TRUTH IN SAVINGS DISCLOSURE. This is not an interest-bearing account. No interest will be paid on this account. There is no initial deposit required to open an Account. There is no minimum balance required to avoid a fee.
TRUTH IN SAVINGS DISCLOSURE. The rates, fees and terms applicable to Your Account at the Credit Union are provided in the Truth-In-Savings Disclosure. The Credit Union may offer other rates for the Accounts from time to time.  Compounding and Crediting frequency – Dividends will be compounded and credited to your certificate monthly.  Dividend period – The dividend period is the same as the term, beginning on the date the account is opened, and ending on the stated maturity date.  Daily balance computation method – Dividends are calculated by the daily balance method which applies a daily periodic rate to the balance in the account each day.  Accrual of dividends on noncash deposits – Dividends will begin to accrue on the business day you place noncash items (for example, checks) into Your Account.  Dividend withdrawal limitation – Dividends may be withdrawn only if We arrange a periodic dividend payment option at account opening. You may choose to receive Your monthly dividend by check, which will be mailed to You, or posted to Your share account. Otherwise, the dividend will be paid to the certificate monthly.  Transaction limitations – Once the account is opened, You may not make any additions into the account until the maturity date stated on the account.  Early withdrawal penalties – A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals before maturity; the penalty we impose is 90 days interest for a term of one year or less, or 180 days interest for a term of 18 months or more.  Minimum balance to open – Minimum balance to open this account is $500. You must maintain the minimum balance in order to obtain the disclosed annual percentage yield.  Automatically renewable account – This account will automatically renew at maturity. You may prevent renewal if we receive written notice from you before maturity. We can prevent renewal if we mail a notice to you at least 30 days before maturity. If either You or We prevent renewal, Your funds will be placed in a dividend-bearing account. ACCOUNT TYPE SHARES 1 IRA SHARES 20 CHRISTMAS SHARES 09 VACATON SHARES 15 MONEY MARKET DRAFT 08 DIVIDENDS 0.05/0.05% 0.50//0.50% 0.05/0.05% 0.05/0.05% 0.15/0.15% Dividend Rate: 0.20/0.20% Annual Percentage: 0.30/0.30% Yield (APY): DIVIDENDS Compounded: Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Credited: Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Period: Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Example: The beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date of such d...
TRUTH IN SAVINGS DISCLOSURE. The Truth-in-Savings Act (TIS) is a section of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991. The National Credit Union Administration is charged with enforcing this Act which applies to all credit unions. The purpose of TIS is to promote and simplify comparisons among accounts at all financial institutions. TIS enables consumers to make informed choices/comparisons among competing claims of financial institutions by requiring disclosure of the interest rates payable on these accounts and the fees assessable against these accounts. It is the intent of Northland Area Federal Credit Union to maintain compliance with this federal law pertaining to disclosure of the terms and conditions of all savings programs.
TRUTH IN SAVINGS DISCLOSURE. The Board of Directors declares dividends based on current income and available earnings of Taleris Credit Union, Inc. (TCU), after providing for the required reserves at the end of the month.The dividend rate and Annual Percentage Yield shown may reflect either the last dividend declaration date on the account or the earnings TCU anticipates having available for distribution. Savings Accounts include your Primary Savings Account, Share Type 00, and any other Savings Accounts identified for example Share Type 01,03,or 07on your Account Statement and Club Accounts.
TRUTH IN SAVINGS DISCLOSURE. 1. This is not an interest-bearing account. No interest will be paid on this Account or any Sub-Account.
TRUTH IN SAVINGS DISCLOSURE. Please refer to the separate Rate and Fee Schedules for a detailed listing of our accounts, minimum balance requirements, and service fees. Current interest rates and annual percentage yields may be obtained by calling Customer Service at (000) 000-0000 for Amegy Bank, (000) 000-0000 for California Bank & Trust, (000) 000-0000 for National Bank of Arizona, (000) 000-0000 for Nevada State Bank, (000) 000-0000 for Vectra Bank Colorado, and (800) 789-BANK(2265) for Zions First National Bank. a) Interest Checking Accounts, Money Market Accounts, and Statement Savings Accounts i) Rate and frequency and determination of rate changes. We may change your interest rate and annual percentage yield at any time at our discretion.
TRUTH IN SAVINGS DISCLOSURE. The Credit Union is committed to providing you a complete list of the terms and features for LCCU depository accounts. This list is included in the "Truth-In-Savings Disclosure" section.  Funds Availability – Deposits made to an LCCU account may not be available immediately. The availability of some deposits may be delayed because of a non-LCCU check, non-sufficient funds or other circumstances. The "Funds Availability" section discloses LCCU’s policy and rules for handling deposits.
TRUTH IN SAVINGS DISCLOSURE. As used herein the terms “we”,“us”, and “our” refer to S&T Bank and the terms “you” and “your” refer to the depositor (whether joint or individual). Disclosures regarding Time Deposits can be found in the Time Deposit Account Terms and Conditions