Monthly Updates The Contractor must provide the Design Professional and the Owner with monthly updates of the Overall Project Schedule indicating completed activities and any changes in sequencing or activity durations. (See also Articles 2.1.2 and 2.1.5).
Disenrollment Adverse Benefit Determination taken by the Division, or its Agent, to remove a Member's name from the monthly Member Listing report following the Division's receipt and approval of a request for Disenrollment or a determination that the Member is no longer eligible for Enrollment in the Contractor.
Teaching Load Full teaching assignments shall normally include 12 course credit hours of scheduled teaching per academic quarter. A reassignment of duty, for the equivalent of 3 or 4 credit course, shall be provided during one term of the first academic year to all newly hired tenure track faculty to further their teaching, scholarship and service and to encourage faculty retention. Wherever possible the University will endeavor to arrange teaching schedules that avoid excessive numbers of preparations and recognize evening and/or off-campus assignments. Class sizes will be established and monitored by the appropriate academic xxxx in consultation with division chairs and affected faculty each term. The following equivalencies will be used in determining teaching assignments:
Teaching Loads The range of teaching loads, number of preparations and number of pupil contacts required should provide for effective instruction and meaningful teacher-student interaction. DPS and the Association agree to work together to seek increased state funding to decrease class size. The principal shall report to the CSC, after the roster verification process, the number of students in each class and this will be published in the CSC minutes on the school’s website. For the purposes of this section, a “class” shall be defined as any general education, including electives and model one classes. Upon request, after the roster verification process, the District shall provide the Association with the student information management system data regarding class enrollment.
RE-WEIGHING PRODUCT Deliveries are subject to re- weighing at the point of destination by the Authorized User. If shrinkage occurs which exceeds that normally allowable in the trade, the Authorized User shall have the option to require delivery of the difference in quantity or to reduce the payment accordingly. Such option shall be exercised in writing by the Authorized User.
Monthly Data Download Not later than fifteen (15) days after the end of each month, beginning with the month in which the Commencement Date occurs and ending with the Final Shared-Loss Month, Assuming Institution shall provide Receiver:
Contract Database Metadata Elements Title: Whitesville Central School District and Whitesville Central School Educational Support Staff Association (2003) Employer Name: Whitesville Central School District Union: Whitesville Central School Educational Support Staff Association Local: Effective Date: 07/01/2003 Expiration Date: 06/30/2006 PERB ID Number: 10699 Unit Size: Number of Pages: 23 For additional research information and assistance, please visit the Research page of the Catherwood website - xxxx:// For additional information on the ILR School - xxxx:// AGREEMENT BETWEEN WHITESVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT STAFF ASSOCIATION AND THE WHITESVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT JULY 1, 2003 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE TITLE PAGE Preamble 1 I Recognition 1 II Collective Bargaining U n i t 1 III Dues/Agency Fee Ckoffand Payroll Deduction 1 IV Rights of Employees 2 V Rights of Employer ------------- 2 VI Personnel F i l e 2 VII Employee Definitions 3 VIII Permanent Status/Seniority 4 IX Wages 5 X Overtime 7 XI Vacation 7 XII Holidays 8 XIII Sick Leave and Leavesof A b s e n c e 8 XIV Conference, Workshops,Required Courses 10 XV Meal Allowance and M i l e a g e 11 XVI Retirement 11 XVII Insurance 12 XVIII Cafeteria P l a n 14 .XIX Uniform Allowance------------------ 14 XX Hours of W o r k 14 XXI Transfers/Promotions 15 XXII Job Descriptions 15 XXIII Grievance Procedure 15 XIV Copies of the Contract 18 XV Zipper C x x x x x 18 XXVI Legislative Clause 18 XXVII Duration 19 SIGNATURES 19 APPENDIX A Grievance F o r m 20 APPENDIX B Dues Authorization F o r m 21
Terminating Switched Access Detail Usage Data A category 1101XX record as defined in the EMI Telcordia Practice BR-010-200- 010.
BRAND NAME OR EQUALS/DEVIATIONS Unless otherwise specified, the mention of a particular manufacturer’s brand name or number in the specifications does not imply that this particular good is the only one that will be considered for purchase. This reference is intended solely to designate the type or quality of good that will be acceptable. Equal offers will be considered and must include descriptive literature and/or specifications. Failure to provide descriptive literature and/or specifications with equal offers will result in the disqualification of the bid. The determination as to whether any alternate good or service is or is not equal shall be made solely by the County and such determination shall be final and binding upon all bidders. The County reserves the right to request and review additional information to make such a determination. Although the County provides for the consideration of alternate bids, it reserves the right to make an award in the best interest of the County. Award may not necessarily be given to the lowest bid offered. The Bidder shall be responsible for reading very carefully, and understanding completely, the requirements and the specifications of the items bid upon. Unless the bid is in response to a “Brand Name or Equal” requirement, deviations from the specifications will only be considered if requested in writing prior to the date and time specified for receipt of bids. Deviations, if accepted, will be specifically addressed in writing via an addendum to this Invitation for Bids. Any goods or services that are not in compliance with the specifications will not be accepted.
Medicaid Enrollment Treatment Grantees shall enroll as a provider with Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) and all Medicaid Managed Care organizations in Grantee’s service region within the first quarter of this procurement term and maintain through the procurement term.