Component 1 – Base Case. 1.1. The Base Case is the value of the land under the current zoning (assuming in perpetuity). The value under the base case should be assessed on the site’s highest and best use permissible under the current zoning. The highest and best use may, or may not be, the current use of the land.
1.2. The Valuer is required to test and determine the highest and best use of the land. The base case is to assume that the current zoning on the land and the development standards under the current instruments will remain in perpetuity. The planning proposal itself must not affect the base case.
1.3. Standard valuation practices shall apply and at least two methods of valuation should be used. Comparable sales should be one of the methods applied unless there is insufficient evidence. When using comparable sales evidence the Valuer must ensure that the sale prices are not affected by planning proposals or draft instruments that are not related to the base case – or at least make reasonable allowances / adjustments.
1.4. If the subject site was sold recently then the purchase price can be adopted provided that the price was not inflated as a result of the planning proposal.