Determination of Rate of Interest and calculation of Interest Amounts The Agent will at or as soon as practicable after each time at which the Rate of Interest is to be determined, determine the Rate of Interest for the relevant Interest Period. The Agent will calculate the amount of interest (the Interest Amount) payable on the Floating Rate Notes for the relevant Interest Period by applying the Rate of Interest to:
Notification of Rate of Interest and Interest Amounts The Principal Paying Agent will cause the Rate of Interest and each Interest Amount for each Interest Period and the relevant Interest Payment Date to be notified to the Issuer and any stock exchange on which the relevant Floating Rate Notes or Index Linked Interest Notes are for the time being listed and notice thereof to be published in accordance with Condition 15 as soon as possible after their determination but in no event later than the fourth London Business Day thereafter. Each Interest Amount and Interest Payment Date so notified may subsequently be amended (or appropriate alternative arrangements made by way of adjustment) without prior notice in the event of an extension or shortening of the Interest Period. Any such amendment will be promptly notified to each stock exchange on which the relevant Floating Rate Notes or Index Linked Interest Notes are for the time being listed and to the Noteholders in accordance with Condition 15. For the purposes of this paragraph, the expression “
Payment of Interest The Borrower to which a Loan has been made shall pay accrued interest on that Loan on the last day of each Interest Period (and, if the Interest Period is longer than six Months, on the dates falling at six monthly intervals after the first day of the Interest Period).
Accrual of interest Each Note (or in the case of the redemption of part only of a Note, that part only of such Note) will cease to bear interest (if any) from the date for its redemption unless payment of principal is improperly withheld or refused. In such event, interest will continue to accrue until whichever is the earlier of: