Additional Features Additional Features are invoiced at the start of the first Contract Year following the Contract Year in which such Additional Features are activated.
Customization ICP shall customize the Customized Site and Customized Programming for AOL Members as follows: (a) ICP shall customize and co-brand the Customized Site and Customized Programming for distribution over the AOL Properties listed in Exhibit A-1 using AOL's design guideline templates and co-branding requirements, including by (x) displaying on each page of the Customized Site framing (e.g., C-frame, side navigation/menu bars, headers and footers) of size and type determined by AOL and which contain branding for the applicable AOL Property and ICP as determined by AOL and, as determined by AOL, links to the applicable AOL Property, a search box and/or promotional spaces to be programmed by AOL, and (y) matching the look and feel of the applicable AOL Property on the Customized Site. In addition, ICP shall comply with any customization and co-branding requirements set forth on Exhibit A. ICP shall make any changes to the customization and/or co-branding of the Customized Site to conform to the standard requirements of any AOL Property or otherwise reasonably requested by AOL during the Term. (b) ICP shall ensure that AOL Members accessing the Customized Site and/or Customized Programming or linking to any ICP Interactive Site from the Customized Site or Customized Programming do not receive advertisements, promotions or links (i) for any entity reasonably construed to be in competition with AOL or the applicable AOL Property, (ii) in a category in which AOL or the applicable AOL Property has an exclusive or other preferential relationship (but this limitation only applies to the Team Pages, Stars Pages, and the Extreme Main Page), or (iii) otherwise in violation of the applicable AOL Property's then- standard advertising policies. ICP shall ensure that all Advertisements sold by ICP or its agents comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. (c) Within the Customized Site, ICP shall use and/or feature solely AOL's tools and technology for the following utilities and functionality: instant messaging, chat, personalized news service, calendaring (including "click-to-add event" functionality associated therewith), web page community services, message boards, and commerce/content aggregation services (e.g., Shop@AOL and local content) ("AOL Tools"). If any such AOL Tool is not made available for use on the Customized Site within a reasonable time upon ICP's request, ICP shall be permitted to utilize on the Customized Site similar tools and technology provided [*], provided that such tools and technology are not [*] and no links or promotions for such third party appear on the Customized Site and, provided, further that ICP will convert such tools and technology over to the corresponding AOL Tool once such AOL Tool is made available. In addition, the Customized Site shall not (x) provide or promote any email service, or (y) use or feature the tools or technology of any Interactive Service other than AOL. (d) Within the AOL Service, ICP shall host the Main Teams Page, Team Aggregate Screens, Main Stars Page, Stars Aggregate Screens and the Extreme Main Page of the Customized Programming and Customized Site under a domain name co-branded with the applicable AOL Property as follows: and all other pages within the Customized Site will have domain names with applicable ICP Property extension such as or Within all other AOL Properties, ICP shall host the Team Pages, Stars Pages and Extreme Online Area of the Customized Programming and Customized Site under a domain name co-branded with the applicable AOL Property as follows: and all other pages within the Customized Site may have domain names such as AOL will use commercially reasonable efforts to have [*] for traffic on the Team Pages within the AOL Service so long as such pages remain in Rainman format. With respect to traffic on any other pages relating to the Customized Site or Customized Programming which appear on an AOL URL, AOL will use commercially reasonable efforts, including by providing any necessary [*], to help [*]. For pages appearing on an ICP URL, then AOL will use commercially reasonable efforts, including by providing any necessary [*], to help ICP [*] and ICP shall used [*].
Features This section intentionally left blank.
Software Updates XXXXX agrees to keep current with software licensed from Skyward and will install new versions on a timeline approved by XXXXX governance. This timeline will be communicated by NWRDC to the Districts.
Contract Database Metadata Elements Title: Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Central School District and Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Teachers Association (2007)
Alternative Work Schedule An alternate forty (40) hour work schedule (other than five (5) uniform and consecutive eight (8) hour days in a seven (7) day period), or for hospital personnel an eighty (80) hour workweek in a fourteen (14) day period and other mutually agreed upon schedules that comply with applicable federal and state law. Employee work schedules normally include two (2) consecutive days off.
Functionality Customer is entitled to additional functionality previously purchased or bundled with the software if available in the version or update released on or after the start date of the Agreement. Customer acknowledges that certain functionality in current and previous software versions may not be available in future upgrades. Added functionality may require additional paid services (clinical and technical) to configure and support.
Product Changes Vocera shall have the right, in its absolute discretion, without liability to End User, to update to provide new functionality or otherwise change the design of any Product or to discontinue the manufacture or sale of any Product. Vocera shall notify End User at least 90 days prior to the delivery of any Product which incorporates a change that adversely affects form, fit or function (“Material Change”). Vocera shall also notify End User at least 90 days prior to the discontinuance of manufacture of any Product. Notification will be made as soon as reasonably practical for changes associated with regulatory or health and safety issues.
Antivirus software All workstations, laptops and other systems that process and/or store PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of COUNTY must have installed and actively use comprehensive anti-virus software solution with automatic updates scheduled at least daily.
BRAND NAME OR EQUALS/DEVIATIONS Unless otherwise specified, the mention of a particular manufacturer’s brand name or number in the specifications does not imply that this particular good is the only one that will be considered for purchase. This reference is intended solely to designate the type or quality of good that will be acceptable. Equal offers will be considered and must include descriptive literature and/or specifications. Failure to provide descriptive literature and/or specifications with equal offers will result in the disqualification of the bid. The determination as to whether any alternate good or service is or is not equal shall be made solely by the County and such determination shall be final and binding upon all bidders. The County reserves the right to request and review additional information to make such a determination. Although the County provides for the consideration of alternate bids, it reserves the right to make an award in the best interest of the County. Award may not necessarily be given to the lowest bid offered. The Bidder shall be responsible for reading very carefully, and understanding completely, the requirements and the specifications of the items bid upon. Unless the bid is in response to a “Brand Name or Equal” requirement, deviations from the specifications will only be considered if requested in writing prior to the date and time specified for receipt of bids. Deviations, if accepted, will be specifically addressed in writing via an addendum to this Invitation for Bids. Any goods or services that are not in compliance with the specifications will not be accepted.