Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. 1. The Parties establish a Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures consisting of sanitary and phytosanitary authorities and/or trade authorities of the Parties. 2. The Committee shall meet every 2 years or whenever it considers necessary. The Committee shall meet in presence or through teleconference, videoconference, or any other means; and shall be able to deal with sanitary and phytosanitary issues through telecommunications or correspondence. 3. At its first regular meeting, the Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure and if necessary, shall develop a Working Plan, which could be updated with the issues of interest proposed by the Parties. 4. The functions of this Committee include: (a) to monitor the implementation of this Chapter; (b) to review progress on addressing sanitary and phytosanitary matters that may arise between the Parties’ competent sanitary and phytosanitary authorities, including each Party’s priority market access interests; (c) to strengthen the communication on the Parties’ SPS-related administrative procedures to promote mutual understanding and compliance with the respective obligations under this Chapter; (d) to strengthen technical cooperation in sanitary and phytosanitary issues and seek the enhancement of any present or future relationship between the Parties; (e) to consult on issues, positions and agendas for meetings of the WTO/SPS Committee, Codex Alimentarius, the International Plant Protection Convention, the World Organization for Animal Health, and other international and regional fora on food safety and human, animal and plant health; (f) to establish technical working groups if necessary. The technical working groups may consist of expert-level representatives of the Parties as agreed, which shall identify, address, and attempt to resolve technical and scientific issues arising from this Chapter; (g) to hold technical discussions on sanitary and phytosanitary matters;and (h) other functions mutually agreed by the Parties. 5. The Committee shall be coordinated by: (a) for Peru, the Vice Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, or its successor; and (b) for China, the Department of International Cooperation of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, or its successor.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Free Trade Agreement, Free Trade Agreement
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. 1. The Parties establish a Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures consisting of sanitary and phytosanitary authorities and/or trade authorities of the Parties.
2. The Committee shall meet every 2 years or whenever it considers necessary. The Committee shall meet in presence or through teleconference, videoconference, or any other means; and shall be able to deal with sanitary and phytosanitary issues through telecommunications or correspondence.
3. At its first regular meeting, the Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure and if necessary, shall develop a Working Plan, which could be updated with the issues of interest proposed by the Parties.
4. The functions of this Committee include:
(a) to monitor the implementation of this Chapter;
(b) to review progress on addressing sanitary and phytosanitary matters that may arise between the Parties’ competent sanitary and phytosanitary authorities, including each Party’s priority market access interests;
(c) to strengthen the communication on the Parties’ SPS-related administrative procedures to promote mutual understanding and compliance with the respective obligations under this Chapter;
(d) to strengthen technical cooperation in sanitary and phytosanitary issues and seek the enhancement of any present or future relationship between the Parties;
(e) to consult on issues, positions and agendas for meetings of the WTO/SPS Committee, Codex Alimentarius, the International Plant Protection Convention, the World Organization for Animal Health, and other international and regional fora on food safety and human, animal and plant health;
(f) to establish technical working groups if necessary. The technical working groups may consist of expert-level representatives of the Parties as agreed, which shall identify, address, and attempt to resolve technical and scientific issues arising from this Chapter;
(g) to hold technical discussions on sanitary and phytosanitary matters;and
(h) other functions mutually agreed by the Parties.
5. The Committee shall be coordinated by:
(a) for Peru, the Vice Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, or its successor; and
(b) for China, the Department of International Cooperation of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, or its successor; and
(b) for Peru, the Vice Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, or its successor.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Free Trade Agreement, Free Trade Agreement
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. 1. The Parties establish a the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures consisting Measures. The Committee shall be composed of sanitary representatives of both Parties with responsibilities for trade, sanitary, phytosanitary, and phytosanitary authorities and/or trade authorities food safety matters, in accordance with Annex 7.8 of the Partiesthis Chapter.
2. The Committee shall meet every 2 years or whenever assist the Commission in the performance of its functions.
3. The first meeting of the Committee shall be held no later than 90 days after the entry into force of this Agreement. For this meeting, the Parties shall accredit their representatives through an exchange of official communications.
4. The Committee shall establish at its first meeting, if it considers necessarydeems it appropriate, its rules of procedure.
5. Meetings of the Committee shall be held at the request of any of the Parties.
6. The Committee shall meet in presence ordinary session at least once a year, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, and in extraordinary session as often as necessary, within 30 days from the date of the request made pursuant to paragraph 5. The meetings of the Committee may be held in person or through teleconferenceany technological means. When the meetings are held in person, videoconference, or any other means; they shall be held alternately in the territory of each Party and it shall be the responsibility of the host Party to organize the meeting.
7. The agreements of the Committee shall be adopted by consensus and shall be able reported to deal with sanitary and phytosanitary issues through telecommunications or correspondencethe corresponding authorities.
3. At its first regular meeting, the Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure and if necessary, shall develop a Working Plan, which could be updated with the issues of interest proposed by the Parties.
48. The functions of this the Committee shall include:
(a) monitoring the implementation and administration of this Chapter;
(b) serving as a forum to monitor discuss problems related to the development or application of previously notified sanitary, phytosanitary, and food safety measures that affect or may affect trade between the Parties, to establish mutually acceptable solutions, and to evaluate progress in implementing such solutions;
(c) make appropriate recommendations to the Administrative Commission on matters within its competence;
(d) establish ad hoc technical working groups in the areas of animal health, plant health or food safety, and indicate their terms of reference and terms of reference, for the purpose of addressing a matter referred to them by the Committee;
(e) agree on actions, procedures and timelines for the recognition of equivalencies; the streamlining of the risk assessment process; the recognition of pest or disease free areas or zones and areas or zones of low pest or disease prevalence; and control, inspection and approval procedures, recommending the adoption of these to the Administrative Commission;
(f) to consult on matters, positions and agendas for meetings of the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures of the WTO, the various Codex Alimentarius Committees (including meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission); the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC); the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and other international and regional fora, as appropriate, on sanitary and phytosanitary measures;
(g) coordinate the exchange of information on sanitary and phytosanitary measures among the Parties;
(h) carry out the necessary actions for the training and specialization of technical personnel by promoting the exchange of technical experts, including cooperation in the development, application and enforcement of sanitary and phytosanitary measures;
(i) seek to the greatest extent possible, technical assistance and cooperation from competent international and regional organizations when appropriate, in order to obtain scientific and technical advice;
(j) report annually to the Commission on the implementation of this Chapter;
(bk) review the operation and implementation of this Chapter and, as appropriate, submit proposals for amendments to review progress on addressing sanitary and phytosanitary matters that may arise between the Parties’ competent sanitary and phytosanitary authoritiesCommission, including each Party’s priority market access interests;
(c) to strengthen taking into account the communication on the Parties’ SPS-related administrative procedures to promote mutual understanding and compliance with the respective obligations under this Chapter;
(d) to strengthen technical cooperation experience gained in sanitary and phytosanitary issues and seek the enhancement of any present or future relationship between the Parties;
(e) to consult on issues, positions and agendas for meetings of the WTO/SPS Committee, Codex Alimentarius, the International Plant Protection Convention, the World Organization for Animal Health, and other international and regional fora on food safety and human, animal and plant health;
(f) to establish technical working groups if necessary. The technical working groups may consist of expert-level representatives of the Parties as agreed, which shall identify, address, and attempt to resolve technical and scientific issues arising from this Chapter;
(g) to hold technical discussions on sanitary and phytosanitary matters;and
(h) other functions mutually agreed by the Parties.
5. The Committee shall be coordinated by:
(a) for Peru, the Vice Ministry of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, or its successorimplementation; and
(bl) for China, any other matter related to this Chapter directed by the Department of International Cooperation of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, or its successorCommission.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Free Trade Agreement
Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. 1. The Parties note the high level consultative mechanism established under the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Sanitary and Phytosanitary Matters between the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China.
2. The Parties hereby establish a the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures consisting (the “Committee”), comprising representatives of sanitary and phytosanitary authorities and/or trade authorities of the Parties.
2. The Committee shall meet every 2 years or whenever it considers necessary. The Committee shall meet in presence or through teleconference, videoconference, or any other means; and shall be able to deal with sanitary and phytosanitary issues through telecommunications or correspondenceeach Party.
3. At its first regular meetingFor the purposes of this Article, the Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure and if necessary, shall develop a Working Plan, which could be updated with the issues of interest proposed by the Parties.
4. The functions of this Committee include:
(a) to monitor the implementation of this Chapter;
(b) to review progress on addressing sanitary and phytosanitary matters that may arise between the Parties’ competent sanitary and phytosanitary authorities, including each Party’s priority market access interests;
(c) to strengthen the communication on the Parties’ SPS-related administrative procedures to promote mutual understanding and compliance with the respective obligations under this Chapter;
(d) to strengthen technical cooperation in sanitary and phytosanitary issues and seek the enhancement of any present or future relationship between the Parties;
(e) to consult on issues, positions and agendas for meetings of the WTO/SPS Committee, Codex Alimentarius, the International Plant Protection Convention, the World Organization for Animal Health, and other international and regional fora on food safety and human, animal and plant health;
(f) to establish technical working groups if necessary. The technical working groups may consist of expert-level representatives of the Parties as agreed, which shall identify, address, and attempt to resolve technical and scientific issues arising from this Chapter;
(g) to hold technical discussions on sanitary and phytosanitary matters;and
(h) other functions mutually agreed by the Parties.
5. The Committee shall be coordinated by:
(a) for PeruAustralia, the Vice Ministry Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Agriculture or its successor; and
(b) for China, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine or its successor.
4. The Committee shall meet at least once every two years unless the Parties agree otherwise. The Committee’s functions shall include:
(a) promoting the objectives set out in Article 5.1;
(b) reviewing and monitoring the implementation of this Chapter;
(c) determining areas for cooperation and collaboration;
(d) considering proposals for technical assistance and capacity building under this Chapter;
(e) reviewing progress on and, as appropriate, seeking to address through mutual consent, sanitary and phytosanitary matters that may arise between the Parties;
(f) as appropriate, reporting its findings and the outcomes of its discussions to the FTA Joint Commission; and
(g) carrying out other functions as may be delegated to it by the FTA Joint Commission.
5. Each Party shall ensure that appropriate representatives with responsibility for sanitary and phytosanitary measures and food standards participate in meetings of the Committee.
6. The Committee may agree to establish technical working groups on human, animal and plant health or food safety, as necessary, including regionalisation and equivalence, to address issues arising from the implementation of this Chapter.
7. Each Party shall establish a contact point which shall have responsibility for coordinating the implementation of this Chapter. The contact points will be:
(a) for Australia, the Department of International Cooperation of Agriculture or its successor; and
(b) for China, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, Quarantine or its successor.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Free Trade Agreement