DECISION OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR AND REASONS THEREFORE. DATE OF DECISION SIGNATURE OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Aggrieved's Response (to be completed by aggrieved and one (1) copy returned to Immediate Supervisor, Association and Superintendent within five (5) days of the decision date.) I accept the above decision of the Immediate Supervisor I hereby appeal to the Superintendent on attached Step 2 Form DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 2 REFERRAL BY AGGRIEVED TO SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the aggrieved, who will retain a single copy and deliver one (1) copy to the Superintendent and the Association, within five (5) days of receipt of Form B.) DATE APPEAL DELIVERED TO AGGRIEVED SUPERINTENDENT DATE AND NATURE OF ALLEGED GRIEVANCE: GRIEVANCE RELATED TO AGREEMENT SECTION(S): RELIEF SOUGHT: HEARING REQUESTED: YES NO SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED DATE Received by: SIGNATURE Time / Date GRIEVANCE STEP 2 - RESPONSE DECISION BY SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the Superintendent, who will retain one (1) copy and deliver one (1) copy to the aggrieved within five (5) days after the meeting, and one (1) copy to the Association and the Immediate Supervisor.) DATE HEARING HELD BY AGGRIEVED SUPERINTENDENT DECISION OF SUPERINTENDENT AND REASONS THEREFORE: DATE OF DECISION SIGNATURE OF SUPERINTENDENT Aggrieved's Response (to be completed by aggrieved and one (1) copy returned to the Superintendent, Immediate Supervisor and the Association within five (5) days of the decision date.) I accept the above decision of the Superintendent I hereby appeal to the Association on attached Step 3 Form DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 3 ASSOCIATION RESPONSE TO DECISION OF SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the Association within ten (10) days of receipt of Step 2 response with a single copy delivered within that period to each of the following persons: The Board President, the Aggrieved, the Treasurer, the Superintendent, the Immediate Supervisor. An additional copy should be retained for reference.) DATE RESPONSE AGGRIEVED PERSON DELIVERED TO BOARD OPINIONS OF ASSOCIATION AND REASONS THEREFORE The decision of the Superintendent is accepted The attached grievance is hereby referred to mediation. DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 4 ASSOCIATION RESPONSE TO DECISION OF MEDIATION (To be completed by the Association within ten (10) days of the mediation meeting with a single copy delivered within that period to each of the following persons: The Board President, the Aggrieved, the Treasurer, the Superintendent, the Immediate Supervisor. An additional copy should be retained for reference.) DATE RESPONSE AGGRIEVED PERSON DELIVERED TO BOARD OPINIONS OF ASSOCIATION AND REASONS THEREFORE The decision of the Mediator is accepted The attached grievance is hereby referred to arbitration. DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Received by: Signature Time / Date Sick Leave Bank Participation Name In order to participate in the Northwestern Schools/NASE Sick Leave Bank (SLB), I understand that two (2) days of sick leave will be deducted from my accumulated sick leave balance and that I may be assessed at a later date for additional days. I also understand that I am eligible to benefit from the SLB if and when there is a need. If days are withdrawn from the sick leave bank I will be required to return the borrowed days from the bank after accumulating the required days. In consideration of the benefits of participating the SLB, each applicant for membership in the SLB each applicant for membership in the SLB and for benefits from the SLB shall, as a condition so such application, agree in writing as follows: “I specifically acknowledge and agree that participation in the SLB will follow the NASE Master Agreement. All decisions of the Sick Leave Bank Committee (SLBC) will be final and are binding and not subject to grievance. I further agree to abide by such decisions and indemnify and hold harmless the Northwestern Local School District, the Northwestern Association of School Employees, the Sick Leave Bank Committee, and all of their agents for any loss they may sustain as a result of any claim or legal proceedings I may bring against any of them with respect to a decision made by them concerning this application, any applications for withdrawal, and repayment of days borrowed from the SLB.” When an employee donates days to the SLB, he/she agrees to the above stated rules for administration of the SLB and agrees to abide by the stated rules. This form must be returned to the Treasurer prior to October 31. Signature Date I do not wish to participate in the Sick Leave Bank and fully understand that I will not be eligible for any benefits derived from this bank. Signature Date Office Use ___ _ _ Two sick days deducted from balance. ___ _ _ _ Initials Date EMPLOYEE APPLICATION FOR SICK LEAVE BANK WITHDRAWAL Name Current Sick Leave Balance Sick Days Used this School Year Sick Days used for Current Illness Total Days Previously Withdrawn from SLB Employee’ reason for request (be specific) Estimate of additional days needed Name of attending physician Telephone Address Signature of Applicant Date Please submit request to the Superintendent Sick Leave Bank Committee Use Request approved for days to be withdrawn from bank Balance of days owed to bank Request denied Signature of SLBC Chairman Date Treasurer’s Office Use Date days added to Sick Leave Balance Date Initials Administrative Guidelines 5 Aides 48 Bus Aides Time 48 Arbitration Grievance 12 Article 1 1 Article 10 39 Article 11 50 Article 2 3 Article 3 7 Article 4 8 Article 5 11 Article 6 16 Article 7 20 Article 8 26 Article 9 34 Assault Leave 30 Assigning Extra Duty 40 Association Leave 9 Association Rights 8 Association Leave 9 Board Materials 8 Board Meeting Participation 8 Bulletin Boards 9 Computer System 9 Exclusive Representation 8 Information Availability 9 Mailboxes 8 Meeting Announcement 9 Meeting Release 10 Names of New Employees 8 New Employee Oreintation 8 Payroll Deductions 9 President Rights 8 Use of Facilities 8 Use of School Equipment 9 Attendance Incentive Plan 42 Back Pay Disciplinary Action 15 Adding Classifications 2 Classifications 1 Exclusions 1 Board Materials 8 Board Policies 5 Board Rights 7 Bulletin Boards 9 Bus Additional 25 Minutes 45 Aides Time 48 Annual Pay Calculation 45 Calculation of Route Times .45 Canceled Trips 47 Change in Time 46 Clarifying Reported Time 46 Drug Testing 47 Extra Trips 46 Mid-Day Route Times 46 Midday Routes Seniority 22 Route Definition 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx/Xxxxxxx 00 Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxx 47 C Trip Compensation 47 Cafeteria Head Xxxx Time 48 Substitute Privileges 48 Calamity Days 42 Exceptions 42 Make up Days 42 Paid Leave 42 Pay for Calamity Days 42 Release from Duty 42 Work on Calamity Days 42 Change in Insurance Carrier 38 Change in Leave Request 33 Classifications 1 Compensation 39 Computer System 9 Conclusion of Negotiations 50 Contract Effective Dates 50 Contrary to Law 50 Court Leave 31 Jury Duty 31 Witness Subpoena 31 Custodian/Maintenance Christmas Break 47 Shift Differential 47 D Spring Break 47 B Day Definition Grievance 13 Days Work Days in a Year 40 Dental Insurance 36 Board Contribution 36 Deductible 36 Direct Deposit 43 Disciplinary Action 14 Back Pay 15 Disciplinary Procedures 11 Distribution of Agreement 5 E Duration/Terms 50 Effective Dates of Contact 50 Eligibility for Insurance 38 Employment Practices 16 Extra Duties Assignment 40 Building Rentals 40 Rotation 40 F Facilities Use 8 Fair Share Fee 9 Family Medical Leave Act 33 Forms Grievance Step 1 Response57 Grievance Step 1 Supervisor .............................................. 56 Grievance Step 2 Response59 Grievance Step 2 Superintendent 58 Grievance Step 3 Mediation 60 Grievance Step 4 Arbitration .............................................. 61 Job Bid 55 Posting 55 Sick Bank Participation 62 Sick Bank Withdrawal 63 Fringe Benefits 34 Change in Carrier 38 Dental Insurance See Dental Insurance Eligibility 38 Flex Spending Account 38 Life Insurance 37 Medical Insurance See Medical Insurance Reduction of Hours 37 Vision Insurance See Vision Insurance G Greivance Procedures Class Action Grievance 11 Grievance Procedures 11 Confidentiality 14 Day Definition 13 Defined 11 Forms See Forms Miscellaneous Provisions 13 Parties to Grievance 11 Purpose 11 Records 13 Redress to Other Agencies. 13 Release Time for Hearing 14 Representation Rights 13 Right of Counsel 13 Step 1 (Supervisor) 11 Step 2 (Superintendent) 12 Step 3 (Mediation) 12 Step 4 (Arbitration) 12 Time Extension 13 Withdrawal 13 Hepatitis B Shots 38 Holidays 41 Additional Scheduled Days 41 Contiguous with Work Schedule 41 Good Friday 42 Holiday Pay 41 Rate of Pay 41 Weekends 42 Impasse 4 Posting Last Offers 5 In-Service Training 18 Involuntary Transfer 20 Job Descriptions Changes 24 Jobs in Multiple Classifications39 Jury Duty 31 Labor Management Meetings 18 Lay Off See Reduction in Force Leave 26 Assault 30 Court Jury Duty 31 Witness Subpoena 31 Personal . See Personal Leave Sick See Sick Leave Unpaid FMLA 33 Maternity/Child Care/Adoptive Care 32 Vacation See Vacation Leave Balances 27 Leave Day Definition 26 Leave Day Hours 26 Leave Request Changes 33 Life Insurance 37 Lunch Period 18 Mailboxes 8 Mandated Meetings 19 Mediation Grievance 12 Negotiations 4 Medical Insurance 34 Board Contribution 34 Excise Tax 35 In Network 34 Out of Network 34 H Payment in Xxxx 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx/Xxxxxxxxx 35 Mileage 18 N Multiple Classifications 39 Names of New Employees 8 Negotiations 1 Agreement 1 I Caucus 3 Consistency With Law 6 Consultants 3 Contract Supersedes 5 Distribution of Agreement 5 Exchange of Information 3 J Impasse 4 Mediation 4 Meetings 3 Past Practice 5 Posting Last Offers 5 Procedures 3 Progress Reports 4 L Re-Opener Request 6 Right to Strike 6 Submission of Issues 3 Teams 3 O New Employee Orientation 8 On-Line Training Stipend 48 Open Enrollment Children 18 Overtime 39 Calamity Days 40 Determination 39 Holidays 40 P Rate 39 Past Practice 5 Payment in Lieu 35 Personal Leave 29 M Application Process 30 Conversion 30 Dates Not Available 29 Number of Days 29 Number of Employees Out 29 Reasons 29 Personnel File 16 Access 16 Additions 16 Anonymous Letters 17 Copying 18 Individual Access 16 Items Included 17 Items Not Available 16 Public Access 16 Public Review Representation .............................................. 16 Removal of Items 17 Postings 21 Form 55 Information Included 21 Length 00 Xxxxx 00 Summer Months 21 President's Rights 8 Previous Employment Credit 39 Probationary Contract 19 Professional Meetings 18 Public Address System Meeting Announcement 9 R Ratification Release Time 5 Recall Declining a Recall 24 Notification 24 Rights 24 Time Limits 24 Reduction in Force 22 During School Year 23 End of School Year 23 Equal Seniority 23 Exceptions to Bumping 23 Notification 23 Order 23 Reasons 22 Recall See Recall Declining a Recall 24 Notification 24 Time Limits 24 Recall Order 23 Reduction of Hours Insurance Coverage 37 Rehire Retired Members 24 Release Time Grievance 14 Meetings 10 Ratification 5 Re-Opener Request 6 Salaries and Benefits 50 Retire/Rehire 24 Right to be Interviewed 21 Right to Strike Re-Opener 6 S Salaries 39 Additional Training Credit 39 Bus See Bus Cafeteria See Cafeteria Custodian/Maintenance See Custodian/Maintenance Extra Duties..See Extra Duties Holiday Pay See Holidays On-Line Training Stipend 48 Overtime See Overtime Previous Employment Credit ...............................................39 Salary Increases 48 Salary Schedule Placement 39 Separate Classification Jobs ...............................................39 Temporary Assignments 41 Year of Service Credit 39 Salary Notices 43 Salary Schedule 2016–17 52 Salary Schedule 2017-18 53 Salary Schedule 2018-19 54 School Equipment 9 Seasonal Work 18 Secretary Breaks 48 Section 125 Plan 37 Seniority 22 Classification 22 Defined 22 Leave of Absence 22 List for Association 22 Midday Routes 22 Sole Determinant 22 System Wide 22 SERS Payment 43 Severance Pay 44 Sick Leave 26 Accumulation 26 Adoption 26 Advancement 27 Doctor Verification 28 Maximum Accumulation 26 Occurrence 29 Preganacy 26 Reasons 26 Sick Leave Bank 27 Participation Form 62 T Withdrawal Form 63 Temporary Assignments Compensation 41 Temporary Position 20 Transfers 20 Fewer Hours 20 Higher Paying Classification20 Involuntary 20 Longer Hours 20 Right to Accept or Reject 20 Rights if Rejected 20 Temporary Position 20 Travel Pay 18 U Tuition Waiver for Children 18 Uniform Reimbursement 18 Unpaid Leave 32 Maternity/Child Care/Adoptive Care 32 Vacancies 20, 21 Determination 21 Filling 21 Length of Posting 21 Notification 21 Place of Postings 21 Posting Information Included .............................................. 21 Right to be Interviewed 21 Summer Months 21 Vacation 31 Days per Year 32 Guidelines 31 Requests Deadline 32 Schedule 32 Unused Vacation Payment . 32 Vision Insurance 37 Board Contribution 37 Coverage Defined 37 W Deductible 37 Witness Subpoena 31 Work Week 39

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Samples: Negotiated Agreement

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DECISION OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR AND REASONS THEREFORE. DATE OF DECISION SIGNATURE OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Aggrieved's Response (to be completed by aggrieved and one (1) copy returned to Immediate Supervisor, Association and Superintendent within five (5) days of the decision date.) I accept the above decision of the Immediate Supervisor I hereby appeal to the Superintendent on attached Step 2 Form DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 2 REFERRAL BY AGGRIEVED TO SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the aggrieved, who will retain a single copy and deliver one (1) copy to the Superintendent and the Association, within five (5) days of receipt of Form B.) DATE APPEAL DELIVERED TO AGGRIEVED SUPERINTENDENT DATE AND NATURE OF ALLEGED GRIEVANCE: GRIEVANCE RELATED TO AGREEMENT SECTION(S): RELIEF SOUGHT: HEARING REQUESTED: YES NO SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED DATE Received by: SIGNATURE Time / Date GRIEVANCE STEP 2 - RESPONSE DECISION BY SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the Superintendent, who will retain one (1) copy and deliver one (1) copy to the aggrieved within five (5) days after the meeting, and one (1) copy to the Association and the Immediate Supervisor.) DATE HEARING HELD BY AGGRIEVED SUPERINTENDENT DECISION OF SUPERINTENDENT AND REASONS THEREFORE: DATE OF DECISION SIGNATURE OF SUPERINTENDENT AggrievedXxxxxxxxx's Response (to be completed by aggrieved and one (1) copy returned to the Superintendent, Immediate Supervisor and the Association within five (5) days of the decision date.) I accept the above decision of the Superintendent I hereby appeal to the Association on attached Step 3 Form DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 3 ASSOCIATION RESPONSE TO DECISION OF SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the Association within ten (10) days of receipt of Step 2 response with a single copy delivered within that period to each of the following persons: The Board President, the Aggrieved, the Treasurer, the Superintendent, the Immediate Supervisor. An additional copy should be retained for reference.) DATE RESPONSE AGGRIEVED PERSON DELIVERED TO BOARD OPINIONS OF ASSOCIATION AND REASONS THEREFORE The decision of the Superintendent is accepted The attached grievance is hereby referred to mediation. DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 4 ASSOCIATION RESPONSE TO DECISION OF MEDIATION (To be completed by the Association within ten (10) days of the mediation meeting with a single copy delivered within that period to each of the following persons: The Board President, the Aggrieved, the Treasurer, the Superintendent, the Immediate Supervisor. An additional copy should be retained for reference.) DATE RESPONSE AGGRIEVED PERSON DELIVERED TO BOARD OPINIONS OF ASSOCIATION AND REASONS THEREFORE The decision of the Mediator is accepted The attached grievance is hereby referred to arbitration. DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Received by: Signature Time / Date Sick Leave Bank Participation Name In order to participate in the Northwestern Schools/NASE Sick Leave Bank (SLB), I understand that two (2) days of sick leave will be deducted from my accumulated sick leave balance and that I may be assessed at a later date for additional days. I also understand that I am eligible to benefit from the SLB if and when there is a need. If days are withdrawn from the sick leave bank I will be required to return the borrowed days from the bank after accumulating the required days. In consideration of the benefits of participating the SLB, each applicant for membership in the SLB each applicant for membership in the SLB and for benefits from the SLB shall, as a condition so such application, agree in writing as follows: “I specifically acknowledge and agree that participation in the SLB will follow the NASE Master Agreement. All decisions of the Sick Leave Bank Committee (SLBC) will be final and are binding and not subject to grievance. I further agree to abide by such decisions and indemnify and hold harmless the Northwestern Local School District, the Northwestern Association of School Employees, the Sick Leave Bank Committee, and all of their agents for any loss they may sustain as a result of any claim or legal proceedings I may bring against any of them with respect to a decision made by them concerning this application, any applications for withdrawal, and repayment of days borrowed from the SLB.” When an employee donates days to the SLB, he/she agrees to the above stated rules for administration of the SLB and agrees to abide by the stated rules. This form must be returned to the Treasurer prior to October 31. Signature Date I do not wish to participate in the Sick Leave Bank and fully understand that I will not be eligible for any benefits derived from this bank. Signature Date Office Use ___ _ _ Two sick days deducted from balance. ___ _ _ _ Initials Date EMPLOYEE APPLICATION FOR SICK LEAVE BANK WITHDRAWAL Name Current Sick Leave Balance Sick Days Used this School Year Sick Days used for Current Illness Total Days Previously Withdrawn from SLB Employee’ reason for request (be specific) Estimate of additional days needed Name of attending physician Telephone Address Signature of Applicant Date Please submit request to the Superintendent Sick Leave Bank Committee Use Request approved for days to be withdrawn from bank Balance of days owed to bank Request denied Signature of SLBC Chairman Date Treasurer’s Office Use Date days added to Sick Leave Balance Date Initials Administrative Guidelines 5 Aides 48 Bus Aides Time 48 Arbitration Grievance 12 Article 1 1 Article 10 39 Article 11 50 Article 2 3 Article 3 7 Article 4 8 Article 5 11 Article 6 16 Article 7 20 Article 8 26 Article 9 34 Assault Leave 30 Assigning Extra Duty 40 Association Leave 9 Association Rights 8 Association Leave 9 Board Materials 8 Board Meeting Participation 8 Bulletin Boards 9 Computer System 9 Exclusive Representation 8 Information Availability 9 Mailboxes 8 Meeting Announcement 9 Meeting Release 10 Names of New Employees 8 New Employee Oreintation 8 Payroll Deductions 9 President Rights 8 Use of Facilities 8 Use of School Equipment 9 Attendance Incentive Plan 42 Back Pay Disciplinary Action 15 Adding Classifications 2 Classifications 1 Exclusions 1 Board Materials 8 Board Policies 5 Board Rights 7 Bulletin Boards 9 Bus Additional 25 Minutes 45 Aides Time 48 Annual Pay Calculation 45 Calculation of Route Times .45 Canceled Trips 47 Change in Time 46 Clarifying Reported Time 46 Drug Testing 47 Extra Trips 46 Mid-Day Route Times 46 Midday Routes Seniority 22 Route Definition 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx/Xxxxxxx 00 Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxx 47 C Trip Compensation 47 Cafeteria Head Xxxx Time 48 Substitute Privileges 48 Calamity Days 42 Exceptions 42 Make up Days 42 Paid Leave 42 Pay for Calamity Days 42 Release from Duty 42 Work on Calamity Days 42 Change in Insurance Carrier 38 Change in Leave Request 33 Classifications 1 Compensation 39 Computer System 9 Conclusion of Negotiations 50 Contract Effective Dates 50 Contrary to Law 50 Court Leave 31 Jury Duty 31 Witness Subpoena 31 Custodian/Maintenance Christmas Break 47 Shift Differential 47 D Spring Break 47 B Day Definition Grievance 13 Days Work Days in a Year 40 Dental Insurance 36 Board Contribution 36 Deductible 36 Direct Deposit 43 Disciplinary Action 14 Back Pay 15 Disciplinary Procedures 11 Distribution of Agreement 5 E Duration/Terms 50 Effective Dates of Contact 50 Eligibility for Insurance 38 Employment Practices 16 Extra Duties Assignment 40 Building Rentals 40 Rotation 40 F Facilities Use 8 Fair Share Fee 9 Family Medical Leave Act 33 Forms Grievance Step 1 Response57 Grievance Step 1 Supervisor .............................................. 56 Grievance Step 2 Response59 Grievance Step 2 Superintendent 58 Grievance Step 3 Mediation 60 Grievance Step 4 Arbitration .............................................. 61 Job Bid 55 Posting 55 Sick Bank Participation 62 Sick Bank Withdrawal 63 Fringe Benefits 34 Change in Carrier 38 Dental Insurance See Dental Insurance Eligibility 38 Flex Spending Account 38 Life Insurance 37 Medical Insurance See Medical Insurance Reduction of Hours 37 Vision Insurance See Vision Insurance G Greivance Procedures Class Action Grievance 11 Grievance Procedures 11 Confidentiality 14 Day Definition 13 Defined 11 Forms See Forms Miscellaneous Provisions 13 Parties to Grievance 11 Purpose 11 Records 13 Redress to Other Agencies. 13 Release Time for Hearing 14 Representation Rights 13 Right of Counsel 13 Step 1 (Supervisor) 11 Step 2 (Superintendent) 12 Step 3 (Mediation) 12 Step 4 (Arbitration) 12 Time Extension 13 Withdrawal 13 Hepatitis B Shots 38 Holidays 41 Additional Scheduled Days 41 Contiguous with Work Schedule 41 Good Friday 42 Holiday Pay 41 Rate of Pay 41 Weekends 42 Impasse 4 Posting Last Offers 5 In-Service Training 18 Involuntary Transfer 20 Job Descriptions Changes 24 Jobs in Multiple Classifications39 Jury Duty 31 Labor Management Meetings 18 Lay Off See Reduction in Force Leave 26 Assault 30 Court Jury Duty 31 Witness Subpoena 31 Personal . See Personal Leave Sick See Sick Leave Unpaid FMLA 33 Maternity/Child Care/Adoptive Care 32 Vacation See Vacation Leave Balances 27 Leave Day Definition 26 Leave Day Hours 26 Leave Request Changes 33 Life Insurance 37 Lunch Period 18 Mailboxes 8 Mandated Meetings 19 Mediation Grievance 12 Negotiations 4 Medical Insurance 34 Board Contribution 34 Excise Tax 35 In Network 34 Out of Network 34 H Payment in Xxxx 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx/Xxxxxxxxx 35 Mileage 18 N Multiple Classifications 39 Names of New Employees 8 Negotiations 1 Agreement 1 I Caucus 3 Consistency With Law 6 Consultants 3 Contract Supersedes 5 Distribution of Agreement 5 Exchange of Information 3 J Impasse 4 Mediation 4 Meetings 3 Past Practice 5 Posting Last Offers 5 Procedures 3 Progress Reports 4 L Re-Opener Request 6 Right to Strike 6 Submission of Issues 3 Teams 3 O New Employee Orientation 8 On-Line Training Stipend 48 Open Enrollment Children 18 Overtime 39 Calamity Days 40 Determination 39 Holidays 40 P Rate 39 Past Practice 5 Payment in Lieu 35 Personal Leave 29 M Application Process 30 Conversion 30 Dates Not Available 29 Number of Days 29 Number of Employees Out 29 Reasons 29 Personnel File 16 Access 16 Additions 16 Anonymous Letters 17 Copying 18 Individual Access 16 Items Included 17 Items Not Available 16 Public Access 16 Public Review Representation .............................................. 16 Removal of Items 17 Postings 21 Form 55 Information Included 21 Length 00 Xxxxx 00 Summer Months 21 President's Rights 8 Previous Employment Credit 39 Probationary Contract 19 Professional Meetings 18 Public Address System Meeting Announcement 9 R Ratification Release Time 5 Recall Declining a Recall 24 Notification 24 Rights 24 Time Limits 24 Reduction in Force 22 During School Year 23 End of School Year 23 Equal Seniority 23 Exceptions to Bumping 23 Notification 23 Order 23 Reasons 22 Recall See Recall Declining a Recall 24 Notification 24 Time Limits 24 Recall Order 23 Reduction of Hours Insurance Coverage 37 Rehire Retired Members 24 Release Time Grievance 14 Meetings 10 Ratification 5 Re-Opener Request 6 Salaries and Benefits 50 Retire/Rehire 24 Right to be Interviewed 21 Right to Strike Re-Opener 6 S Salaries 39 Additional Training Credit 39 Bus See Bus Cafeteria See Cafeteria Custodian/Maintenance See Custodian/Maintenance Extra Duties..See Extra Duties Holiday Pay See Holidays On-Line Training Stipend 48 Overtime See Overtime Previous Employment Credit ...............................................39 Salary Increases 48 Salary Schedule Placement 39 Separate Classification Jobs ...............................................39 Temporary Assignments 41 Year of Service Credit 39 Salary Notices 43 Salary Schedule 2016–17 52 Salary Schedule 2017-18 53 Salary Schedule 2018-19 54 School Equipment 9 Seasonal Work 18 Secretary Breaks 48 Section 125 Plan 37 Seniority 22 Classification 22 Defined 22 Leave of Absence 22 List for Association 22 Midday Routes 22 Sole Determinant 22 System Wide 22 SERS Payment 43 Severance Pay 44 Sick Leave 26 Accumulation 26 Adoption 26 Advancement 27 Doctor Verification 28 Maximum Accumulation 26 Occurrence 29 Preganacy 26 Reasons 26 Sick Leave Bank 27 Participation Form 62 T Withdrawal Form 63 Temporary Assignments Compensation 41 Temporary Position 20 Transfers 20 Fewer Hours 20 Higher Paying Classification20 Involuntary 20 Longer Hours 20 Right to Accept or Reject 20 Rights if Rejected 20 Temporary Position 20 Travel Pay 18 U Tuition Waiver for Children 18 Uniform Reimbursement 18 Unpaid Leave 32 Maternity/Child Care/Adoptive Care 32 Vacancies 20, 21 Determination 21 Filling 21 Length of Posting 21 Notification 21 Place of Postings 21 Posting Information Included .............................................. 21 Right to be Interviewed 21 Summer Months 21 Vacation 31 Days per Year 32 Guidelines 31 Requests Deadline 32 Schedule 32 Unused Vacation Payment . 32 Vision Insurance 37 Board Contribution 37 Coverage Defined 37 W Deductible 37 Witness Subpoena 31 Work Week 39BOARD

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Negotiated Agreement

DECISION OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR AND REASONS THEREFORE. DATE OF DECISION SIGNATURE OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Aggrieved's Response (to be completed by aggrieved and one (1) copy returned to Immediate Supervisor, Association and Superintendent within five (5) days of the decision date.) I accept the above decision of the Immediate Supervisor I hereby appeal to the Superintendent on attached Step 2 Form DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 2 REFERRAL BY AGGRIEVED TO SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the aggrieved, who will retain a single copy and deliver one (1) copy to the Superintendent and the Association, within five (5) days of receipt of Form B.) DATE APPEAL DELIVERED TO AGGRIEVED SUPERINTENDENT DATE AND NATURE OF ALLEGED GRIEVANCE: GRIEVANCE RELATED TO AGREEMENT SECTION(S): RELIEF SOUGHT: HEARING REQUESTED: YES NO SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED DATE Received by: SIGNATURE Time / Date GRIEVANCE STEP 2 - RESPONSE DECISION BY SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the Superintendent, who will retain one (1) copy and deliver one (1) copy to the aggrieved within five (5) days after the meeting, and one (1) copy to the Association and the Immediate Supervisor.) DATE HEARING HELD BY AGGRIEVED SUPERINTENDENT DECISION OF SUPERINTENDENT AND REASONS THEREFORE: DATE OF DECISION SIGNATURE OF SUPERINTENDENT Aggrieved's Response (to be completed by aggrieved and one (1) copy returned to the Superintendent, Immediate Supervisor and the Association within five (5) days of the decision date.) I accept the above decision of the Superintendent I hereby appeal to the Association on attached Step 3 Form DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 3 ASSOCIATION RESPONSE TO DECISION OF SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the Association within ten (10) days of receipt of Step 2 response with a single copy delivered within that period to each of the following persons: The Board President, the Aggrieved, the Treasurer, the Superintendent, the Immediate Supervisor. An additional copy should be retained for reference.) DATE RESPONSE AGGRIEVED PERSON DELIVERED TO BOARD OPINIONS OF ASSOCIATION AND REASONS THEREFORE The decision of the Superintendent is accepted The attached grievance is hereby referred to mediation. DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 4 ASSOCIATION RESPONSE TO DECISION OF MEDIATION (To be completed by the Association within ten (10) days of the mediation meeting with a single copy delivered within that period to each of the following persons: The Board President, the Aggrieved, the Treasurer, the Superintendent, the Immediate Supervisor. An additional copy should be retained for reference.) DATE RESPONSE AGGRIEVED PERSON DELIVERED TO BOARD OPINIONS OF ASSOCIATION AND REASONS THEREFORE The decision of the Mediator is accepted The attached grievance is hereby referred to arbitration. DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Received by: Signature Time / Date Sick Leave Bank Participation Name In order to participate in the Northwestern Schools/NASE Sick Leave Bank (SLB), I understand that two (2) days of sick leave will be deducted from my accumulated sick leave balance and that I may be assessed at a later date for additional days. I also understand that I am eligible to benefit from the SLB if and when there is a need. If days are withdrawn from the sick leave bank I will be required to return the borrowed days from the bank after accumulating the required days. In consideration of the benefits of participating the SLB, each applicant for membership in the SLB each applicant for membership in the SLB and for benefits from the SLB shall, as a condition so such application, agree in writing as follows: “I specifically acknowledge and agree that participation in the SLB will follow the NASE Master Agreement. All decisions of the Sick Leave Bank Committee (SLBC) will be final and are binding and not subject to grievance. I further agree to abide by such decisions and indemnify and hold harmless the Northwestern Local School District, the Northwestern Association of School Employees, the Sick Leave Bank Committee, and all of their agents for any loss they may sustain as a result of any claim or legal proceedings I may bring against any of them with respect to a decision made by them concerning this application, any applications for withdrawal, and repayment of days borrowed from the SLB.” When an employee donates days to the SLB, he/she agrees to the above stated rules for administration of the SLB and agrees to abide by the stated rules. This form must be returned to the Treasurer prior to October 31. Signature Date I do not wish to participate in the Sick Leave Bank and fully understand that I will not be eligible for any benefits derived from this bank. Signature Date Office Use ___ _ _ Two sick days deducted from balance. ___ _ _ _ Initials Date EMPLOYEE APPLICATION FOR SICK LEAVE BANK WITHDRAWAL Name Current Sick Leave Balance Sick Days Used this School Year Sick Days used for Current Illness Total Days Previously Withdrawn from SLB Employee’ reason for request (be specific) Estimate of additional days needed Name of attending physician Telephone Address Signature of Applicant Date Please submit request to the Superintendent Sick Leave Bank Committee Use Request approved for days to be withdrawn from bank Balance of days owed to bank Request denied Signature of SLBC Chairman Date Treasurer’s Office Use Date days added to Sick Leave Balance Date Initials Administrative Guidelines 5 Aides 48 Bus Aides Time 48 Arbitration Grievance 12 Article 1 1 Article 10 39 Article 11 50 Article 2 3 Article 3 7 Article 4 8 Article 5 11 Article 6 16 Article 7 20 Article 8 26 Article 9 34 Assault Leave 30 Assigning Extra Duty 40 Association Leave 9 Association Rights 8 Association Leave 9 Board Materials 8 Board Meeting Participation 8 Bulletin Boards 9 Computer System 9 Exclusive Representation 8 Information Availability 9 Mailboxes 8 Meeting Announcement 9 Meeting Release 10 Names of New Employees 8 New Employee Oreintation 8 Payroll Deductions 9 President Rights 8 Use of Facilities 8 Use of School Equipment 9 Attendance Incentive Plan 42 Back Pay Disciplinary Action 15 Adding Classifications 2 Classifications 1 Exclusions 1 Board Materials 8 Board Policies 5 Board Rights 7 Bulletin Boards 9 Bus Additional 25 Minutes 45 Aides Time 48 Annual Pay Calculation 45 Calculation of Route Times .45 Canceled Trips 47 Change in Time 46 Clarifying Reported Time 46 Drug Testing 47 Extra Trips 46 Mid-Day Route Times 46 Midday Routes Seniority 22 Route Definition 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx/Xxxxxxx 00 Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxx 47 C Trip Compensation 47 Cafeteria Head Xxxx Time 48 Substitute Privileges 48 Calamity Days 42 Exceptions 42 Make up Days 42 Paid Leave 42 Pay for Calamity Days 42 Release from Duty 42 Work on Calamity Days 42 Change in Insurance Carrier 38 Change in Leave Request 33 Classifications 1 Compensation 39 Computer System 9 Conclusion of Negotiations 50 Contract Effective Dates 50 Contrary to Law 50 Court Leave 31 Jury Duty 31 Witness Subpoena 31 Custodian/Maintenance Christmas Break 47 Shift Differential 47 D Spring Break 47 B Day Definition Grievance 13 Days Work Days in a Year 40 Dental Insurance 36 Board Contribution 36 Deductible 36 Direct Deposit 43 Disciplinary Action 14 Back Pay 15 Disciplinary Procedures 11 Distribution of Agreement 5 E Duration/Terms 50 Effective Dates of Contact 50 Eligibility for Insurance 38 Employment Practices 16 Extra Duties Assignment 40 Building Rentals 40 Rotation 40 F Facilities Use 8 Fair Share Fee 9 Family Medical Leave Act 33 Forms Grievance Step 1 Response57 Grievance Step 1 Supervisor .............................................. 56 Grievance Step 2 Response59 Grievance Step 2 Superintendent 58 Grievance Step 3 Mediation 60 Grievance Step 4 Arbitration .............................................. 61 Job Bid 55 Posting 55 Sick Bank Participation 62 Sick Bank Withdrawal 63 Fringe Benefits 34 Change in Carrier 38 Dental Insurance See Dental Insurance Eligibility 38 Flex Spending Account 38 Life Insurance 37 Medical Insurance See Medical Insurance Reduction of Hours 37 Vision Insurance See Vision Insurance G Greivance Procedures Class Action Grievance 11 Grievance Procedures 11 Confidentiality 14 Day Definition 13 Defined 11 Forms See Forms Miscellaneous Provisions 13 Parties to Grievance 11 Purpose 11 Records 13 Redress to Other Agencies. 13 Release Time for Hearing 14 Representation Rights 13 Right of Counsel 13 Step 1 (Supervisor) 11 Step 2 (Superintendent) 12 Step 3 (Mediation) 12 Step 4 (Arbitration) 12 Time Extension 13 Withdrawal 13 Hepatitis B Shots 38 Holidays 41 Additional Scheduled Days 41 Contiguous with Work Schedule 41 Good Friday 42 Holiday Pay 41 Rate of Pay 41 Weekends 42 Impasse 4 Posting Last Offers 5 In-Service Training 18 Involuntary Transfer 20 Job Descriptions Changes 24 Jobs in Multiple Classifications39 Jury Duty 31 Labor Management Meetings 18 Lay Off See Reduction in Force Leave 26 Assault 30 Court Jury Duty 31 Witness Subpoena 31 Personal . See Personal Leave Sick See Sick Leave Unpaid FMLA 33 Maternity/Child Care/Adoptive Care 32 Vacation See Vacation Leave Balances 27 Leave Day Definition 26 Leave Day Hours 26 Leave Request Changes 33 Life Insurance 37 Lunch Period 18 Mailboxes 8 Mandated Meetings 19 Mediation Grievance 12 Negotiations 4 Medical Insurance 34 Board Contribution 34 Excise Tax 35 In Network 34 Out of Network 34 H Payment in Xxxx 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx/Xxxxxxxxx 35 Mileage 18 N Multiple Classifications 39 Names of New Employees 8 Negotiations 1 Agreement 1 I Caucus 3 Consistency With Law 6 Consultants 3 Contract Supersedes 5 Distribution of Agreement 5 Exchange of Information 3 J Impasse 4 Mediation 4 Meetings 3 Past Practice 5 Posting Last Offers 5 Procedures 3 Progress Reports 4 L Re-Opener Request 6 Right to Strike 6 Submission of Issues 3 Teams 3 O New Employee Orientation 8 On-Line Training Stipend 48 Open Enrollment Children 18 Overtime 39 Calamity Days 40 Determination 39 Holidays 40 P Rate 39 Past Practice 5 Payment in Lieu 35 Personal Leave 29 M Application Process 30 Conversion 30 Dates Not Available 29 Number of Days 29 Number of Employees Out 29 Reasons 29 Personnel File 16 Access 16 Additions 16 Anonymous Letters 17 Copying 18 Individual Access 16 Items Included 17 Items Not Available 16 Public Access 16 Public Review Representation .............................................. 16 Removal of Items 17 Postings 21 Form 55 Information Included 21 Length 00 Xxxxx 00 Summer Months 21 President's Rights 8 Previous Employment Credit 39 Probationary Contract 19 Professional Meetings 18 Public Address System Meeting Announcement 9 R Ratification Release Time 5 Recall Declining a Recall 24 Notification 24 Rights 24 Time Limits 24 Reduction in Force 22 During School Year 23 End of School Year 23 Equal Seniority 23 Exceptions to Bumping 23 Notification 23 Order 23 Reasons 22 Recall See Recall Declining a Recall 24 Notification 24 Time Limits 24 Recall Order 23 Reduction of Hours Insurance Coverage 37 Rehire Retired Members 24 Release Time Grievance 14 Meetings 10 Ratification 5 Re-Opener Request 6 Salaries and Benefits 50 Retire/Rehire 24 Right to be Interviewed 21 Right to Strike Re-Opener 6 S Salaries 39 Additional Training Credit 39 Bus See Bus Cafeteria See Cafeteria Custodian/Maintenance See Custodian/Maintenance Extra Duties..See Extra Duties Holiday Pay See Holidays On-Line Training Stipend 48 Overtime See Overtime Previous Employment Credit ...............................................39 Salary Increases 48 Salary Schedule Placement 39 Separate Classification Jobs ...............................................39 Temporary Assignments 41 Year of Service Credit 39 Salary Notices 43 Salary Schedule 2016–17 52 Salary Schedule 2017-18 53 Salary Schedule 2018-19 54 School Equipment 9 Seasonal Work 18 Secretary Breaks 48 Section 125 Plan 37 Seniority 22 Classification 22 Defined 22 Leave of Absence 22 List for Association 22 Midday Routes 22 Sole Determinant 22 System Wide 22 SERS Payment 43 Severance Pay 44 Sick Leave 26 Accumulation 26 Adoption 26 Advancement 27 Doctor Verification 28 Maximum Accumulation 26 Occurrence 29 Preganacy 26 Reasons 26 Sick Leave Bank 27 Participation Form 62 T Withdrawal Form 63 Temporary Assignments Compensation 41 Temporary Position 20 Transfers 20 Fewer Hours 20 Higher Paying Classification20 Involuntary 20 Longer Hours 20 Right to Accept or Reject 20 Rights if Rejected 20 Temporary Position 20 Travel Pay 18 U Tuition Waiver for Children 18 Uniform Reimbursement 18 Unpaid Leave 32 Maternity/Child Care/Adoptive Care 32 Vacancies 20, 21 Determination 21 Filling 21 Length of Posting 21 Notification 21 Place of Postings 21 Posting Information Included .............................................. 21 Right to be Interviewed 21 Summer Months 21 Vacation 31 Days per Year 32 Guidelines 31 Requests Deadline 32 Schedule 32 Unused Vacation Payment . 32 Vision Insurance 37 Board Contribution 37 Coverage Defined 37 W Deductible 37 Witness Subpoena 31 Work Week 39

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DECISION OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR AND REASONS THEREFORE. DATE OF DECISION SIGNATURE OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR Aggrieved's Response (to be completed by aggrieved and one (1) copy returned to Immediate Supervisor, Association and Superintendent within five (5) days of the decision date.) I accept the above decision of the Immediate Supervisor I hereby appeal to the Superintendent on attached Step 2 Form DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 2 REFERRAL BY AGGRIEVED TO SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the aggrieved, who will retain a single copy and deliver one (1) copy to the Superintendent and the Association, within five (5) days of receipt of Form B.) DATE APPEAL DELIVERED TO AGGRIEVED SUPERINTENDENT DATE AND NATURE OF ALLEGED GRIEVANCE: GRIEVANCE RELATED TO AGREEMENT SECTION(S): RELIEF SOUGHT: HEARING REQUESTED: YES NO SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED DATE Received by: SIGNATURE Time / Date GRIEVANCE STEP 2 - RESPONSE DECISION BY SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the Superintendent, who will retain one (1) copy and deliver one (1) copy to the aggrieved within five (5) days after the meeting, and one (1) copy to the Association and the Immediate Supervisor.) DATE HEARING HELD BY AGGRIEVED SUPERINTENDENT DECISION OF SUPERINTENDENT AND REASONS THEREFORE: DATE OF DECISION SIGNATURE OF SUPERINTENDENT AggrievedXxxxxxxxx's Response (to be completed by aggrieved and one (1) copy returned to the Superintendent, Immediate Supervisor and the Association within five (5) days of the decision date.) I accept the above decision of the Superintendent I hereby appeal to the Association on attached Step 3 Form DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF AGGRIEVED Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 3 ASSOCIATION RESPONSE TO DECISION OF SUPERINTENDENT (To be completed by the Association within ten (10) days of receipt of Step 2 response with a single copy delivered within that period to each of the following persons: The Board President, the Aggrieved, the Treasurer, the Superintendent, the Immediate Supervisor. An additional copy should be retained for reference.) DATE RESPONSE AGGRIEVED PERSON DELIVERED TO BOARD OPINIONS OF ASSOCIATION AND REASONS THEREFORE The decision of the Superintendent is accepted The attached grievance is hereby referred to mediation. DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Received by: Signature Time / Date GRIEVANCE FORM STEP 4 ASSOCIATION RESPONSE TO DECISION OF MEDIATION (To be completed by the Association within ten (10) days of the mediation meeting with a single copy delivered within that period to each of the following persons: The Board President, the Aggrieved, the Treasurer, the Superintendent, the Immediate Supervisor. An additional copy should be retained for reference.) DATE RESPONSE AGGRIEVED PERSON DELIVERED TO BOARD OPINIONS OF ASSOCIATION AND REASONS THEREFORE The decision of the Mediator is accepted The attached grievance is hereby referred to arbitration. DATE OF RESPONSE SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION Received by: Signature Time / Date Sick Leave Bank Participation Name In order to participate in the Northwestern Schools/NASE Sick Leave Bank (SLB), I understand that two (2) days of sick leave will be deducted from my accumulated sick leave balance and that I may be assessed at a later date for additional days. I also understand that I am eligible to benefit from the SLB if and when there is a need. If days are withdrawn from the sick leave bank I will be required to return the borrowed days from the bank after accumulating the required days. In consideration of the benefits of participating the SLB, each applicant for membership in the SLB each applicant for membership in the SLB and for benefits from the SLB shall, as a condition so such application, agree in writing as follows: “I specifically acknowledge and agree that participation in the SLB will follow the NASE Master Agreement. All decisions of the Sick Leave Bank Committee (SLBC) will be final and are binding and not subject to grievance. I further agree to abide by such decisions and indemnify and hold harmless the Northwestern Local School District, the Northwestern Association of School Employees, the Sick Leave Bank Committee, and all of their agents for any loss they may sustain as a result of any claim or legal proceedings I may bring against any of them with respect to a decision made by them concerning this application, any applications for withdrawal, and repayment of days borrowed from the SLB.” When an employee donates days to the SLB, he/she agrees to the above stated rules for administration of the SLB and agrees to abide by the stated rules. This form must be returned to the Treasurer prior to October 31. Signature Date I do not wish to participate in the Sick Leave Bank and fully understand that I will not be eligible for any benefits derived from this bank. Signature Date Office Use ___ _ _ Two sick days deducted from balance. ___ _ _ _ Initials Date EMPLOYEE APPLICATION FOR SICK LEAVE BANK WITHDRAWAL Name Current Sick Leave Balance Sick Days Used this School Year Sick Days used for Current Illness Total Days Previously Withdrawn from SLB Employee’ reason for request (be specific) Estimate of additional days needed Name of attending physician Telephone Address Signature of Applicant Date Please submit request to the Superintendent Sick Leave Bank Committee Use Request approved for days to be withdrawn from bank Balance of days owed to bank Request denied Signature of SLBC Chairman Date Treasurer’s Office Use Date days added to Sick Leave Balance Date Initials Administrative Guidelines 5 Aides 48 Bus Aides Time 48 Arbitration Grievance 12 Article 1 1 Article 10 39 Article 11 50 Article 2 3 Article 3 7 Article 4 8 Article 5 11 Article 6 16 Article 7 20 Article 8 26 Article 9 34 Assault Leave 30 Assigning Extra Duty 40 Association Leave 9 Association Rights 8 Association Leave 9 Board Materials 8 Board Meeting Participation 8 Bulletin Boards 9 Computer System 9 Exclusive Representation 8 Information Availability 9 Mailboxes 8 Meeting Announcement 9 Meeting Release 10 Names of New Employees 8 New Employee Oreintation 8 Payroll Deductions 9 President Rights 8 Use of Facilities 8 Use of School Equipment 9 Attendance Incentive Plan 42 Back Pay Disciplinary Action 15 Adding Classifications 2 Classifications 1 Exclusions 1 Board Materials 8 Board Policies 5 Board Rights 7 Bulletin Boards 9 Bus Additional 25 Minutes 45 Aides Time 48 Annual Pay Calculation 45 Calculation of Route Times .45 Canceled Trips 47 Change in Time 46 Clarifying Reported Time 46 Drug Testing 47 Extra Trips 46 Mid-Day Route Times 46 Midday Routes Seniority 22 Route Definition 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx/Xxxxxxx 00 Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxx 47 C Trip Compensation 47 Cafeteria Head Xxxx Cook Time 48 Substitute Privileges 48 Calamity Days 42 Exceptions 42 Make up Days 42 Paid Leave 42 Pay for Calamity Days 42 Release from Duty 42 Work on Calamity Days 42 Change in Insurance Carrier 38 Change in Leave Request 33 Classifications 1 Compensation 39 Computer System 9 Conclusion of Negotiations 50 Contract Effective Dates 50 Contrary to Law 50 Court Leave 31 Jury Duty 31 Witness Subpoena 31 Custodian/Maintenance Christmas Break 47 Shift Differential 47 D Spring Break 47 B Day Definition Grievance 13 Days Work Days in a Year 40 Dental Insurance 36 Board Contribution 36 Deductible 36 Direct Deposit 43 Disciplinary Action 14 Back Pay 15 Disciplinary Procedures 11 Distribution of Agreement 5 E Duration/Terms 50 Effective Dates of Contact 50 Eligibility for Insurance 38 Employment Practices 16 Extra Duties Assignment 40 Building Rentals 40 Rotation 40 F Facilities Use 8 Fair Share Fee 9 Family Medical Leave Act 33 Forms Grievance Step 1 Response57 Grievance Step 1 Supervisor .............................................. 56 Grievance Step 2 Response59 Grievance Step 2 Superintendent 58 Grievance Step 3 Mediation 60 Grievance Step 4 Arbitration .............................................. 61 Job Bid 55 Posting 55 Sick Bank Participation 62 Sick Bank Withdrawal 63 Fringe Benefits 34 Change in Carrier 38 Dental Insurance See Dental Insurance Eligibility 38 Flex Spending Account 38 Life Insurance 37 Medical Insurance See Medical Insurance Reduction of Hours 37 Vision Insurance See Vision Insurance G Greivance Procedures Class Action Grievance 11 Grievance Procedures 11 Confidentiality 14 Day Definition 13 Defined 11 Forms See Forms Miscellaneous Provisions 13 Parties to Grievance 11 Purpose 11 Records 13 Redress to Other Agencies. 13 Release Time for Hearing 14 Representation Rights 13 Right of Counsel 13 Step 1 (Supervisor) 11 Step 2 (Superintendent) 12 Step 3 (Mediation) 12 Step 4 (Arbitration) 12 Time Extension 13 Withdrawal 13 Hepatitis B Shots 38 Holidays 41 Additional Scheduled Days 41 Contiguous with Work Schedule 41 Good Friday 42 Holiday Pay 41 Rate of Pay 41 Weekends 42 Impasse 4 Posting Last Offers 5 In-Service Training 18 Involuntary Transfer 20 Job Descriptions Changes 24 Jobs in Multiple Classifications39 Jury Duty 31 Labor Management Meetings 18 Lay Off See Reduction in Force Leave 26 Assault 30 Court Jury Duty 31 Witness Subpoena 31 Personal . See Personal Leave Sick See Sick Leave Unpaid FMLA 33 Maternity/Child Care/Adoptive Care 32 Vacation See Vacation Leave Balances 27 Leave Day Definition 26 Leave Day Hours 26 Leave Request Changes 33 Life Insurance 37 Lunch Period 18 Mailboxes 8 Mandated Meetings 19 Mediation Grievance 12 Negotiations 4 Medical Insurance 34 Board Contribution 34 Excise Tax 35 In Network 34 Out of Network 34 H Payment in Xxxx 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx/Xxxxxxxxx 35 Mileage 18 N Multiple Classifications 39 Names of New Employees 8 Negotiations 1 Agreement 1 I Caucus 3 Consistency With Law 6 Consultants 3 Contract Supersedes 5 Distribution of Agreement 5 Exchange of Information 3 J Impasse 4 Mediation 4 Meetings 3 Past Practice 5 Posting Last Offers 5 Procedures 3 Progress Reports 4 L Re-Opener Request 6 Right to Strike 6 Submission of Issues 3 Teams 3 O New Employee Orientation 8 On-Line Training Stipend 48 Open Enrollment Children 18 Overtime 39 Calamity Days 40 Determination 39 Holidays 40 P Rate 39 Past Practice 5 Payment in Lieu 35 Personal Leave 29 M Application Process 30 Conversion 30 Dates Not Available 29 Number of Days 29 Number of Employees Out 29 Reasons 29 Personnel File 16 Access 16 Additions 16 Anonymous Letters 17 Copying 18 Individual Access 16 Items Included 17 Items Not Available 16 Public Access 16 Public Review Representation .............................................. 16 Removal of Items 17 Postings 21 Form 55 Information Included 21 Length 00 Xxxxx 00 Summer Months 21 President's Rights 8 Previous Employment Credit 39 Probationary Contract 19 Professional Meetings 18 Public Address System Meeting Announcement 9 R Ratification Release Time 5 Recall Declining a Recall 24 Notification 24 Rights 24 Time Limits 24 Reduction in Force 22 During School Year 23 End of School Year 23 Equal Seniority 23 Exceptions to Bumping 23 Notification 23 Order 23 Reasons 22 Recall See Recall Declining a Recall 24 Notification 24 Time Limits 24 Recall Order 23 Reduction of Hours Insurance Coverage 37 Rehire Retired Members 24 Release Time Grievance 14 Meetings 10 Ratification 5 Re-Opener Request 6 Salaries and Benefits 50 Retire/Rehire 24 Right to be Interviewed 21 Right to Strike Re-Opener 6 S Salaries 39 Additional Training Credit 39 Bus See Bus Cafeteria See Cafeteria Custodian/Maintenance See Custodian/Maintenance Extra Duties..See Extra Duties Holiday Pay See Holidays On-Line Training Stipend 48 Overtime See Overtime Previous Employment Credit ...............................................39 Salary Increases 48 Salary Schedule Placement 39 Separate Classification Jobs ...............................................39 Temporary Assignments 41 Year of Service Credit 39 Salary Notices 43 Salary Schedule 2016–17 52 Salary Schedule 2017-18 53 Salary Schedule 2018-19 54 School Equipment 9 Seasonal Work 18 Secretary Breaks 48 Section 125 Plan 37 Seniority 22 Classification 22 Defined 22 Leave of Absence 22 List for Association 22 Midday Routes 22 Sole Determinant 22 System Wide 22 SERS Payment 43 Severance Pay 44 Sick Leave 26 Accumulation 26 Adoption 26 Advancement 27 Doctor Verification 28 Maximum Accumulation 26 Occurrence 29 Preganacy 26 Reasons 26 Sick Leave Bank 27 Participation Form 62 T Withdrawal Form 63 Temporary Assignments Compensation 41 Temporary Position 20 Transfers 20 Fewer Hours 20 Higher Paying Classification20 Involuntary 20 Longer Hours 20 Right to Accept or Reject 20 Rights if Rejected 20 Temporary Position 20 Travel Pay 18 U Tuition Waiver for Children 18 Uniform Reimbursement 18 Unpaid Leave 32 Maternity/Child Care/Adoptive Care 32 Vacancies 20, 21 Determination 21 Filling 21 Length of Posting 21 Notification 21 Place of Postings 21 Posting Information Included .............................................. 21 Right to be Interviewed 21 Summer Months 21 Vacation 31 Days per Year 32 Guidelines 31 Requests Deadline 32 Schedule 32 Unused Vacation Payment . 32 Vision Insurance 37 Board Contribution 37 Coverage Defined 37 W Deductible 37 Witness Subpoena 31 Work Week 39

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Samples: Negotiated Agreement

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