INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. The Instructional Council is advisory and shall be continued as a permanent source of recommendations on major instructional matters to the Board of Education. Guidelines regulating the functioning of the Council shall be continued, except as modified by the Council pursuant to the terms of such guidelines and except as provided as follows:
INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. The Instructional Council shall represent staff members in the process of educational change. The Instructional Council will operate under a set of bylaws submitted to the Superintendent and Association. The Instructional Council will meet monthly during the school year. Additional meetings may be scheduled depending upon the nature and urgency of the business at hand. A Steering Committee will be elected by members of the Instructional Council. It should consist of five members who have served at least one year on Instructional Council (three staff members and two administrators) in addition to the REA president or vice-president and the Chief Instructional Officer. Steering Committee will meet monthly to set the agenda for each of the Council meetings. The Association and/or the Superintendent may suggest items for Instructional Council to consider. Such items will be considered and reported on in a timely fashion. The Association and the Administration shall mutually agree on all district wide forms that affect the professional staff. To accomplish this end, forms for consideration shall be submitted to the Instructional Council. These shall include, but not be limited to, transfers, leave policies, evaluations, data collection and other personnel related forms. Instructional Council shall identify and assess the amount of paper work and other routine tasks of staff members with the intention of updating, consolidating or discarding such forms as they find appropriate. Forms that are approved, updated and/or consolidated by this committee will be so marked upon reprinting. Instructional Council will also facilitate the Association’s and the Administration’s joint planning of the in-service program for each year. The program will be established by May 1 of each year. Modifications may be made with mutual agreement. The Instructional Council may establish subcommittees to consider particular matters (as outlined in the bylaws). After review, recommendations and suggestions will be forwarded to the Superintendent and President of the Association. The Instructional Council will consist of:
1. Nine REA members selected in the following categories, nominated by a committee of the Association Executive Board, and appointed by the Association Executive Board, to serve staggered three-year terms: 1 Early Childhood, 1 Bilingual/Dual Language, 1 Special Education, 2 Elementary, 2 Middle School, and 2 High School. A term shall expire with the end of the appropriate...
INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. 1. An Instructional Council is established to act as a decision-making body for recommendations to the Superintendent to improve student learning through curriculum development, instructional improvement, evaluation, and staff development for the School District. In carrying out its responsibilities, the Instructional Council shall function as:
a. an initiating agency and clearinghouse for research and innovations;
b. a recommending agency for policy change and philosophy renewal;
INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. The District agrees to continue the utilization of the Instructional Council for the life of this Agreement unless mutually agreed otherwise.
INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. An Instructional Council shall be established in each school building composed of six members, three of whom shall be teachers selected by the Association, and three members of whom shall be appointed by the Board. The Instructional Council shall elect a chairman from its own members. The Council shall meet at least once each month after school hours, or during non-instructional times, to discuss and study subjects mutually agreed upon relating to the school system. The Council is empowered to appoint sub-committees composed of volunteers among the staff and administrators to study and report upon any mutually agreed upon subjects. All reports of the Council or its sub-committees, including their recommendations, shall be submitted in writing to all members of the Council. Subjects of study by sub-committees shall include but not be limited to:
1. Teaching techniques
2. Evaluation of teachers
3. Development of curriculum
4. Evaluation of instructional material. Upon completion of its study and report on the subjects assigned to it, each sub-committee shall be considered dissolved, and once dissolved no sub-committee shall be re-activated except by mutual consent of the members of the Council. The Council and its sub-committees serve in an advisory capacity and the Board shall seriously consider such recommendations but the failure of the Board to place any of its recommendations in effect shall not constitute the basis for a grievance.
INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. The Instructional Council shall be organized as follows: one member of the Board of Education (appointed by the President), the Superintendent or his designee, the High School or Middle School Principal, one Elementary Principal, and five (5) teachers designated by the Association (with all schools being represented). The meetings shall be called by the Superintendent, either at the Superintendent's discretion or upon the request of any member of the Council. There shall be a minimum of two (2) meetings per year; the chairpersonship shall be rotated from teacher to non-teacher yearly and the meetings shall be held after school hours. Under no circumstances should any session be called without specified agenda items listed for discussion. The purpose of the Council shall be to research and study matters of educational concern and present the results of such study along with any recommendations to the Board. A copy of results of the study shall also be forwarded to the Association.
INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. A. There is hereby established an Instructional Council consisting of four representatives appointed by the Board and four representatives appointed by the Association. Instructional Council meetings shall be held on request by either party up to and including ten (10) meetings per school year. Other meetings may be called by mutual agreement of the parties.
B. The Instructional Council will be empowered to make recommendations to both the Board and the Association.
C. The Instructional Council may consider instructional problems referred to it by the Board, the Association, or individual teachers.
D. The Instructional Council may appoint committees, as it deems necessary, to study and report on topics.
E. Subjects of study shall include, but not be limited to, teaching techniques, courses of study, textbooks, curriculum guides, pupil testing and evaluation, philosophy and educational goals of the district, research and experimentation, educational specifications for buildings and related matters, teaching tools, discipline, and problem children.
F. The parties agree that the Instructional Council shall serve in an advisory capacity and that the failure of the Board or Association to place any of the recommendations in force shall not constitute a basis for grievance.
G. The equivalent of fifteen (15) full days per year shall be granted to the Instructional Council for the purpose of formulation and construction of curriculum changes as well as modifications of and/or additions made to the curriculum.
H. Additional expenses are subject to the approval of the Board.
INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. The Board of Education recognizes that the Instructional Council is a partnership of the Allendale Education Association and the Administration. The Board supports the principle of continuing teachers’ active participation with the school administrators, Superintendent of Schools and Board of Education to review and discuss school problems, to exchange information and views, and better the understanding of each other’s role in the educational process. The Instructional Council may approve a proposal and recommend honorariums for certificated staff members involved in the completion of the project. The payment of such honorariums shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education. The Instructional Council will be comprised of six (6) teachers designated by the Allendale Education Association and three (3) administrators designated by the Board of Education, one (1) of which shall be the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. A. The general purpose of this Council shall be to explore ways to improve the educational program of the school district. Said Council shall confine its studies, activities, and recommendations to areas of district-wide concern and shall in no way, impinge upon the responsibility or autonomy of individual schools.
B. Said Council shall consist of:
1. One (1) teacher elected by each school staff, except that a school shall be entitled to one (1) representative for each group of twenty-five (25) teachers beyond the initial twenty-five (25), in accordance with the following schedule: 38 - 62 2 63 - 87 3 88 or more 4 2. three (3) principals 3. a representative from Student Services 4. and the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
C. A chairperson shall be elected by the Council. Said Council shall be directly responsible to the Superintendent of Schools, and shall submit, in writing, a minimum of two (2) semi-annual progress reports which describe the activities of the Council. These reports shall, in turn, be submitted to the Board of Education and members of the Association.
D. Money shall be included in the annual budget for operation expenses of the Instructional Council.
INSTRUCTIONAL COUNCIL. A. 1. An Instructional Council shall be established by the Vineland Education Association. The purpose of the Council shall be to lend support to the educational program of the Vineland Public Schools. The Council will work with and be advised by the Superintendent of Schools and his staff on such matters as curriculum improvements, advancement of the profession, educational goals of the district, educational specifications for building, research and experimentation and other related matters concerning the effective operation of the City of Vineland School District.