Advertisement on Project Highway The Project Highway or any part thereof shall not be used in any manner to advertise any commercial product or services.
Searchability Offering searchability capabilities on the Directory Services is optional but if offered by the Registry Operator it shall comply with the specification described in this section. 1.10.1 Registry Operator will offer searchability on the web-‐based Directory Service. 1.10.2 Registry Operator will offer partial match capabilities, at least, on the following fields: domain name, contacts and registrant’s name, and contact and registrant’s postal address, including all the sub-‐fields described in EPP (e.g., street, city, state or province, etc.). 1.10.3 Registry Operator will offer exact-‐match capabilities, at least, on the following fields: registrar id, name server name, and name server’s IP address (only applies to IP addresses stored by the registry, i.e., glue records). 1.10.4 Registry Operator will offer Boolean search capabilities supporting, at least, the following logical operators to join a set of search criteria: AND, OR, NOT. 1.10.5 Search results will include domain names matching the search criteria. 1.10.6 Registry Operator will: 1) implement appropriate measures to avoid abuse of this feature (e.g., permitting access only to legitimate authorized users); and 2) ensure the feature is in compliance with any applicable privacy laws or policies.
Bilingual Differential When formally assigned in the employee’s position description, an employee assigned to interpret to or from another language to English will receive a differential of five percent (5%) of base pay.
Site Lands or areas indicated in the Contract Documents as being furnished by the Owner upon which the Work is to be performed, including rights-of-way and easements for access thereto, and such other lands furnished by the Owner that are designated for the use of the Contractor. Also referred to as Project Site, Job Site and Premises.
Wet Weather In the event of wet weather, work in the open will continue until the particular work in hand can no longer be done safely and efficiently. Whilst it is raining, employees will be required to: Continue to work under cover or relocate to alternative work under cover, on site. Obtain materials and services for employees working under cover where there is only minimal exposure to inclement weather. When required, perform emergency and safety work. In addition, work on unexpected breakdowns, which can be corrected in limited time duration. Should a portion of the project be affected by wet weather, all other employees not so affected shall continue working in accordance with award conditions, regardless that some employees may be entitled to cease work due to wet weather. If a halt to productive work occurs due to inclement weather, the parties agree that employees may be relocated to other unaffected sites. Where the above steps are not possible, affected employees may be required to attend tool box meetings, work planning sessions or skills development activities, all of which will count as productive time for payment purposes.
Sites 11.1 To enable Digital Origin to fulfill its obligations under any Contract: 11.1.1 the Client shall permit or procure permission for Digital Origin and any other person(s) authorised by Digital Origin to have reasonable access to the Client’s Sites, Equipment and/or Leased Equipment and any other relevant telephone system and other equipment and shall provide such reasonable assistance as Digital Origin requests. 11.1.2 Digital Origin will normally carry out work by appointment and during Normal Working Hours but may request the Client to (and the Client shall) provide access at other times. In the event that the Client cancels, reschedules or misses any pre-arranged appointment, it shall be liable to Digital Origin for any costs and expenses which Digital Origin incurs as a result of such cancellation, rescheduling and/or missed appointment. 11.2 At the Client’s request, Digital Origin may agree (at its sole discretion) to work outside Normal Working Hours and the Client shall pay Digital Origin’s reasonable charges for complying with such a request. 11.3 The Client warrants, represents and undertakes that it has adequate health and safety provisions in place at its Sites. 11.4 The Client shall procure all consents, licences and permissions necessary from landlords or other third parties for the carrying out of preparation work, installation of Equipment and/or Leased Equipment and for the provision, use and operation of the Equipment and/or Leased Equipment and/or Services at the Sites (save to the extent Digital Origin has agreed in writing to do it). 11.5 In the event that the Client is not able to procure the necessary consent to provide the Services within ninety days of the Connection Date Digital Origin will be able to terminate the Contract forthwith by giving the Client written notice without any liability. If the Client has not managed to procure the necessary consents and Digital Origin has commenced work the Client shall, on request by Digital Origin, refund to Digital Origin the cost of all such work (including, without limitation, staff costs and equipment costs) of an amount no less than £500 as Early Termination Charges. 11.6 The Client shall provide Digital Origin with the site and building plans (to include full details of all internal cabling runs) of the Sites and provide Digital Origin with full details of all other services in the vicinity of the proposed works. 11.7 The Client is responsible for making the Site good after any work undertaken by Digital Origin at a Site, including without limitation replacing and re-siting items and for re-decorating. 11.8 If the Client is moving a Site, Digital Origin must be informed as soon as is reasonably practicable so that suitable arrangements can be made to transfer the Client’s Services and Equipment and/or Leased Equipment. Unless otherwise requested, Digital Origin, in addition to moving the Service and Equipment and/or Leased Equipment, will also endeavour (but cannot guarantee that it will be able, for example where the Client moves to a different exchange) to retain the Client’s relevant existing telephone number(s). If Digital Origin can transfer the Client’s existing number(s) to the new Site the existing Contract will continue under the same terms and conditions. If Digital Origin cannot transfer the Client’s existing number(s) to the new Site, installation of a new line will be required at the new Site, or if the Client requires any additional new lines, this will attract new line connection charges and a new Contract. 11.9 If the new installation or moving Site involves the visit of an engineer to facilitate the new installation the Client will be responsible for the costs incurred by Digital Origin for the appointment together with an administration fee in respect of any additional works required to be undertaken by Digital Origin to complete the transfer of the Services and Equipment and/or Leased Equipment. 11.10 If the Client moves Sites and leaves the Equipment and/or Leased Equipment for the new owner/tenant the Client is required to inform them that the Service will be discontinued if Digital Origin is not contacted by the new owner/tenant within 72 hours for the purpose of entering into a new contract with Digital Origin for such services and subject in any event to the agreement of such a contract. 11.11 If at the new Site the Client receives services from an alternative supplier the Client is responsible for any contractual agreement the Client has with them and any liabilities the Client may incur for terminating such agreement.