Deferment of disbursement Sample Clauses

Deferment of disbursement. 1.05A Grounds for deferment Upon the written request of the relevant Borrower, the Bank shall defer the disbursement of any Accepted Tranche in whole or in part to a date specified by that Borrower being a date falling not later than 6 (six) months from its Scheduled Disbursement Date and not later than 60 days prior to the first repayment date of the Tranche indicated in the Disbursement Offer. In such case, that Borrower shall pay the Deferment Indemnity calculated on the amount of disbursement deferred. Any request for deferment shall have effect in respect of a Tranche only if it is made at least 5 (five) Business Days before its Scheduled Disbursement Date. If for an Accepted Tranche any of the conditions referred to in Article 1.04 is not fulfilled as at the specified date and at the Scheduled Disbursement Date (or the date expected for disbursement in case of a previous deferment), disbursement will be deferred to a date agreed between the Bank and that Borrower falling not earlier than 5 (five) Business Days following the fulfilment of all conditions of disbursement (without prejudice to the right of the Bank to suspend and/or cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit in whole or in part pursuant to Article 1.06B). In such case, that Borrower shall pay the Deferment Indemnity calculated on the amount of disbursement deferred.
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Deferment of disbursement. 1.05A Grounds for deferment Upon the written request of the Borrower, the Bank shall defer the disbursement of any Accepted Tranche in whole or in part to a date specified by the Borrower being a date falling not later than 6 (six) months from its Scheduled Disbursement Date. In such case, the Borrower shall pay the deferment indemnity as determined pursuant to Article 1.05B below. Any request for deferment shall have effect in respect of a T ranche only if it is made at least 5 (five) Business Days before its Scheduled Disbursement Date. If any of the conditions referred to in Article 1.04 is not fulfilled as at the specified date and at the Scheduled Disbursement Date, and the Bank is of the opinion that it will not be satisfied, disbursement will be deferred to a date agreed between the Bank and the Borrower falling not earlier than 5 (five) Business Days following the fulfilment of all conditions of disbursement.
Deferment of disbursement. 1.5.A Grounds for deferment
Deferment of disbursement. Yours faithfully, EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK We hereby accept the above Disbursement Offer: For and behalf of [Xylem Holdings S.à x.x.]/[Xylem International S.à x.x.] Date: We, as Guarantor under the Deed of Guarantee and Indemnity between the European Investment Bank and Xylem Inc. dated <>, consent to the Borrower's acceptance of the above Disbursement Offer: For and behalf of Xylem Inc. (as Guarantor) Date: Schedule D Interest Rate Revision and Conversion If an Interest Revision/Conversion Date has been included in the Disbursement Offer for a Tranche, the following provisions shall apply.
Deferment of disbursement. A. THE BANK shall, at the request of THE BORROWERS or the relevant BORROWER (as the case may be), defer disbursement of any Tranche in whole or in part to a date specified by THE BORROWERS or the relevant BORROWER (as the case may be) being a date falling not more than six months from its Scheduled Disbursement Date. In such a case THE BORROWERS shall pay deferment indemnity as determined pursuant to Article 1.05C below. Any request for deferment shall have effect in respect of a Tranche only if it is made at least five Luxembourg Business Days before its Scheduled Disbursement Date.
Deferment of disbursement. 20 1.05A Grounds for deferment................................................................................................................20
Deferment of disbursement. 20 1.05A Grounds for deferment................................................................................................................20 1.05B Cancellation of a disbursement deferred by 6 (six) months.......................................................20 1.06
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Deferment of disbursement. Grounds for deferment Borrower's request The Borrower may send a written request to the Bank requesting the deferral of the disbursement of an Accepted Tranche. The written request must be received by the Bank at least 5 (five) Business Days before the Scheduled Disbursement Date of the Accepted Tranche and specify: whether the Borrower would like to defer the disbursement in whole or in part and if in part, the amount to be deferred; and the date until which the Borrower would like to defer a disbursement of the above amount (the "Requested Deferred Disbursement Date"), which must be a date falling not later than: 6 (six) months from its Scheduled Disbursement Date; 30 (thirty) days prior to the first Repayment Date; and the Final Availability Date. Upon receipt of such a written request, the Bank shall defer the disbursement of the relevant amount until the Requested Deferred Disbursement Date. Failure to satisfy conditions to disbursement The disbursement of an Accepted Tranche shall be deferred if any condition for disbursement of such Accepted Tranche referred to in Article 1.4 is not fulfilled both: at the date specified for fulfilment of such condition in Article 1.4; and at its Scheduled Disbursement Date (or, where the Scheduled Disbursement Date has been deferred previously, the date expected for disbursement). The Bank and the Borrower shall agree the date until which the disbursement of such Accepted Tranche shall be deferred (the "Agreed Deferred Disbursement Date"), which must be a date falling: not earlier than 6 (six) Business Days following the fulfilment of all conditions of disbursement; and not later than the Final Availability Date. Without prejudice to the Bank's right to suspend and/or cancel the undisbursed portion of the Credit in whole or in part pursuant to Article 1.6.B, the Bank shall defer disbursement of such Accepted Tranche until the Agreed Deferred Disbursement Date. Deferment FEE If disbursement of an Accepted Tranche is deferred pursuant to Article 1.5.A(1) or 1.5.A(2), the Borrower shall pay the Deferment Fee. Cancellation of a disbursement deferred by 6 (six) months
Deferment of disbursement 
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