Cultural cooperation 1. The aims of cultural cooperation will be: (a) to build on existing agreements or arrangements already in place for cultural cooperation; and (b) to promote information and cultural exchanges between the Parties. 2. The Parties will encourage and facilitate, as appropriate, the following activities, including, but not limited to: (a) dialogue on cultural policies and promotion of local culture; (b) exchange of cultural events and promote awareness of artistic works; (c) exchange of experience in conservation and restoration of national heritage; (d) exchange of experience on management for the arts; (e) protecting archaeological monuments and cultural heritage; (f) having a consultation mechanism between the Parties' culture authorities; and (g) cooperation in the audio-visual field, mainly coproduction and training programs in this sector and means of communication, including training, development and distribution activities.
Customs Cooperation 1. The Parties shall enhance their cooperation in customs and customs-related matters. 2. The Parties affirm their commitment to the facilitation of the legitimate movement of goods and shall exchange expertise on measures to improve customs techniques and procedures and on computerized systems in accordance with this Agreement. 3. The Parties shall assist each other, in the areas within their competence, in the manner and under the conditions set out in this Chapter to ensure that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by preventing, detecting, and investigating operations in breach of that legislation. 4. The Parties shall commit to: (a) pursuing the harmonization of documentation used in trade and data elements in accordance with international standards, for purposes of facilitating the flow of trade between them, in customs-related matters regarding the importation, exportation, and transit of goods; (b) intensifying cooperation between their customs laboratories and scientific departments and working towards the harmonization of customs laboratories methods ; (c) exchanging customs' experts of the Parties; (d) jointly organizing training programs on customs-related issues for the officials who participate directly in customs procedures; (e) developing effective mechanisms for communicating with the trade and business communities; (f) assisting each other, to the extent possible, in tariff classification, valuation, and determination of origin, for the preferential tariff treatment of imported goods, and other customs matters including non- preferential origin; (g) promoting strong and efficient intellectual property rights enforcement by customs authorities, regarding imports, exports, re-exports, transit, transshipments, and other customs procedures, and in particular regarding counterfeit goods; and (h) improving the security, while facilitating trade, of sea-container and other shipments from all locations that are imported into, trans-shipped through, or transiting Korea or Peru. The Parties agree that the objectives of the intensified and broadened cooperation include, but are not limited to: (i) working together to reinforce the customs- related aspects for securing the logistics chain of international trade; and (ii) coordinating positions, to the extent possible, in any multilateral fora where issues related to container security may be appropriately raised and discussed.
Industrial cooperation 1. The Parties agree that industrial cooperation shall promote the modernisation and restructuring of Andean industry and individual sectors, as well as industrial cooperation between economic operators, with the objective of strengthening the private sector under conditions that ensure that the environment is protected. 2. Industrial cooperation initiatives shall reflect the priorities determined by both Parties. They shall take into account the regional aspects of industrial development, promoting trans-national partnerships where relevant. Initiatives shall seek in particular to establish a suitable framework for improving management know-how and promoting transparency as regards markets and conditions for business undertakings.
Audit Cooperation In the event either Party is audited by a taxing authority, the other Party agrees to cooperate fully with the Party being audited in order to respond to any audit inquiries in a proper and timely manner so that the audit and/or any resulting controversy may be resolved expeditiously.