Project Completion Date It is agreed between the Parties that the Project Completion Date is <END DATE, YEAR>. If the Project is not completed by such date then, subject to an amendment agreed to between the Parties, Alberta Innovates may elect to terminate this Investment Agreement. In such event, Alberta Innovates will notify the Applicant of its decision to terminate as soon as reasonably practical and shall advise the Applicant of the effective date of termination. Alberta Innovates will have no liability or obligation to reimburse the Applicant for any Project Costs incurred after the effective date of termination and may require the Applicant to return any portions of the Investment which were spent on Ineligible Expenses. Additionally, any portion of the Investment not used and accounted for in accordance with this Agreement as of the Project Completion Date or earlier termination is repayable by the Applicant to AI at AI’s request.
Development of the Project 4.1 TSP's obligations in development of the Project: a. for procuring and maintaining in full force and effect all Consents, Clearances and Permits, required in accordance with Law for development of the Project; b. for financing, constructing, owning and commissioning each of the Element of the Project for the scope of work set out in Schedule 1 of this Agreement in accordance with: i. the Electricity Act and the Rules made thereof; ii. the Grid Code; iii. the CEA Regulations applicable, and as amended from time to time, for Transmission Lines and sub-stations: • the Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007; • Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Regulation, 2010; • Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standard) Regulations, 2010; • Central Electricity Authority (Safety requirements for construction, operation and maintenance of Electrical Plants and Electrical Lines) Regulation, 2011; • Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulation, 2010; • Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Communication System in Power System Operation) Regulations, 2020. iv. Safety/ security Guidelines laid down by the Government; v. Prudent Utility Practices, relevant Indian Standards and the Law; not later than the Scheduled COD as per Schedule 2 of this Agreement; c. for entering into a Connection Agreement with the concerned parties in accordance with the Grid Code. d. for owning the Project throughout the term of this Agreement free and clear of any encumbrances except those expressly permitted under Article 15 of this Agreement; e. to co-ordinate and liaise with concerned agencies and provide on a timely basis relevant information with regard to the specifications of the Project that may be required for interconnecting the Project with the Interconnection Facilities; f. for providing all assistance to the Arbitrators as they may require for the performance of their duties and responsibilities; g. to provide to the Nodal Agency and CEA, on a monthly basis, progress reports with regard to the Project and its execution (in accordance with prescribed form) to enable the CEA to monitor and co-ordinate the development of the Project matching with the Interconnection Facilities; h. to comply with Ministry of Power order no. 25-11/6/2018 – PG dated 02.07.2020 as well as other Guidelines issued by Govt. of India pertaining to this; i. to procure the products associated with the Transmission System as per provisions of Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) orders issued by Ministry of Power vide orders No. 11/5/2018 - Coord. dated 28.07.2020 for transmission sector, as amended from time to time read with Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) orders in this regard (Procuring Entity as defined in above orders shall deemed to have included Selected Bidder and/ or TSP). Also, to comply with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance vide Order (Public Procurement No 1) bearing File No. 6/18/2019- PPD dated 23.07.2020, Order (Public Procurement No 2) bearing File No. 6/18/2019-PPD dated 23.07.2020 and Order (Public Procurement No. 3) bearing File No. 6/18/2019-PPD, dated 24.07.2020, as amended from time to time, regarding public procurement from a bidder of a country, which shares land border with India; j. to submit to Nodal Agency information in the prescribed format [To be devised by Nodal Agency] for ensuring compliance to Article 4.1 i) above. k. to comply with all its obligations undertaken in this Agreement. 4.2 Roles of the Nodal Agency in implementation of the Project: 4.2.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Nodal Agency shall be the holder and administrator of this Agreement and shall inter alia: a. appoint an Independent Engineer within 90 days of the Effective Date b. provide letters of recommendation to the concerned Indian Governmental Instrumentality, as may be requested by the TSP from time to time, for obtaining the Consents, Clearances and Permits required for the Project; c. coordinate among TSP and upstream/downstream entities in respect of Interconnection Facilities; and d. monitor the implementation of the Agreement and take appropriate action for breach thereof including revocation of guarantees, cancellation of Agreement, blacklisting etc e. provide all assistance to the Arbitrators as required for the performance of their duties and responsibilities; and f. perform any other responsibility (ies) as specified in this Agreement.
Project Completion The Contractor agrees to schedule a final job walk with the County. If required, the County will prepare a list of incomplete items, the “Punch List”. The Contractor agrees to complete the “Punch List” corrections and schedule a final project completion job walk. The County will sign the “Punch List” as completed when determined, the project is finished. The Contractor agrees to submit the following along with its final payment request:
Project Closeout a. Participate in final inspection to prepare punch lists for project contractor to correct and/or to complete listed items. Verify that items on punch lists have been completed successfully assist COUNTY Project Manager or designee to determine completion date and coordinate project close out. a. Coordinate the preparation, acceptance and distribution of project closeout documents in accordance with COUNTY Project Manager or designee procedures to clients.
Notice to Proceed - Site Improvements The Recipient shall not commence, or cause to be commenced, any site improvements or other work on the Land until the Director has issued a Notice to Proceed to the Recipient. Such Notice to Proceed will not be issued until the Director is assured that the Recipient has complied with all requirements for the approval of a grant under Revised Code Sections 164.20 through 164.27 and has completed any land acquisition required by the Project. A Notice to Proceed shall be required for all Project prime contractors or direct procurement initiated by the Recipient following execution of this Agreement.
Construction Contract; Cost Budget Prior to execution of a construction contract, Tenant shall submit a copy of the proposed contract with the Contractor for the construction of the Tenant Improvements, including the general conditions with Contractor (the “Contract”) to Landlord for its approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Following execution of the Contract and prior to commencement of construction, Tenant shall provide Landlord with a fully executed copy of the Contract for Landlord’s records. Prior to the commencement of the construction of the Tenant Improvements, and after Tenant has accepted all bids and proposals for the Tenant Improvements, Tenant shall provide Landlord with a detailed breakdown, by trade, for all of Tenant’s Agents, of the final estimated costs to be incurred or which have been incurred in connection with the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements to be performed by or at the direction of Tenant or the Contractor (the “Construction Budget”), which costs shall include, but not be limited to, the costs of the Architect’s and Engineers’ fees and the Landlord Coordination Fee. The amount, if any, by which the total costs set forth in the Construction Budget exceed the amount of the Tenant Improvement Allowance is referred to herein as the “Over Allowance Amount”. In the event that an Over-Allowance Amount exists, then prior to the commencement of construction of the Tenant Improvements, Tenant shall supply Landlord with cash in an amount equal to the Over-Allowance Amount. The Over-Allowance Amount shall be disbursed by Landlord prior to the disbursement of any of the then remaining portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, and such disbursement shall be pursuant to the same procedure as the Tenant Improvement Allowance. In the event that, after the total costs set forth in the Construction Budget have been delivered by Tenant to Landlord, the costs relating to the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements shall change, any additional costs for such design and construction in excess of the total costs set forth in the Construction Budget shall be added to the Over-Allowance Amount and the total costs set forth in the Construction Budget, and such additional costs shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord immediately as an addition to the Over-Allowance Amount or at Landlord’s option, Tenant shall make payments for such additional costs out of its own funds, but Tenant shall continue to provide Landlord with the documents described in items (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of Section of this Tenant Work Letter, above, for Landlord’s approval, prior to Tenant paying such costs. All Tenant Improvements paid for by the Over-Allowance Amount shall be deemed Landlord’s property under the terms of the Lease.
Project Completion Report At the completion of construction and once a Project is placed in service, the Subrecipient must submit a Project Completion Report that includes the total number of units built and leased, affordable units built and leased, DR-MHP units built and leased, an accomplishment narrative, and the tenants names, demographics and income for each DR-MHP unit.
COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT Section 3.01 The Project (a) The Company intends and expects, together with any Sponsor Affiliate, to (i) construct and acquire the Project, and (ii) meet the Contract Minimum Investment Requirement within the Investment Period. The Company anticipates that the first Phase of the Project will be placed in service during the calendar year ending December 31, 2020. (b) Pursuant to the FILOT Act and subject to Section 4.03 hereof, the Company and the County hereby agree that the Company and any Sponsor Affiliates shall identify annually those assets which are eligible for FILOT payments under the FILOT Act and which the Company or any Sponsor Affiliate selects for such treatment by listing such assets in its annual PT-300S form (or comparable form) to be filed with the Department (as such may be amended from time to time) and that by listing such assets, such assets shall automatically become Economic Development Property and therefore be exempt from all ad valorem taxation during the Exemption Period. Anything contained in this Fee Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the Company and any Sponsor Affiliates shall not be obligated to complete the acquisition of the Project. However, if the Company, together with any Sponsor Affiliates, does not meet the Contract Minimum Investment Requirement within the Investment Period, the provisions of Section 4.03 hereof shall control. (c) The Company may add to the Land such real property, located in the same taxing District in the County as the original Land, as the Company, in its discretion, deems useful or desirable. In such event, the Company, at its expense, shall deliver an appropriately revised Exhibit A to this Fee Agreement, in form reasonably acceptable to the County.
Project Work Plan The Statement of Work is the formal document incorporated into the Grant. The Project Work Plan documents how the Grantee will achieve the performance measures outlined in the Grant. Changes to the Statement of Work require an amendment. Project Work Plans may be changed with written approval from PEI and the Grantee.
Construction Progress Schedule A schedule indicating proposed activity sequences and durations, milestone dates for receipt and approval of pertinent information, preparation, submittal, and processing of Shop Drawings and Samples, delivery of materials or equipment requiring long-lead time procurement, and proposed date(s) of Material Completion and Occupancy and Final Completion. The schedule will be developed to represent the sixteen or seventeen CSI Specification Divisions. It shall have a minimum number of activities as required to adequately represent to Owner the complete scope of work and define the Project’s critical path and associated activities. If the Project is to be phased, then each individual Phase should be identified from start through completion of the overall Project and should be individually scheduled and described, including any Owner’s occupancy requirements and showing portions of the Project having occupancy priority. The format of the schedule will have dependencies indicated on a monthly grid identifying milestone dates such as construction start, phase construction, structural top out, dry-in, rough-in completion, metal stud and drywall completion, equipment installation, systems operational, Material Completion and Occupancy Date, final inspection dates, Punchlist, and Final Completion date.