Department Chair Recall. a. To initiate a recall, a written statement setting forth specific complaints as defined above signed by one-third (⅓) of all full-time department faculty members (as defined in Article 8.5) shall be presented to the Xxxx. Within two (2) working days, the Department Chair shall receive this statement from the Xxxx, and within five (5) working days of receipt of the statement, the Department Chair shall meet to confer with all faculty members of the department. This meeting shall be for the purpose of attempting to find an informal resolution of any complaints set forth in the signed document. b. If the complaints are not resolved to the satisfaction of one-third (⅓) of the full-time faculty in the Department, the concerned members shall next meet informally with the Xxxx to discuss the matter and obtain the Xxxx’x assistance in reaching an informal settlement of such complaints. This meeting shall take place within five (5) working days of the meeting with the Department Chair and the Department. c. If an informal settlement to the faculty complaint statement cannot be reached, a recall election may be instituted by a petition signed by one-third (⅓) of the full-time department faculty members, not including the Chair, and filed with the Xxxx of the Division within five (5) working days of the informal resolution meeting with the Xxxx. The reasons for recall must be stated with specificity and in writing. d. The Xxxx/designee shall, within five (5) working days, give written notice setting forth the time, date (during the academic year), place and purpose of a meeting to consider the recall petition to all voting department faculty members. At least two- thirds (2/3rds) of the department faculty (excluding the Department Chair) must attend this meeting for the recall election to go forward; otherwise the recall fails. e. The Xxxx/designee shall oversee the process, preside at the meeting, keep minutes or arrange for them to be kept, and shall remain neutral in the process. The Department Chair may bring an NFA representative, a faculty member of his/her choice from outside the department, and/or an HR representative to the meeting and shall be afforded the opportunity at the Department meeting to answer to the reasons stated in the petition for recall, as well as to ask questions before voting takes place. The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall attend, but shall not participate in the discussion, and shall administer the vote by secret ballot. In the event that the Chair of the Faculty Senate is a member of the Department attempting to recall its Department Chair, the Chair- elect or other designee of the Faculty Senate shall administer the vote by secret ballot. Minutes of the meeting will be made available to Department members, the Department Chair, and the Faculty Senate representative. f. A vote by two-thirds (2/3rds) of all the full-time department faculty members (including the Chair) of that Department in the affirmative is required to complete the recall. In order for a faculty member to vote, he/she must attend the meeting. A record of the number of votes cast shall become part of the permanent record. The ballots shall be maintained by the Faculty Senate until any appeal is resolved. g. The Xxxx’x/designee’s action to implement the Department action to recall a Department Chair shall not be subject to the grievance procedure; however, a Department Chair recalled pursuant to this section may appeal to the President of TMCC. The appeal shall be filed with the President’s office within ten (10) working days of the date of the recall vote. The appeal will be a de novo review based on the record from the meeting with the Xxxx and faculty, at the recall vote meeting and results, as well as a statement made, in writing, by the Department Chair. The decision of the President shall be made within ten (10) working days of the filing of the appeal and is final and not subject to any grievance procedure. h. The effective date of recall shall be ten (10) working days after the day of the vote. The Xxxx shall notify the faculty of the recall. i. A recalled Department Chair shall not be eligible for the position of Department Chair until another Department Chair has served in that position and at least one (1) year has elapsed since having been recalled.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Nfa Contract, Nfa Contract, Nfa Contract
Department Chair Recall. a. To initiate a recall, a written statement setting forth specific complaints as defined above signed by one-third (⅓) of all full-time department faculty members (as defined in Article 8.5) shall be presented to the Xxxx. Within two (2) working days, the Department Chair shall receive this statement from the Xxxx, and within five (5) working days of receipt of the statement, the Department Chair shall meet to confer with all faculty members of the department. This meeting shall be for the purpose of attempting to find an informal resolution of any complaints set forth in the signed document.
b. If the complaints are not resolved to the satisfaction of one-third (⅓1/3) of the full-full- time faculty in the Department, the concerned members shall next meet informally with the Xxxx to discuss the matter and obtain the Xxxx’x assistance in reaching an informal settlement of such complaints. This meeting shall take place within five (5) working days of the meeting with the Department Chair and the Department.
c. If an informal settlement to the faculty complaint statement cannot be reached, a recall election may be instituted by a petition signed by one-third (⅓1/3) of the full-full- time department faculty members, not including the Chair, and filed with the Xxxx of the Division within five (5) working days of the informal resolution meeting with the Xxxx. The reasons for recall must be stated with specificity and in writing.
d. The Xxxx/designee shall, within five (5) working days, give written notice setting forth the time, date (during the academic year), place and purpose of a meeting to consider the recall petition to all voting department faculty members. At least two- two-thirds (2/3rds2/3) of the department faculty (excluding the Department Chair) must attend this meeting for the recall election to go forward; otherwise otherwise, the recall fails.
e. The Xxxx/designee shall oversee the process, preside at the meeting, keep minutes or arrange for them to be kept, and shall remain neutral in the process. The Department Chair may bring an NFA representative, a faculty member of his/her choice from outside the department, and/or an HR representative to the meeting and shall be afforded the opportunity at the Department meeting to answer to the reasons stated in the petition for recall, as well as to ask questions before voting takes place. The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall attend, but shall not participate in the discussion, and shall administer the vote by secret ballot. In the event that the Chair of the Faculty Senate is a member of the Department attempting to recall its Department Chair, the Chair- elect or other designee of the Faculty Senate shall administer the vote by secret ballot. Minutes of the meeting will be made available to Department members, the Department Chair, and the Faculty Senate representative.
f. A vote by two-thirds (2/3rds) of all the full-time department faculty members (including the Chair) of that Department in the affirmative is required to complete the recall. In order for a faculty member to vote, he/she must attend the meeting. A record of the number of votes cast shall become part of the permanent record. The ballots shall be maintained by the Faculty Senate until any appeal is resolved.
g. The Xxxx’x/designee’s action to implement the Department action to recall a Department Chair shall not be subject to the grievance procedure; however, a Department Chair recalled pursuant to this section may appeal to the President of TMCC. The appeal shall be filed with the President’s office within ten (10) working days of the date of the recall vote. The appeal will be a de novo review based on the record from the meeting with the Xxxx and faculty, at the recall vote meeting and results, as well as a statement made, in writing, by the Department Chair. The decision of the President shall be made within ten (10) working days of the filing of the appeal and is final and not subject to any grievance procedure.
h. The effective date of recall shall be ten (10) working days after the day of the vote. The Xxxx shall notify the faculty of the recall.
i. A recalled Department Chair shall not be eligible for the position of Department Chair until another Department Chair has served in that position and at least one (1) year has elapsed since having been recalled.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Nfa Contract, Nfa Contract