Cultural Property. Agreement amending and extending the memorandum of understanding of January 19, 2001,
Cultural Property. Memorandum of understanding signed at Washington January 19, 2001;
Cultural Property. Agreement amending and extending the memorandum of understanding
Cultural Property. Agreement signed at Tallinn January 16, 2003; Entered into force July 22, 2003.
Cultural Property. Memorandum of understanding signed at Tegucigalpa March 12, 2004; Entered into force March 12,
Cultural Property. Agreement signed at Washington September 19, 1997; Entered into force September 19, 1997.
Cultural Property. Agreement signed at Vilnius October 15, 2002; Entered into force August 3, 2006.
Cultural Property. Memorandum of understanding signed at Washington January 19, 2001; Entered into force January 19, 2001. And agreement extending and amending the Memorandum of understanding. Effected by exchange of notes at Washington January 13, 2006; Entered into force January 19, 2006. with
Cultural Property. Memorandum of understanding concerning the imposition of import restrictions on Pre-Clas- sical and Classical archaeological objects. Signed at Washington July 16, 2002; entered into force July 16, 2002.