Contribution Limitations and Restrictions of A Xxxx XXX Sample Clauses

Contribution Limitations and Restrictions of A Xxxx XXX. 1. Eligible individuals You are permitted to make a regular contribution to your Xxxx XXX for any taxable year if you receive compensation for such taxable year which is below the applicable limit discussed below. Compensation includes salaries, wages, tips, commissions, bonuses, alimony, royalties from creative efforts and “earned incomein the case of self-employed individuals. The amount which is permitted, depends upon your modified adjusted gross income (Modified AGI), your marital status, and your tax filing status.
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Related to Contribution Limitations and Restrictions of A Xxxx XXX

  • Limitations and Restrictions A. Deduction of Rollovers and Transfers – A deduction is not allowed for rollover or transfer contributions.

  • Restrictions and Limitations (a) Except as hereinafter provided, no officer or Trustee of the Trust, no officer, director, or stockholder (or partner of a stockholder) of the investment adviser of the Trust (as that term is defined in the 0000 Xxx) or of any underwriter of the Trust, and no investment adviser or underwriter of the Trust shall take long or short positions in the securities issued by the Trust. The foregoing provision shall not prevent the purchase from the Trust of shares of any series issued by the Trust by any person at the price available to shareholders of the Trust generally at the time of such purchase, or as described in the current Prospectus of the Trust, or prior to commencement of the public offering of shares of the Trust, at the net asset value of such shares.

  • Notification of Limitations on Contributions San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code (the “Conduct Code”) Section 1.126 prohibits any person who contracts with the City for selling or leasing any land or building to or from the City whenever such transaction would require the approval by a City elective officer or the board on which that City elective officer serves, from making a contribution to such an officer, or candidate for such an office, or committee controlled by such officer or candidate at any time from the commencement of negotiations for such contract until the termination of negotiations for such contract or three months has elapsed from the date the contract is approved by the City elective officer, or the board on which that City elective officer serves. San Francisco Ethics Commission Regulation 1.126-1 provides that negotiations are commenced when a prospective contractor first communicates with a City officer or employee about the possibility of obtaining a specific contract. This communication may occur in person, by telephone or in writing, and may be initiated by the prospective contractor or a City officer or employee. Negotiations are completed when a contract is finalized and signed by the City and the contractor. Negotiations are terminated when the City and/or the prospective contractor end the negotiation process before a final decision is made to award the contract. Through its execution of this Agreement, Tenant acknowledges that it is familiar with the provisions of Article III, Chapter 2 of City's Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, and sections 87100 et seq and sections 1090 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California, and certifies that it does not know of any facts which constitute a violation of said provisions and agrees that if it becomes aware of any such fact during the term of this Agreement it shall immediately notify City.

  • Restrictions on Payments An employee shall not be entitled to payment for inclement weather as provided for in this clause unless the employee remains on the job until the provisions set out in this clause have been observed.

  • Limitations on Contributions By executing this Agreement, Contractor acknowledges its obligations under Section 1.126 of the City’s Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, which prohibits any person who contracts with, or is seeking a contract with, any department of the City for the rendition of personal services, for the furnishing of any material, supplies or equipment, for the sale or lease of any land or building, for a grant, loan or loan guarantee, or for a development agreement, from making any campaign contribution to (i) a City elected official if the contract must be approved by that official, a board on which that official serves, or the board of a state agency on which an appointee of that official serves, (ii) a candidate for that City elective office, or (iii) a committee controlled by such elected official or a candidate for that office, at any time from the submission of a proposal for the contract until the later of either the termination of negotiations for such contract or twelve months after the date the City approves the contract. The prohibition on contributions applies to each prospective party to the contract; each member of Contractor’s board of directors; Contractor’s chairperson, chief executive officer, chief financial officer and chief operating officer; any person with an ownership interest of more than 10% in Contractor; any subcontractor listed in the bid or contract; and any committee that is sponsored or controlled by Contractor. Contractor certifies that it has informed each such person of the limitation on contributions imposed by Section 1.126 by the time it submitted a proposal for the contract, and has provided the names of the persons required to be informed to the City department with whom it is contracting.

  • Holds, Limitations, and Reserves What are holds, limitations and reserves? Under certain circumstances, in order to protect PayPal and the security and integrity of the network of buyers and sellers that use the PayPal services, PayPal may take account- level or transaction-level actions. If we take any of the actions described here, we will normally notify you of our actions, but we may, if it is reasonable to do so (for example if you are in breach of this user agreement or we consider it advisable for security reasons), take any of these actions without prior notice to you. To request information in connection with an account limitation, hold or reserve, you should visit the Resolution Center or follow the instructions in our email notice with respect to the limitation, hold or reserve. You acknowledge and agree that any funds held under this user agreement may be placed in your reserve account and that you will provide to us any information as we may reasonably request to allow us to determine whether the risk has passed. Holds A hold is an action that PayPal may take under certain circumstances either at the transaction level or the account level. When PayPal places a hold on a payment amount, the money is not available to either the sender or the recipient. PayPal reviews many factors before placing a hold on a payment, including: account tenure, transaction activity, business type, past customer disputes, and overall customer satisfaction. Some common situations where PayPal will hold payments include where we have reason to believe that: • Transactions are higher risk, this can be where the transaction involves the sale of goods or services in a high risk category, or other facts known to us typically resulting in an increased number of chargebacks, other claims or disputes or to be often involved in fraud or illegal activity. • There is a sudden and abnormal change in a PayPal account holder’s selling activity including an increase in the number of chargebacks, reversals, or buyer complaints received in relation to such PayPal account. • Any PayPal account is being used in relation to restricted activities. • A PayPal account involved in the transaction may have been compromised, or that stolen financial details (bank or credit card) are used for the payment, or otherwise a transaction has not been properly authorized. • A user is trying to send or withdraw funds they received fraudulently. • A user has not provided sufficient Information to us to enable us to verify their identity or the identity of their business and/or the user has a limited trading history with PayPal. • A payment sent to you as a seller is challenged as a payment that should be invalidated and reversed. • Your buyer files a chargeback, reversal or PayPal Buyer Protection claim on a payment you received. • Your buyer files a claim under a marketplace's resolution process. • There is a risk of reversal of funds in your account to your funding source. • There is a risk of liability (a non-exhaustive list of examples of such risk is set out in the section Actions We May Take If You Engage In Any Restricted Activities above). Payment review When we identify a potentially high-risk transaction, we review the transaction more closely before allowing it to proceed. This may be because we have the reasonable suspicion that the payer’s PayPal account is being used in relation to restricted activities or for other reasons as determined by us in our reasonable discretion. This may include where there is a risk of liability (a non-exhaustive list of examples of such risk is set out in the section Actions We May Take If You Engage In Any Restricted Activities above). If a payment is subject to payment review, we may: • Execute the payment order initiated by the buyer. • In our discretion, immediately upon such execution restrict the payer’s account. • Place a hold on the payment in the payer’s account. • Notify the recipient to delay the delivery of the purchase paid for by the payment. As a buyer, this may delay your receipt of the item you purchased. If we clear the transaction, we will notify the seller and direct them to ship the item. If we don’t clear the transaction, we will cancel it and return the funds to you, unless we are legally required to take other action. All payments that complete payment review are still subject to being reversed under the terms of this user agreement but will be PayPal‘s Seller Protection program eligible if they meet the PayPal‘s Seller Protection program requirements. PayPal will provide notices to you by email and/or in the transaction history tab of your PayPal account. A payment subject to payment review is a review of the payment only and is implemented to reduce the risk of PayPal users receiving high risk transactions. A payment subject to payment review is neither a review nor a representation by PayPal as to the commercial dealings, character or reputation of a party to the payment transaction and should not be considered as a lessening of the respect of any person. Holds related to your instructions Certain PayPal functionality may allow you (whether directly or via someone you permit to act on your behalf, like an online marketplace platform on which you transact as a seller) to instruct us to hold your funds (including the proceeds of payments you receive using PayPal) in your reserve account. In such a case we will show you the availability status of those funds in your balance – the status descriptions may differ according to the functionality you used to instruct us to place the hold. We will release the hold on the funds according to the instruction that you (or the entity that you have permitted to act on your behalf) give to us, subject to the rest of this user agreement. Account Limitations Limitations are implemented to help protect PayPal, buyers and sellers when we notice restricted activities, an increased financial risk, or activity that appears to us as unusual or suspicious. Limitations also help us collect information necessary for keeping your PayPal account open. There are several reasons why your PayPal account could be limited, including where we have reason to believe that: • Someone could be using your PayPal account without your knowledge, then we’ll limit it for your protection and look into the fraudulent activity. • Someone has used your card or bank account without your permission, for example if your debit or credit card issuer or bank alerts us to this. • You have breached this user agreement or violated the Acceptable Use Policy. • Your performance as a seller indicate your PayPal account is high risk. Examples include: indications of poor selling performance because you’ve received an unusually high number of claims and chargebacks, selling an entirely new or high-cost product type, or if your typical sales volume increases rapidly. • There is a risk of liability (a non-exhaustive list of examples of such risk is set out in the section Actions We May Take If You Engage In Any Restricted Activities above). We may also limit your PayPal account in order to comply with applicable law. You will need to resolve any issues with your account before a limitation can be removed. Normally, this is done after you provide us with the information we request. However, if we reasonably believe a risk still exists after you have provided us that information, we may take action to protect PayPal, our users, a third party, or you from reversals, fees, fines, penalties, legal and/or regulatory risks and any other liability.

  • Prohibitions and Restrictions The provisions of this Agreement shall not in any way limit the right of either Contracting Party to apply prohibitions or restrictions of any kind or take any other action which is directed to the protection of its essential security interests, or to the protection of public health or the prevention of diseases and pests in animals or plants.

  • INCOME RESTRICTIONS The Grantee agrees that any refunds, rebates, credits, or other amounts (including any interest thereon) accruing to or received by the Grantee under this Agreement shall be paid by the Grantee to the State, to the extent that they are properly allocable to costs for which the Grantee has been reimbursed by the State under this Agreement.

  • RECORDS USAGE, DUPLICATION AND REDISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONS USAC and the Department agree to these restrictions on use, duplication, and disclosure of information furnished by the other Party:

  • CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS This Recognition of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (this “Agreement”) is entered into as of the day of , 200 , by and between (“Landlord”), and (“Tenant”), with reference to the following facts:

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