel. shall have the right, if she so requests, to the presence of the Union xxxxxxx or Union committee member or, if either the above not avail- able, a member representative of the employee's choice who is working on the current Having provided a written request to the administrator at least one week in advance, an employee shall be entitled to her personnel. for the purpose reviewing any evaluations or formal disciplinary notations contained therein in the presence of a supervisor at a satisfactory time. It is understood and agreed that an employee is not entitled to see job references.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. (a) The Employer agrees to recognize six (6) stewards to be selected by It is mutually agreed that where negotiations are con- ducted on a joint basis between any or all of the nur- sing homes in the chain in the Province of Ontario, the Union and to recognize will elect or otherwise select a Grievance Committee negotiating committee consisting of one representative from each nursing home. If negotiations are carried on individually for any or all of the Nursing Homes in the chain in the Province of Ontario, it is agreed that the Union will elect or otherwise select a negotiating committee consisting of three employees, one of which shall consist be the Chief Xxxxxxx. All members of the Local President and any two (2) stewards. The Union agrees to advise the Employer of the names of the local president and the stewards. All stewards committee shall be regular employees of the Board Employer who have completed the their probationary period. It is intention of the parties to have the xxxxxxx for each administrative area process the grievances in that area. When the xxxxxxx for the area is unable to act because of illness, vacation, or other conflict of interest, the Employer will recognize a replacement xxxxxxx provided that the is selected--with a view to minimizing travel time and work disruption. (a) The Union that committee members and executive members have duties to perform in connection with their employment, and only such time as reasonably necessary will be taken to service the grievance. (e) The time shall be devoted to the prompt handling of The stewards nursing home members of the Grievance Committee concerned will be paid by the Employer for time used during normally scheduled working hours in negotiation of this Agreement or its successor including all conciliation proceedings but excluding any Arbitration proceedings. The Employer will a Union Administrative Committee which shall consist of a Chief Xxxxxxx and three stewards at each nursing home all selected from the permission members of the supervisor concerned before bargaining unit, not more than two of which committee members shall meet with the Employer at any one time. The Employer shall be advised of the names of members of this committee and shall be notified of any changes from time to time. All members of the committee shall be full-time employees of the Employer who have completed their workprobationary period. Such permission The Union acknowledges that the members of the Union Administrative Committee must continue to perform their regular duties, and that so far as possible all activities of the committee will be carried on outside the regular working hours of the members thereof, unless otherwise mutually arranged. Committee Where there are matters of mutual concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour-Management Committee meeting during the term of this Agreement, the following shall An equal number of representatives of each party as mutually agreed shall meet at a time and place mutually satisfactory. A request for such meeting will be made in writing at least one week prior to the date proposed and accompanied by an agenda of matters proposed to be discussed, which shall not be unreasonably withheldinclude matters that are properly the subject of a grievance or matters that are properly the subject of negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this agreement. The time away from productive work Suitable subjects for discussion will include orientation and aggressive residents. A representative attending such meeting shall be reported to the supervisor so that a proper record of same paid for wages lost from regularly scheduled hours. A Union staff member may be kept. The Board the right to limit such time if it deems the time so taken to be excessive. (a) The parties to this Agreement are agreed that it is attend as representative of the utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possibleUnion. No grievance Meetings will be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it 'occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working before the filing of the grievanceheld quarterly unless otherwise agreed. It is understood that an employee has no grievance until the matter has been referred to immediate supervisor where full and an opportunity given to adjust the complaint. The part-time limits contained in the Grievance Procedure may The aggrieved employee agreements are separate, there shall present grievance in writing to immediate supervisor outside the bargaining unit who shall then arrange a meeting to discuss the grievance within a period of five days after the presentation of the grievance to employee shall have the assistance of xxxxxxx at meeting the employee so desires. The immediate supervisor give answer in writing within a period of five (8) days of the said meeting. If the answer is not satisfactory to the employee or if no answer is given then the next step in the grievance procedure may be taken at any time within five (5) days after receipt of the saidone committee only.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

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COMMITTEE AND STEWARDS. (a) The Union shall have the right to elect or otherwise select a Union Committee of five employees; it being understood that one Committee Member will be from the Part Time Bargaining Unit. The Employer agrees to recognize six (6) stewards to be selected by will and deal with the said Committee on grievances and on any other matter properly arising out of this Agreement, including the negotiations for or renewal of this Agreement. It is agreed that the Union and to recognize a Grievance Committee which shall consist Representative of Local may be present with the Local President and any two (2) stewardsCommittee. The Union agrees shall elect from amongst employees, Stewards whose duties shall be to advise assist employees in presenting their grievances to the Employer designated representative of the Hospital in accordance with the grievance procedure. The Union shall notify the Hospital in writing of the names of the local president and the stewards. All stewards shall be regular employees of the Board who have completed the probationary period. It is intention of the parties to have the xxxxxxx for each administrative area process the grievances in that area. When the xxxxxxx for the area is unable to act because of illness, vacation, or other conflict of interest, the Employer will recognize a replacement xxxxxxx provided that the is Stewards selected--with a view to minimizing travel time and work disruption. (a) The Union acknowledges and agrees that committee members of the Union Committee and executive members have regular duties to perform in connection with their employment, and only such time as reasonably necessary will be taken to service the grievance. (e) The time shall be devoted to the prompt handling of The stewards members on behalf of the Grievance Committee concerned shall Employer and that such persons will not leave their duties without first obtaining permission from the permission Supervisor of the supervisor concerned before their work. Such permission Department or Unit in which they are upon of such duties shall not be unreasonably withheld. The time away from productive work shall be reported report back to the supervisor so that a proper record of same may be kept. The Board the right to limit such time if it deems the time so taken to be excessive. official, In accordance with this understanding (a) above such employees shall be compensated by the Employer for time lost from regular hours of work while meeting with representatives of the Hospital in dealing with matters arising out of this Agreement. The parties Union Committee and the Employer shall meet each month at the times mutually agreed upon, providing there is business for their joint consideration. Necessity for a meeting will be indicated by a letter from either party to the other party, containing an agenda of the subjects to be discussed. The Union agrees to supply the Employer with the names of the Stewards and the members constituting the Committee and will keep such a list up-to-date at all times. The Employer agrees to supply the Union Office, the Union Committee Members and Stewards with the names of Department Heads and Supervisors in Departments having employees covered by this Agreement are agreed that it is and the names of the utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. No grievance be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it 'occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working before the filing of the grievance. It is understood that an employee has no grievance until the matter has been referred to immediate supervisor and an opportunity given to adjust the complaint. The time limits contained persons in the Grievance Procedure may Management Committee, The aggrieved employee shall present grievance in writing to immediate supervisor outside list will be provided each but the bargaining unit who shall then arrange a meeting to discuss the grievance within a period of five days after the presentation of the grievance to employee shall have the assistance of xxxxxxx at meeting the employee so desires. The immediate supervisor Hospital will give answer in writing within a period of five (8) days of the said meeting. If the answer is not satisfactory notice to the employee or if no answer is given then Union Office of changes as they occur so that the next step list can be maintained in the grievance procedure may be taken at any time within five (5) days after receipt of the saida current position.

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Samples: Collective Agreement

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