ETHICS COMPLIANCE All Bidders/Contractors and their employees must comply with the requirements of Sections 73 and 74 of the Public Officers Law, other State codes, rules, regulations and executive orders establishing ethical standards for the conduct of business with New York State. In signing the Bid, Bidder certifies full compliance with those provisions for any present or future dealings, transactions, sales, contracts, services, offers, relationships, etc., involving New York State and/or its employees. Failure to comply with those provisions may result in disqualification from the Bidding process, termination of contract, and/or other civil or criminal proceedings as required by law.
OSHA Compliance To the extent applicable to the services to be performed under this Agreement, Contractor represents and warrants, that all articles and services furnished under this Agreement meet or exceed the safety standards established and promulgated under the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Law (Public Law 91-596) and its regulations in effect or proposed as of the date of this Agreement.
PCI Compliance A. The Acquiring Bank will provide The Merchant with appropriate training on PCI PED and/or DSS rules and regulations in respect of The Merchants obligations. Initial training will be provided and at appropriate intervals as and when relevant changes are made to such rules and regulations. B. The Acquiring Bank will ensure that The Merchant is kept informed of any relevant new, or changes to, PCI PED and/or DSS compliance rules and regulations. C. The Merchant will comply with PCI PED and/or DSS, and resulting obligations, in respect of establishing, and maintaining, the required security controls. D. The Merchant will ensure that all its appropriate staff (existing and new) are knowledgeable in their responsibilities with respect to PCI PED and/or DSS compliance. E. The Merchant must be able to demonstrate compliance with PCI PED and/or DSS and maintain measures necessary to successfully pass regular compliance certification checks. F. The Merchant will notify The Acquiring Bank immediately should it become evident that data security standards have been compromised. The Merchant will also provide all assistance necessary to assist The Acquiring Bank and its agents to investigate and obtain any required evidence of a security breach. G. The Merchant hereby agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify The Acquiring Bank from and against all actions, claims, losses, charges, costs and damages which The Acquiring Bank may suffer or incur as a result of The Merchants failure to comply with PCI PED and/or DSS. H. Further to the conditions set out in Section 34 below, The Acquiring Bank reserves the right to terminate this agreement with The Merchant if The Merchant: i. Refuses to accept, or commence, any remedial action(s) required under its obligation to PCI PED and/or DSS. ii. Fails to maintain its PCI PED and/or DSS obligations and/or consistently fails compliance certification checks. iii. Receives continuing penalties Fraud notifications or alerts of in any case where the Acquiring bank may be asked by the schemes to take action against the Merchant. اهيلع ةقداصملا تمت دق هنأ نم ةيلمع يأ ذيفنت دعب دكأتلا رجاتلا ىلع بجي .10 لمحتب هرارقإ متو ةقاطبلا لماح ةطساوب بولطملا وحنلا ىلعو ةرشابم .ةيلمعلا كلت ذيفنت نع هتيلوؤسم لماك يأ تحت ةيلمع نم رثكأ ىلإ ةيلمعلا ةميق ميسقتب موقي لاأب رجاتلا دهعتي .11 لاير )500( ةميقب نيتيلمع ذفني نأ لاثملا ليبس ىلعف ،قلاطلإا ىلع فرظ ةعباتلا عفدلا ةقاطب سفن مادختساب لاير )1000( يلامجلإا اهغلبم عئاضبل اذه ربتعي ثيحب ؛ىرخأ عفد تاقاطب ةيأ وأ تاعوفدملل ةيدوعسلا ةكبشلل ءاغلإ و زاهجلا فاقيا ةلاحلا هذه يف كنبلل قحيو ،اًمامت ًاروظحم فرصتلا .ةيقافتلاا ةكبشلا ةقاطبب لقأ وأ رثكأ وأ لايرب ةرركم تايلمع ءارجإ رجاتلل قحي لا .12 غلابم وأ تايلمع ددع قيقحت ضرغب هب ةصاخلا نامتئلاا ةقاطب وأ ةيدوعسلا ءاغلإ و زاهجلا فاقيا كنبلل قحيو .هيلع ةررقملا موسرلا عفد بنجتل تايلمع .رجاتلا باسح نم ةررقملا موسرلا مصخ يف قحلاب ظافتحلاا عم ةيقافتلاا لمحُي نل هلاعأ ةحضوملا تامازتللااو تاءارجلإاب ديقتلا مدعو هقافخإ نأ رجاتلا رقي وأ فيلاكت وأ تابلاطم وأ ىوعد ةيأ نع اهريغ وأ تناك ةينوناق ،ةيلوؤسم ةيأ كنبلا ةراسخ وأ ةيمكارتلا رارضلأا وأ رئاسخلا كلذ يف امب رئاسخ وأ رارضأ وأ فيراصم مازتللااب رجاتلا للاخإ ببسب رجاتلا كنب اهدبكتي وأ اهل ضرعتي دق يتلا ،حابرلأا مدع ببسب ركذ امم يلأ رجاتلا كنب ضرعت لاح يفو .ةدراولا تابلطتملاو تاميلعتلاب ىوعد نم هيلع بترتي دق ام عيمج رجاتلا لمحتي ،ةروكذملا تاءارجلإاب رجاتلا مازتلا مدع ةجيتن رجاتلا كنب قحلت دق رئاسخ وأ رارضأ وأ فيراصم وأ فيلاكت وأ تابلاطم وأ .تاءارجلإاو طورشلاو تابلطتملا هذهب رجاتلا مازتلا عفدلا تاقاطب ةعانص رايعم عم قفاوتلا .9 PCI Compliance مادختساب ةصاخلا دعاوقلا ىلع بسانملا بيردتلا رجاتلل رجاتلا كنب مدقي .أ ،عفدلا تاقاطب ةعانصب قلعتت يتلاو ةيرسلا ةيصخشلا ماقرلأا لاخدإ زاهج تامازتلاب قلعتي اميف عفدلا تاقاطب ةعانص تانايب ةيامح رايعم ىلع اًضيأو تارييغت يأ ىلع وأ ديدج وه ام ىلع رجاتلا علاطإ ماود نم رجاتلا كنب دكأتي .ب ماقرلأا لاخدإ زاهج مادختساب ةصاخلا مازتللاا دعاوقو تاعيرشتلاب ةقلاع تاذ تانايب ةيامح رايعمب وأ ،عفدلا تاقاطبب قلعتي ام لك وأ ةيرسلا ةيصخشلا .عفدلا تاقاطب ةعانص ،عفدلا تاقاطبل ةيرسلا ةيصخشلا ماقرلأا لاخدإ ئدابمو ريياعمب رجاتلا مزتلي .ج قلعتي اميف ةرداصلا اهتاعيرشتو ،عفدلا تاقاطب تانايب نمأ ريياعمب اًضيأو .ةبولطملا ةيامحلا طباوض قيبطتو سيسأتب )نيدجتسملاو نييلاحلا( نيصتخملا نيفظوملا علاطإ نم رجاتلا دكأتي .د ةيصخشلا ماقرلأا لاخدإب ةصاخلا مازتللاا دعاوقب قلعتي اميف مهتايلوؤسمب .عفدلا تاقاطب تانايب نمأ ريياعمو ،عفدلا تاقاطبل ةيرسلا ةيصخشلا ماقرلأا لاخدإب ةصاخلا مازتللاا دعاوق حضوي نأ رجاتلا ىلع بجي .ـه ةظفاحملاو ،عفدلا تاقاطب تانايب نمأ ريياعم كلذكو عفدلا تاقاطبل ةيرسلا مازتللاا ىدمل ةيرودلا تارابتخلاا ةداهش زايتجلا ةيرورضلا ريياعملا ىلع .حاجنب ريياعم كاهتنا نم ققحتلا روف رجاتلا كنب راعشإب رجاتلا موقي نأ بجي .و كنب ةدعاسمل يرورض وه ام لك ميدقت رجاتلا ىلع بجي اًضيأو ،ةيامحلا ةبولطملا نيهاربلاو ةلدلأا يف قيقحتلا نم نيصتخملا هيفظومو رجاتلا .ةيامحلا قارتخا تابثلإ رجاتلا كنبل ةلماكلا ةيامحلاب ةيقافتلاا هذه بجومب رجاتلا مزتليو دهعتي .ز تابلاطم وأ ىوعد ةيأ نع ،اهريغ وأ تناك ةينوناق ،ةيلوؤسم ةيأ هليمحت مدعو رارضلأا وأ رئاسخلا كلذ يف امب رئاسخ وأ رارضأ وأ فيراصم وأ فيلاكت وأ ببسب رجاتلا كنب اهدبكتي وأ اهل ضرعتي دق يتلا ،حابرلأا ةراسخ وأ ةيمكارتلا كنب ظفتحي ،هاندأ 34 مقر ةداملا يف اهعضو مت يتلا طورشلا ىلإ ةفاضإ .ح :يتلآاب رجاتلا مايق ةلاح يف رجاتلا عم ةيقافتلاا هذه ءاهنإ قحب رجاتلا هتامازتلا هيلع هيلمت بولطم يزارتحا ءارجإ يأ ذاختا وأ لوبق هضفر .i وأ عفدلا تاقاطبل ةيرسلا ةيصخشلا ماقرلأا لاخدإ ئدابمو ريياعمب .عفدلا تاقاطب تانايب نمأ ريياعمب ماقرلأا لاخدإ ئدابمو ريياعمو دعاوقب مازتللااو ةظفاحملا يف هقافخإ .ii ،عفدلا تاقاطب تانايب نمأ ريياعمب وأ عفدلا تاقاطبل ةيرسلا ةيصخشلا .مازتللاا تارابتخا زايتجا يف لشفلا و/وأ تاريذحتلاو تاهيبنتلا هملاتسا وأ هيلع ةرمتسملا تامارغلا ضرف .iii تاعوفدملا ماظن لبق نم ةيلمع يأ صوصخب ريوزتلاب ةقلعتملا مزلالا ءارجلإا ذاختا رجاتلا كنب نم بلطي دق اهللاخ نم يتلاو ،يملاعلا 10. Transaction(s) to be in Saudi Riyals: All MADA-POS transactions must be denominated in Saudi Riyals (SR).
CEQA Compliance The District has complied with all assessment requirements imposed upon it by the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resource Code Section 21000 et seq. (“CEQA”) in connection with the Project, and no further environmental review of the Project is necessary pursuant to CEQA before the construction of the Project may commence.
FCPA Compliance The Company has not and, to the best of the Company’s knowledge, none of its employees or agents at any time during the last five years have (i) made any unlawful contribution to any candidate for foreign office, or failed to disclose fully any contribution in violation of law, or (ii) made any payment to any federal or state governmental officer or official, or other person charged with similar public or quasi-public duties, other than payments required or permitted by the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction thereof.
DBE/HUB Compliance The Engineer’s subcontracting program shall comply with the requirements of Attachment H of the contract (DBE/HUB Requirements).
FERPA Compliance In connection with all FERPA Records that Contractor may create, receive or maintain on behalf of University pursuant to the Underlying Agreement, Contractor is designated as a University Official with a legitimate educational interest in and with respect to such FERPA Records, only to the extent to which Contractor (a) is required to create, receive or maintain FERPA Records to carry out the Underlying Agreement, and (b) understands and agrees to all of the following terms and conditions without reservation:
Standards Compliance Registry Operator shall comply with relevant existing RFCs and those published in the future by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), including all successor standards, modifications or additions thereto relating to the DNS and name server operations including without limitation RFCs 1034, 1035, 1123, 1982, 2181, 2182, 2671, 3226, 3596, 3597, 4343, and 5966. DNS labels may only include hyphens in the third and fourth position if they represent valid IDNs (as specified above) in their ASCII encoding (e.g., “xn--ndk061n”).
FINRA Compliance You represent and warrant (a) that you are a broker or dealer (as defined by FINRA actually engaged in the investment banking or securities business and that you are either (i) a member in good standing of FINRA or (ii) a non-U.S. bank, broker, dealer or other institution not eligible for membership in FINRA and not registered under the 1934 Act (a “non-member non-U.S. dealer”), or (b) only in the case of Offerings of Securities that are exempted securities (as defined in Section 3(a)(12) of the 1934 Act), and such other Securities as from time to time may be sold by a “bank” (as defined in Section 3(a)(6) of the 1934 Act (a “Bank”)), that you are a domestic Bank which is not a member of FINRA that makes the representations and agreements applicable to such institutions contained in this Section 10 hereof as if you were a member of FINRA. You agree that, in connection with any purchase or sale of the Securities wherein a selling concession, discount or other allowance is received or granted, you (aa) will comply, if you are a member of FINRA, with all applicable rules of FINRA, including, without limitation, (i) the requirements of FINRA Rule 5130, and (ii) the requirements of NASD Conduct Rule 2740 (relating to Selling Concessions, Discounts and Other Allowances) or any FINRA successor rules thereto or (bb) if you are a non-member non-U.S. dealer, (i) will comply, as though you were a member of FINRA, with the requirements of the following rules (including any FINRA successor rules thereto): NASD Conduct Rules 2730 (relating to Securities Taken in Trade), 2740 (relating to Selling Concessions), 2750 (relating to Transactions with Related Persons) and FINRA Rule 5130 (relating to Restrictions on the Purchase and Sale of Initial Equity Public Offerings) and NASD Conduct Rule 2420 (relating to Dealing with Non-Members) as that Rule applies to a non-member broker/dealer in a non-U.S. country, and (ii) are, and will remain at all relevant times, an appropriately registered or licensed broker-dealer (to the extent required) in a non-U.S. jurisdiction and will not engage in any activities in the United States or with United States persons as would require you to register as a broker-dealer under Section 15 of the 1934 Act or obtain FINRA membership as set forth in NASD Conduct Rule 2420(c). In addition, if you are a domestic bank or a non-member non-U.S. dealer, you agree to comply, as though you were a member of FINRA, and make the representations and agreements applicable to such institutions contained in this Section 10. You represent and warrant that you are fully familiar with the above provisions. You further represent, by your participation in an Offering, that you have provided to us all documents and other information required to be filed with respect to you, any related person or any person associated with you or any such related person pursuant to the supplementary requirements of FINRA’s interpretation with respect to review of corporate financing as such requirements relate to such Offering.
BUY AMERICAN PROVISIONS COMPLIANCE To the extent applicable, Supplier must comply with all applicable provisions of the Buy American Act. Purchases made in accordance with the Buy American Act must follow the applicable procurement rules calling for free and open competition.