Cost of Intra-Zonal Congestion Management. The net of the amounts paid by the ISO to the Scheduling Coordinators and the amounts charged to the Scheduling Coordinators will be calculated and charged to all Scheduling Coordinators through a Grid Operations Charge, as described in Section 7.3.2.
Cost of Intra-Zonal Congestion Management. The ISO will pay Scheduling Coordinators for Reliability Must-Run Generation which the ISO requests under Reliability Must-Run Contracts at the Energy weighted average of the decremental Adjustment Bids which the ISO accepts to accommodate the Reliability Must-Run Generation and to carry out Intra-Zonal Congestion Management. After deduction of the amount paid for Reliability Must-Run Generation under Section, the net of the amounts paid by the ISO to the Scheduling Coordinators and the amounts charged to the Scheduling Coordinators will be calculated on a Zone-by-Zone basis and charged to all Scheduling Coordinators through a Grid Operations Charge, as described in Section 7.3.2.
Cost of Intra-Zonal Congestion Management. The ISO will pay Scheduling Coordinators for Reliability Must-Run Generation which the ISO requests under Reliability Must-Run Contracts at the Energy weighted average of the decremental Adjustment Bids which the ISO accepts to accommodate the Reliability Must-Run Generation and to carry out Intra-Zonal Congestion Management. After deduction of