Controller. The Controller, if elected, shall in general have all the usual powers and duties incident to the office of Controller, together with such other powers and duties as designated in this Agreement and as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or the managers.
Appears in 8 contracts
Samples: Limited Liability Company Agreement (Brasdril Sociedade De Perfuracoes Ltda.), Limited Liability Company Agreement (Brasdril Sociedade De Perfuracoes Ltda.), Limited Liability Company Agreement (Brasdril Sociedade De Perfuracoes Ltda.)
Controller. The Controller, if elected, Controller shall in general have all the usual powers and duties incident pertaining to the office of Controller’s office, together with such other powers and duties as designated in this Agreement and as from time to time may be designated in this Agreement or assigned to him the Controller by the President Chairman and Chief Executive Officer or the managersManagers.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Limited Liability Company Agreement (EXCO Resources (XA), LLC), Limited Liability Company Agreement (EXCO Resources (XA), LLC)