Common use of CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION Clause in Contracts

CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION. The academic program and the teaching methodologies that inform the development of the school education program include extended learning time, a uniform instructional system, teaching for mastery, strategies and supports for student mastery of instructional materials, intensive focus on literacy and mathematics, a rigorous, standards-based curriculum, and a character-education curriculum. UPA utilizes Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) for its ELA curriculum, including the CKLA skills strand for grades K–2. CKLA has earned the highest rating in EdReports for all three gateways (a rating of “meets expectations”). Moreover, the curriculum is highly aligned to the principles of the science of learning, which include systematic teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness, vocabulary acquisition, and a knowledge-based curriculum that supports broad reading comprehension. UPA utilizes the knowledge strand of CKLA for social studies in grades K–2 and Core Knowledge History and Geography for social studies in grades 3–5. This curriculum is not currently rated on EdReports but is produced by the same foundation and publisher as CKLA. It is a comprehensive program in world and American history and geography that integrates topics in civics and the arts. Core Knowledge History and Geography helps students build knowledge of the diverse civilizations, cultures, and concepts specified in the Core Knowledge Sequence. To align with the science of reading, this curriculum begins exposing students to rich content even in Kindergarten and builds and spirals into more complex topics as the years progress. UPA utilizes Amplify Science in grades 1–5. Amplify has been informed by many positive aspects of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGGS). Amplify Science is also informed by the Core Knowledge Sequence. On EdReports, it partially meets expectations for designed for NGSS and meets expectations for coherence and scope in grades 3–5. UPA utilizes Eureka Math for grades K–5. Eureka Math, previously known as EngageNY Math, is a revolutionary math program designed to ensure that students move beyond rote memorization toward build enduring math knowledge. Every lesson includes opportunities for student discourse because peer-to-peer discussion helps students solidify their understanding of math concepts. Eureka Math meets expectations in all three gateways for grades K–5 on Edreports. Eureka Math is supplemented by Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI). CGI is a student-centered approach to teaching math. It starts with what our students already know and builds on their natural number sense and intuitive approaches to problem solving. Rather than a math program or curriculum, CGI is a way of listening to students, asking smart questions, and engaging with their thinking—all with the goal of uncovering and expanding every student’s mathematical understanding. This and the structured lessons offered by Eureka allow us to develop a strong conceptual understanding of the math standards and procedures expected in elementary school.

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Samples: Master Contract

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CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION. The academic program Core Knowledge Language Arts Program (CKLA) is the primary curricular resource for grades K–2. In addition, students in grades K–2 who require Tier 3 support receive intensive intervention thirty minutes per day through the Leveled Literacy Intervention System (LLI). For math instruction, K–2 teachers use Go Math. For Science, Prentice Hall Science Explorer for Science and the teaching methodologies that inform the development of the school education program include extended learning time, a uniform instructional system, teaching XXXX are primary resources. Social Studies Alive is used for mastery, strategies and supports for student mastery of instructional materials, intensive focus on literacy and mathematics, a rigorous, standards-based curriculum, and a character-education curriculumK–2. UPA utilizes Core Knowledge Language Arts Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) for its ELA curriculum, including the CKLA skills strand for grades K–2. CKLA has earned the highest rating in EdReports for all three gateways (a rating of “meets expectations”). Moreover, the curriculum is highly aligned to the principles of the science of learning, which include systematic teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness, vocabulary acquisition, and a knowledge-based curriculum that supports broad reading comprehension. UPA utilizes the knowledge strand of CKLA for social studies in grades K–2 and Core Knowledge History and Geography for social studies in grades 3–5. This curriculum is not currently rated on EdReports but is produced by the same foundation and publisher as CKLA. It is a comprehensive program for teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking while also building students’ vocabulary and knowledge across essential domains in world literature, global and American history and geography that integrates topics in civics history, and the artssciences. Core Knowledge History In the early grades, CKLA focuses on oral language development through carefully sequenced read-alouds as well as systematic instruction in reading and Geography helps writing skills. In later grades, CKLA continues to advance students’ knowledge and vocabulary through read-alouds and in-depth discussions while also immersing students build knowledge in complex texts and advanced writing assignments that draw on the academic content they’ve been engaged in since preschool. CKLA for grades K–3 is broken into two strands—a Skills strand and a Listening & Learning strand—so that children can master sounds and letters for fluent decoding and encoding during one part of the diverse civilizationsday and then have additional time to build the knowledge, cultureslanguage, and concepts specified vocabulary that are essential for strong comprehension. EngageNY Language Arts The modules are designed to address Common Core Learning Standards, which focus on building students’ literacy skills as they develop knowledge about the world. The modules are designed to give teachers concrete strategies in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that address the instructional shifts required by the Common Core Knowledge SequenceState (CCSS) and Learning Standards. To align with the science Leveled Literacy Intervention System for Students receiving Tier 3 Intervention: • Combination of reading, this curriculum begins exposing writing, and phonics/word study. • Emphasis on teaching for comprehending strategies. • Explicit attention to genre and to the features of nonfiction and fiction texts. • Special attention to disciplinary reading, literature inquiry, and writing about reading. • Specific work on sounds, letters, and words in activities designed to help students notice the details of written language and learn how words "work." • Close reading to rich content even deepen and expand comprehension. • Explicit teaching of effective and efficient strategies for expanding vocabulary. • Explicit teaching for fluent and phrased reading. • Use of writing about reading for the purpose of communicating and learning how to express ideas for a particular purpose and audience using a variety of writing strategies. • Built-in Kindergarten level-by-level descriptions and builds competencies from The Continuum of Literacy Learning, PreK-8 (2011) to monitor student progress and spirals into more complex topics as the years progressguide teaching. UPA utilizes Amplify Science in grades 1–5• Communication tools for informing parents about what children are learning and how they can support them at home. Amplify has been informed by many positive aspects • Technology support for assessment, record keeping, lesson instruction, and home and classroom connections. • Detailed analysis of the Next Generation Science Standards characteristics of text difficulty for each book. Go Math was adopted for grades K–2 and is more closely aligned with the CCSS. It encompasses many resource materials to meet the needs of all student ability levels and manipulatives for hands-on learning. When students progress to grade three and beyond, the Dayton Leadership Academies have adopted Eureka Math (NGGSfifth grade) and EngageNY Math (grades 6–8). Amplify Science is also informed by These include curriculum modules that are designed to have an in-depth focus on fewer topics. They integrate the Common Core Knowledge Sequence. On EdReportsLearning Standards’ rigorous classroom reasoning, it partially meets extended classroom time devoted to practice and reflection through extensive problem sets, and high expectations for designed mastery. Modules include a combination of fluency exercises, chains of reasoning, abstract activities, and contextual activities throughout. For science, Prentice Hall Science Explorer for NGSS Science and meets expectations for coherence and scope in grades 3–5XXXX are primary resources. UPA utilizes Eureka Math for grades K–5. Eureka Math, previously known as EngageNY Math, is a revolutionary math program designed to ensure that students move beyond rote memorization toward build enduring math knowledge. Every lesson includes They provide opportunities for student discourse because hands-on learning to solidify learning of science concepts. Social Studies and History Alive provide a chronological and themed approach to learning about historical events while also providing opportunities to connect literacy concepts. Instructional methods include direct instruction, peer-to-peer discussion helps students solidify their understanding of math concepts. Eureka Math meets expectations in all three gateways for grades K–5 on Edreports. Eureka Math is supplemented by Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI). CGI is a student-centered approach to teaching math. It starts with what our students already know and builds on their natural number sense and intuitive approaches to problem solving. Rather than a math program or curriculumlearning, CGI is a way of listening to students, asking smart questionscollaborative learning centers, and engaging with small group activities. Students have access to manipulatives, technology, and project ideas to assist in learning. Utilizing a customized student learning plan, data to inform instruction, differentiation, response to intervention, and common assessments via highly collaborative Dayton Leadership Academies - Early Learning Academy-wide house teams, each child will be fully engaged in order to develop their thinking—all with highest ability to ensure success in high school and beyond. To do this, we will: 1. Implement an aligned curriculum that is based on the goal College- and Career-Ready Standards (CCRS) 2. Implement common formative assessments aligned to the CCRS for monitoring student progress 3. Utilize the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) to fully implement this Initiative 4. Increase year-round experience opportunities for students and families to gain exposure to career, cultural, recreational, and life enrichment resources 5. Offer an array of uncovering and expanding every student’s mathematical understanding. This extracurricular opportunities intended to develop self-confidence, teamwork, and the structured lessons offered by Eureka allow us to develop joy of being part of a strong conceptual understanding of the math standards team 3.1 Classroom- and procedures expected in elementary school.Non-classroom-based Learning Opportunities

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Community School Contract

CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION. The academic program Core Knowledge Language Arts Program (CKLA) is the primary curricular resource for grades K–2. In addition, students in grades K–2 who require Tier 3 support receive intensive intervention thirty minutes per day through the Leveled Literacy Intervention System (LLI). For math instruction, K–2 teachers use Go Math; for science, Prentice Hall Science Explorer for Science and the teaching methodologies that inform the development of the school education program include extended learning time, a uniform instructional system, teaching XXXX are primary resources. Social Studies Alive is used for mastery, strategies and supports for student mastery of instructional materials, intensive focus on literacy and mathematics, a rigorous, standards-based curriculum, and a character-education curriculumK–2. UPA utilizes Core Knowledge Language Arts Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) for its ELA curriculum, including the CKLA skills strand for grades K–2. CKLA has earned the highest rating in EdReports for all three gateways (a rating of “meets expectations”). Moreover, the curriculum is highly aligned to the principles of the science of learning, which include systematic teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness, vocabulary acquisition, and a knowledge-based curriculum that supports broad reading comprehension. UPA utilizes the knowledge strand of CKLA for social studies in grades K–2 and Core Knowledge History and Geography for social studies in grades 3–5. This curriculum is not currently rated on EdReports but is produced by the same foundation and publisher as CKLA. It is a comprehensive program for teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking while also building students’ vocabulary and knowledge across essential domains in world literature, global and American history and geography that integrates topics in civics history, and the artssciences. Core Knowledge History In the early grades, CKLA focuses on oral language development through carefully sequenced read-alouds as well as systematic instruction in reading and Geography helps writing skills. In later grades, CKLA continues to advance students’ knowledge and vocabulary through read-alouds and in-depth discussions while also immersing students build knowledge in complex texts and advanced writing assignments that draw on the academic content they’ve been engaged in since preschool. CKLA for grades K–3 is broken into two strands—a Skills strand and a Listening and Learning strand—so that children can master sounds and letters for fluent decoding and encoding during one part of the diverse civilizationsday and then have additional time to build the knowledge, cultureslanguage, and concepts specified vocabulary that are essential for strong comprehension. EngageNY Language Arts The modules are designed to address Common Core State (CCSS) and Learning Standards, which focus on building students’ literacy skills as they develop knowledge about the world. The modules are designed to give teachers concrete strategies in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that address the instructional shifts required by the Common Core Knowledge Sequencelearning standards. To align with the science Leveled Literacy Intervention System for Students receiving Tier 3 Intervention:  Combination of reading, this curriculum begins exposing writing, and phonics/word study.  Emphasis on teaching for comprehending strategies.  Explicit attention to genre and to the features of nonfiction and fiction texts.  Special attention to disciplinary reading, literature inquiry, and writing about reading.  Specific work on sounds, letters, and words in activities designed to help students notice the details of written language and learn how words "work."  Close reading to rich content even in Kindergarten deepen and builds expand comprehension.  Explicit teaching of effective and spirals into more complex topics as efficient strategies for expanding vocabulary.  Explicit teaching for fluent and phrased reading.  Use of writing about reading for the years progresspurpose of communicating and learning how to express ideas for a particular purpose and audience using a variety of writing strategies. UPA utilizes Amplify Science in grades 1–5 Built-in, level-by-level descriptions and competencies from The Continuum of Literacy Learning, PreK-8 (2011) to monitor student progress and guide teaching. Amplify has been informed by many positive aspects  Communication tools for informing parents about what children are learning and how they can support them at home.  Technology support for assessment, record keeping, lesson instruction, and home and classroom connections.  Detailed analysis of the Next Generation characteristics of text difficulty for each book. Go Math was adopted for grades K–2 and is more closely aligned with the CCSS. It encompasses many resource materials to meet the needs of all student ability levels and manipulatives for hands-on learning. When students progress to grade three and beyond, the Dayton Leadership Academies have adopted Eureka Math (fifth grade) and EngageNY Math (grades 6–8). These include curriculum modules that are designed to have an in-depth focus on fewer topics. They integrate the Common Core learning standards’ rigorous classroom reasoning, extended classroom time devoted to practice and reflection through extensive problem sets, and high expectations for mastery. Modules include a combination of fluency exercises, chains of reasoning, abstract activities, and contextual activities throughout. For science, Prentice Hall Science Explorer for Science and XXXX are primary resources. They provide opportunities for hands-on learning to solidify learning of science concepts. Social Studies and History Alive provide a chronological and themed approach to learning about historical events while also providing opportunities to connect literacy concepts. Instructional methods include direct instruction, peer-to peer learning, collaborative learning centers, and small group activities. Students have access to manipulatives, technology, and project ideas to assist in learning. Utilizing a customized student learning plan, data to inform instruction, differentiation, response to intervention, and common assessments via highly collaborative Dayton Leadership Academies - Early Learning Academy-wide house teams, each child will be fully engaged in order to develop their highest ability to ensure success in high school and beyond. To do this, the school will: 1. Implement an aligned curriculum that is based on the College- and Career-Ready Standards (NGGSCCRS). 2. Amplify Science is also informed by Implement common formative assessments aligned to the Core Knowledge SequenceCCRS for monitoring student progress. 3. On EdReports, it partially meets expectations for designed for NGSS and meets expectations for coherence and scope in grades 3–5Utilize the Ohio Instructional Process (OIP) to fully implement this Initiative. 4. UPA utilizes Eureka Math for grades K–5. Eureka Math, previously known as EngageNY Math, is a revolutionary math program designed to ensure that students move beyond rote memorization toward build enduring math knowledge. Every lesson includes Increase year-round experience opportunities for student discourse because peer-to-peer discussion helps students solidify their understanding of math concepts. Eureka Math meets expectations in all three gateways for grades K–5 on Edreports. Eureka Math is supplemented by Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI). CGI is a student-centered approach and families to teaching math. It starts with what our students already know and builds on their natural number sense and intuitive approaches gain exposure to problem solving. Rather than a math program or curriculumcareer, CGI is a way of listening to studentscultural, asking smart questionsrecreational, and engaging with their thinking—all with the goal life enrichment resources. 5. Offer an array of uncovering and expanding every student’s mathematical understanding. This extracurricular opportunities intended to develop self-confidence, teamwork, and the structured lessons offered by Eureka allow us to develop joy of being part of a strong conceptual understanding of the math standards and procedures expected in elementary schoolteam.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Community School Contract

CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION. The academic program and the teaching methodologies that inform the development of the school education program include extended learning time, a uniform instructional system, teaching for mastery, strategies and supports for student mastery of instructional materials, intensive focus on literacy and mathematics, a rigorous, standards-based curriculum, and a character-education curriculum. UPA UPAE utilizes Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) for its ELA curriculum, including the CKLA skills strand for grades K–2. CKLA has earned the highest rating in EdReports for all three gateways (a rating of “meets expectations”). Moreover, the curriculum is highly aligned to the principles of the science of learning, which include systematic teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness, vocabulary acquisition, and a knowledge-based curriculum that supports broad reading comprehension. UPA UPAE also utilizes the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness curriculum in grades K–4 to provide scholars with additional support with phonemic-awareness skills. UPAE uses the Heggerty Kindergarten curriculum for Kindergarten, Heggerty Primary Curriculum for grades 1–2, and Heggerty Primary Extension Curriculum for grades 3–4 and will use it for fifth grade when applicable. The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Kindergarten and Primary curriculum is aligned to the Phonological Awareness Common Core Standards in the Reading and Foundations Skills Strands for Kindergarten and First Grade. The Heggerty Primary Extended Curriculum builds on the foundational phonemic skills developed in earlier grades and offers the opportunity to address unfinished phonemic-awareness learning scholars may have from earlier grades. UPAE utilizes the knowledge strand of CKLA for social studies in grades K–2 and Core Knowledge History and Geography for social studies in grades 3–53–5 and will use it for fifth grade when applicable. This curriculum is not currently rated on EdReports but is produced by the same foundation and publisher as CKLA. It is a comprehensive program in world and American history and geography that integrates topics in civics and the arts. Core Knowledge History and Geography helps students build knowledge of the diverse civilizations, cultures, and concepts specified in the Core Knowledge Sequence. To align with the science of reading, this curriculum begins exposing students to rich content even in Kindergarten and builds and spirals into more complex topics as the years progress. UPA UPAE utilizes Amplify Science for explicit science instruction in grades 1–5. Amplify has been informed by many positive aspects of the Next Generation Science Standards K–4 (NGGSand will do so for fifth grade when applicable). Amplify Science is also informed by the Core Knowledge Sequence. On EdReports, it partially meets expectations for designed for NGSS and meets expectations for coherence and scope in grades 3–5. UPA Additionally, science instruction is contained in a number of Knowledge Domains in CKLA Knowledge strand for grades K–2. CKLA has earned the highest rating in EdReports for all three gateways (“meets expectations”). The knowledge-based curriculum in the CKLA Knowledge strand supports broad reading comprehension, while also introducing scholars to scientific concepts and properties through informational texts starting in Kindergarten. UPAE utilizes Great Minds Eureka Math for grades K–5K–4 (and will do so for fifth grade when applicable). Eureka Mathmath, previously also known as EngageNY Math, is a revolutionary math program designed to ensure that students move beyond rote memorization toward build building enduring math knowledge. Eureka Math uses modeling and manipulatives to reinforce conceptual understanding of foundational mathematical concepts. Every lesson includes opportunities for student discourse because peer-to-peer discussion helps students solidify their understanding of math concepts. Eureka follows a spiral curriculum pattern and provides opportunities throughout the vertical progression of units and grade levels for students to spiral back to foundational concepts and build on their understanding with enhanced levels of complexity. Eureka Math meets expectations in all three gateways for grades K–5 on EdreportsEdReports. Eureka Math is supplemented by Cognitively Guided Instruction cognitively guided instruction (CGI). CGI is a student-centered approach to teaching math. It starts with what our students already know and builds on their natural number sense and intuitive approaches to problem solving. Rather than a math program or curriculum, CGI is a way of listening to students, asking smart questions, and engaging with their thinking—all with the goal of uncovering and expanding every student’s mathematical understanding. This and the structured lessons offered by Eureka allow us to develop a strong conceptual understanding of the math standards and procedures expected in elementary school. The school’s mission is to transform lives and our communities through the power of education. UPAE has carefully selected curricula that utilize research and science to close the achievement and opportunity gap with high-quality, rigorous instructional materials. UPAE draws much of their pedagogical approach and curriculum choices from the research of Xx.

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Samples: Master Contract

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CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION. The academic program Core Knowledge Language Arts Program (CKLA) is the primary curricular resource for grades 3–5. Teachers in grades 4–8 use EngageNY Language Arts. In addition, students in grades 3–8 who require Tier 3 support receive intensive intervention thirty minutes per day through the Leveled Literacy Intervention System (LLI). For math instruction, third- and the teaching methodologies that inform the development of the school education program include extended learning time, a uniform instructional system, teaching for mastery, strategies and supports for student mastery of instructional materials, intensive focus on literacy and mathematics, a rigorous, standards-based curriculumfourth- grade teachers use Go Math, and a character-education curriculumgrades 5–8 are using Eureka Math. UPA utilizes For science, Prentice Hall Science Explorer for Science and XXXX are primary resources. Social Studies Alive is used for 3–5 and History Alive is used by grades 6–8 for social studies. Core Knowledge Language Arts Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) for its ELA curriculum, including the CKLA skills strand for grades K–2. CKLA has earned the highest rating in EdReports for all three gateways (a rating of “meets expectations”). Moreover, the curriculum is highly aligned to the principles of the science of learning, which include systematic teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness, vocabulary acquisition, and a knowledge-based curriculum that supports broad reading comprehension. UPA utilizes the knowledge strand of CKLA for social studies in grades K–2 and Core Knowledge History and Geography for social studies in grades 3–5. This curriculum is not currently rated on EdReports but is produced by the same foundation and publisher as CKLA. It is a comprehensive program for teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking while also building students’ vocabulary and knowledge across essential domains in world literature, global and American history and geography that integrates topics in civics history, and the artssciences. Core Knowledge History In the early grades, CKLA focuses on oral language development through carefully sequenced read-alouds as well as systematic instruction in reading and Geography helps writing skills. In later grades, CKLA continues to advance students’ knowledge and vocabulary through read-alouds and in-depth discussions while also immersing students build knowledge in complex texts and advanced writing assignments that draw on the academic content they’ve been engaged in since preschool. CKLA for grades K–3 is broken into two strands—a Skills strand and a Listening & Learning strand—so that children can master sounds and letters for fluent decoding and encoding during one part of the diverse civilizationsday and then have additional time to build the knowledge, cultureslanguage, and concepts specified vocabulary that are essential for strong comprehension. Engage NY Language Arts The modules are designed to address Common Core State (CCSS) and Learning Standards, which focus on building students’ literacy skills as they develop knowledge about the world. The modules are designed to give teachers concrete strategies in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that address the instructional shifts required by the Common Core Knowledge SequenceLearning Standards. To align with the science Leveled Literacy Intervention System for Students receiving Tier 3 Intervention: • Combination of reading, this curriculum begins exposing writing, and phonics/word study. • Emphasis on teaching for comprehending strategies. • Explicit attention to genre and to the features of nonfiction and fiction texts. • Special attention to disciplinary reading, literature inquiry, and writing about reading. • Specific work on sounds, letters, and words in activities designed to help students notice the details of written language and learn how words "work." • Close reading to rich content even deepen and expand comprehension. • Explicit teaching of effective and efficient strategies for expanding vocabulary. • Explicit teaching for fluent and phrased reading. • Use of writing about reading for the purpose of communicating and learning how to express ideas for a particular purpose and audience using a variety of writing strategies. • Built-in Kindergarten level-by-level descriptions and builds competencies from The Continuum of Literacy Learning, PreK-8 (2011) to monitor student progress and spirals into more complex topics as the years progressguide teaching. UPA utilizes Amplify Science in grades 1–5• Communication tools for informing parents about what children are learning and how they can support them at home. Amplify has been informed by many positive aspects • Technology support for assessment, record keeping, lesson instruction, and home and classroom connections. • Detailed analysis of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGGS)characteristics of text difficulty for each book. Amplify Science is also informed by the Core Knowledge Sequence. On EdReports, it partially meets expectations for designed for NGSS and meets expectations for coherence and scope in grades 3–5. UPA utilizes Eureka Go Math was adopted for grades K–5K–5 and is more closely aligned with the CCSS. Eureka Math, previously known as EngageNY Math, is a revolutionary math program designed It encompasses many resource materials to ensure that students move beyond rote memorization toward build enduring math knowledge. Every lesson includes opportunities meet the needs of all student ability levels and manipulatives for student discourse because peerhands-to-peer discussion helps students solidify their understanding of math conceptson learning. Eureka Math meets expectations in all three gateways for (fifth grade) and EngageNY Math (grades K–5 on Edreports. Eureka Math is supplemented by Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI). CGI is a student-centered approach to teaching math. It starts with what our students already know and builds on their natural number sense and intuitive approaches to problem solving. Rather than a math program or curriculum, CGI is a way of listening to students, asking smart questions, and engaging with their thinking—all with the goal of uncovering and expanding every student’s mathematical understanding. This and the structured lessons offered by Eureka allow us to develop a strong conceptual understanding of the math standards and procedures expected in elementary school.6–

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Community School Contract

CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION. The academic program Core Knowledge Language Arts Program (CKLA) is the primary curricular resource for grades 3–5. Teachers in grades 4–8 use EngageNY Language Arts. In addition, students in grades 3–8 who require Tier 3 support receive intensive intervention thirty minutes per day through the Leveled Literacy Intervention System (LLI). For math instruction, third- and the teaching methodologies that inform the development of the school education program include extended learning time, a uniform instructional system, teaching for mastery, strategies and supports for student mastery of instructional materials, intensive focus on literacy and mathematics, a rigorous, standards-based curriculumfourth- grade teachers use Go Math, and a character-education curriculumgrades 5–8 are using Eureka Math. UPA utilizes For science, Prentice Hall Science Explorer for Science and XXXX are primary resources. Social Studies Alive! is used for 3–5 and History Alive! is used by grades 6–8 for social studies. Core Knowledge Language Arts Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) for its ELA curriculum, including the CKLA skills strand for grades K–2. CKLA has earned the highest rating in EdReports for all three gateways (a rating of “meets expectations”). Moreover, the curriculum is highly aligned to the principles of the science of learning, which include systematic teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness, vocabulary acquisition, and a knowledge-based curriculum that supports broad reading comprehension. UPA utilizes the knowledge strand of CKLA for social studies in grades K–2 and Core Knowledge History and Geography for social studies in grades 3–5. This curriculum is not currently rated on EdReports but is produced by the same foundation and publisher as CKLA. It is a comprehensive program for teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking while also building students’ vocabulary and knowledge across essential domains in world literature, global and American history and geography that integrates topics in civics history, and the artssciences. Core Knowledge History In the early grades, CKLA focuses on oral language development through carefully sequenced read-alouds as well as systematic instruction in reading and Geography helps writing skills. In later grades, CKLA continues to advance students’ knowledge and vocabulary through read-alouds and in-depth discussions while also immersing students build knowledge in complex texts and advanced writing assignments that draw on the academic content they’ve been engaged in since preschool. CKLA for grades K–3 is broken into two strands—a Skills strand and a Listening and Learning strand—so that children can master sounds and letters for fluent decoding and encoding during one part of the diverse civilizationsday and then have additional time to build the knowledge, cultureslanguage, and concepts specified vocabulary that are essential for strong comprehension. EngageNY Language Arts The modules are designed to address Common Core State (CCSS) and Learning Standards, which focus on building students’ literacy skills as they develop knowledge about the world. The modules are designed to give teachers concrete strategies in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that address the instructional shifts required by the Common Core Knowledge SequenceLearning Standards. To align with the science Leveled Literacy Intervention System for Students receiving Tier 3 Intervention: • Combination of reading, this curriculum begins exposing writing, and phonics/word study. • Emphasis on teaching for comprehending strategies. • Explicit attention to genre and to the features of nonfiction and fiction texts. • Special attention to disciplinary reading, literature inquiry, and writing about reading. • Specific work on sounds, letters, and words in activities designed to help students notice the details of written language and learn how words "work." • Close reading to rich content even deepen and expand comprehension. • Explicit teaching of effective and efficient strategies for expanding vocabulary. • Explicit teaching for fluent and phrased reading. • Use of writing about reading for the purpose of communicating and learning how to express ideas for a particular purpose and audience using a variety of writing strategies. • Built-in Kindergarten level-by-level descriptions and builds competencies from The Continuum of Literacy Learning, PreK-8 (2011) to monitor student progress and spirals into more complex topics as the years progressguide teaching. UPA utilizes Amplify Science in grades 1–5• Communication tools for informing parents about what children are learning and how they can support them at home. Amplify has been informed by many positive aspects • Technology support for assessment, record keeping, lesson instruction, and home and classroom connections. • Detailed analysis of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGGS)characteristics of text difficulty for each book. Amplify Science is also informed by the Core Knowledge Sequence. On EdReports, it partially meets expectations for designed for NGSS and meets expectations for coherence and scope in grades 3–5. UPA utilizes Eureka Go Math was adopted for grades K–5K–5 and is more closely aligned with the CCSS. Eureka Math, previously known as EngageNY Math, is a revolutionary math program designed It encompasses many resource materials to ensure that students move beyond rote memorization toward build enduring math knowledge. Every lesson includes opportunities meet the needs of all student ability levels and manipulatives for student discourse because peerhands-to-peer discussion helps students solidify their understanding of math conceptson learning. Eureka Math meets (fifth grade) and EngageNY Math (grades 6– 8) include curriculum modules that are designed to have an in-depth focus on fewer topics. They integrate the Common Core Learning Standards’ rigorous classroom reasoning, extended classroom time devoted to practice and reflection through extensive problem sets, and high expectations in all three gateways for grades K–5 mastery. Modules include a combination of fluency exercises, chains of reasoning, abstract activities, and contextual activities throughout. For science, Prentice Hall Science Explorer for Science and XXXX are primary resources. They provide opportunities for hands-on Edreportslearning to solidify learning of science concepts. Eureka Math is supplemented by Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI). CGI is Social Studies and History Alive provide a student-centered chronological and themed approach to teaching mathlearning about historical events while also providing opportunities to connect literacy concepts. It starts with what our students already know and builds on their natural number sense and intuitive approaches Instructional methods include direct instruction, peer-to problem solving. Rather than a math program or curriculumpeer learning, CGI is a way of listening to students, asking smart questionscollaborative learning centers, and engaging with small-group activities. Students have access to manipulatives, technology, and project ideas to assist in learning. Utilizing a customized student learning plan, data to inform instruction, differentiation, response to intervention, and common assessments via highly collaborative school-wide house teams, each child will be fully engaged in order to develop their thinking—all with highest ability to ensure success in high school and beyond. To do this, the goal school will: 1. Implement an aligned curriculum that is based on the College- and Career-Ready Standards (CCRS) 2. Implement common formative assessments aligned to the CCRS for monitoring student progress 3. Utilize the Ohio Instructional Process (OIP) to fully implement this Initiative 4. Increase year-round experience opportunities for students and families to gain exposure to career, cultural, recreational, and life enrichment resources 5. Offer an array of uncovering and expanding every student’s mathematical understanding. This extracurricular opportunities intended to develop self-confidence, teamwork, and the structured lessons offered by Eureka allow us to develop joy of being part of a strong conceptual understanding of the math standards and procedures expected in elementary

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Samples: Master Contract

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