Common use of DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE Clause in Contracts

DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE. commercial use; medical equipment; used, rebuilt, refurbished or CLAIM FORMS: When the Administrator is told of a claim, the remanufactured goods; shipping, handling, or transportation charges Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Loss. for the cost of delivery of any Covered Purchase articles in a pair or If these forms are not given to the Insured Person within 15 days the authorize the Administrator to obtain records, reports or any other THE PLAN: As a Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholder, you set, coverage will be limited to no more than the value of any particular Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the documentation requested necessary to Our investigation or to verify are automatically eligible for Buyer Protection insurance. part or parts unless the articles are unusable individually and cannot Administrator a written description of the covered loss. the claim. ELIGIBILITY: This insurance plan is provided to Financial Institution be replaced individually, regardless of any special value the article CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Loss. Covered Purchase is charged to your Card account while the parts of a pair or set of jewelry or Fine Art. This insurance does not CLAIM PAYMENT: Reimbursement for covered losses will be paid to If these forms are not given to the Insured Person within 15 days the insurance is effective. It is not necessary for you to notify Financial apply to loss or damage of a) Covered Purchase caused directly or the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the Institution, the administrator or the Company when items are indirectly by: 1) Theft of i) personal property from vehicles, ii) personal Proof of Loss. Administrator a written description of the covered loss. purchased. property when the Insured Person fails to exercise Due Diligence and EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to THE COST: This insurance plan is provided at no additional cost to iii) personal property stolen from public places when the Insured of: the effective date of this policy, the date on which you first meet the the Administrator within 90 days after a covered loss. eligible Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholders. Financial Person fails to exercise Due Diligence; Theft must be reported to the eligibility criteria as the Insured Person or the beginning of the period the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives WHEN COVERAGE APPLIES: Coverage applies for 90 days personal property with no evidence of a wrongful act; ii) baggage automatically terminates on the earliest of: the termination date of this Proof of Loss. immediately following a Covered Purchase. and/or its contents unless carried by the Insured Person by hand or policy, the expiration of the period for which required premium has EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest COVERAGE: We will reimburse the Insured up to $1,000 for Covered under the Insured Person’s personal supervision or a traveling been paid for you, the date on which you no longer meet the eligibility of: the effective date of this policy, the date on which you first meet the Purchases that are damaged or stolen, except if stolen from vehicles. companion previously known to the Insured Person; 3) Any fraudulent criteria as the Insured Person.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Terms and Conditions, Terms and Conditions

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE. commercial use; medical equipment; used, rebuilt, refurbished or CLAIM FORMS: When the Administrator is told of a claim, the with phone capability, which is used as a communication device. A remanufactured goods; shipping, handling, or transportation charges Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Loss. Cellular Wireless Telephone may consist of a handset, standard for the cost of delivery of any Covered Purchase articles in a pair or If these forms are not given to the Insured Person within 15 days the authorize the Administrator to obtain recordsbattery, reports or any other and Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Card, it does not include THE PLAN: As a Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholder, you set, coverage will be limited to no more than the value of any particular Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the documentation requested necessary to Our investigation or to verify accessories such as, but not limited to, wrists straps, carry cases, are automatically eligible for Buyer Protection insurance. part or parts unless the articles are unusable individually and cannot Administrator a written description of the covered loss. memory cards or styluses which are not integral to the claimdevice. “Debit ELIGIBILITY: This insurance plan is provided to Financial Institution be replaced individually, regardless of any special value the article CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to Card” means a payment medium that takes the form of a debit, plate Program Debit Cardholders, automatically when the entire cost of the may have had as part of a set or collection; more than one part or the Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Losswithin 90 days after a covered loss. Covered Purchase is charged to your Card account while the parts of a pair or set of jewelry or Fine Art. This insurance does not CLAIM PAYMENT: Reimbursement for covered losses will be paid to If these forms are not given or other identification card or device, issued to the Primary Insured Person within 15 days the insurance who is effective. It is not necessary for you to notify Financial apply to loss or damage of a) Covered Purchase caused directly or the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the Institution, the administrator or the Company when items are indirectly by: 1) Theft of i) personal property from vehicles, ii) personal Proof of Loss. Administrator a written description of the covered loss. purchased. property when the Insured Person fails to exercise Due Diligence and EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to THE COST: This insurance plan is provided at no additional cost to iii) personal property stolen from public places when the Insured of: the effective date of this policy, the date on which you first meet the the Administrator within 90 days after a covered loss. eligible Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholders. Financial Person fails to exercise Due Diligence; Theft must be reported to the eligibility criteria as the Insured Person or the beginning of the period the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives WHEN COVERAGE APPLIES: Coverage applies for 90 days personal property with no evidence an owner of a wrongful act; ii) baggage automatically terminates on the earliest of: the termination date of this Proof of Loss. immediately following a Covered Purchase. and/or its contents unless carried deposit Account maintained by the Insured Person by hand or policy, the expiration of the period for which required premium has EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest COVERAGE: We will reimburse the Insured up to $1,000 for Covered under the Insured Person’s personal supervision or a traveling been paid for you, the date on which you no longer meet the eligibility of: the effective date of this policy, the date on which you first meet the Purchases that are damaged or stolen, except if stolen from vehicles. companion previously known to the Insured Person; 3) Any fraudulent criteria as the Insured Personissuer.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: My Rewardstm Premium Card Program Terms & Conditions

DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE. commercial use; medical equipment; used, rebuilt, refurbished or the claim. remanufactured goods; shipping, handling, or transportation charges CLAIM FORMS: When the Administrator is told of a claim, the remanufactured goods; shipping, handling, or transportation charges Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Loss. for the cost of delivery of any Covered Purchase articles in a pair or If these forms are not given to Administrator will give the Insured Person within 15 days the forms for filing Proof of Loss. authorize the Administrator to obtain records, reports or any other THE PLAN: As a Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholder, you set, coverage will be limited to no more than the value of any particular If these forms are not given to the Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving within 15 days the documentation requested necessary to Our investigation or to verify are automatically eligible for Buyer Protection insurance. part or parts unless the articles are unusable individually and cannot Administrator a written description Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the covered loss. the claim. ELIGIBILITY: This insurance plan is provided to Financial Institution be replaced individually, regardless of any special value the article Administrator a written description of the covered loss. CLAIM FORMS: When the Administrator is told of a claim, the Program Debit Cardholders, automatically when the entire cost of the may have had as part of a set or collection; more than one part or CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Loss. Covered Purchase is charged to your Card account while the parts of a pair or set of jewelry or Fine Art. This insurance does not CLAIM PAYMENT: Reimbursement for the Administrator within 90 days after a covered losses will be paid to loss. If these forms are not given to the Insured Person within 15 days the insurance is effective. It is not necessary for you to notify Financial apply to loss or damage of a) Covered Purchase caused directly or the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives CLAIM PAYMENT: Reimbursement for covered losses will be paid to Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the Institution, the administrator or the Company when items are indirectly by: 1) Theft of i) personal property from vehicles, ii) personal Proof of Loss. Administrator a written description of the covered loss. purchased. property when the Insured Person fails to exercise Due Diligence and EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to THE COST: This insurance plan is provided at no additional cost to iii) personal property stolen from public places when the Insured of: the effective date of this policy, the date on which you first meet the the Administrator within 90 days after a covered loss. eligible Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholders. Financial Person fails to exercise Due Diligence; Theft must be reported to the eligibility criteria as the Insured Person or the beginning of the period the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives WHEN COVERAGE APPLIES: Coverage applies for 90 days personal property with no evidence of Administrator a wrongful act; ii) baggage automatically terminates on the earliest of: the termination date of this Proof of Loss. immediately following a Covered Purchase. and/or its contents unless carried by the Insured Person by hand or policy, the expiration written description of the period for which required premium has EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest COVERAGE: We will reimburse the Insured up to $1,000 for Covered under the Insured Person’s personal supervision or a traveling been paid for you, the date on which you no longer meet the eligibility of: the effective date of this policy, the date on which you first meet the Purchases that are damaged or stolen, except if stolen from vehicles. companion previously known to the Insured Person; 3) Any fraudulent criteria as the Insured Personcovered loss.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: My Rewardstm Premium Card Program

DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE. commercial use; medical equipment; used, rebuilt, refurbished or CLAIM FORMS: When In accordance with the Administrator is told of a claim, the remanufactured goods; shipping, handling, or transportation charges Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Loss. for the cost of delivery of any Covered Purchase articles in a pair or If these forms are not given to the Insured Person within 15 days the authorize the Administrator to obtain records, reports or any other THE PLAN: As a Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholder, you set, coverage will be limited to no more than the value of any particular Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the documentation requested necessary to Our investigation or to verify are automatically eligible for Buyer Protection insurance. part or parts unless the articles are unusable individually and cannot Administrator a written description of the covered loss. the claim. ELIGIBILITY: This insurance plan is provided to Financial Institution be replaced individually, regardless of any special value the article CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Loss. Covered Purchase is charged to your Card account while the parts of a pair or set of jewelry or Fine Art. This insurance does not CLAIM PAYMENT: Reimbursement for covered losses will be paid to If these forms are not given to the Insured Person within 15 days the insurance is effective. It is not necessary for you to notify Financial apply to loss or damage of a) Covered Purchase caused directly or the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the Institution, the administrator or the Company when items are indirectly by: 1) Theft of i) personal property from vehicles, ii) personal Proof of Loss. Administrator a written description of the covered loss. purchased. property when the Insured Person fails to exercise Due Diligence and EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to THE COST: This insurance plan is provided at no additional cost to iii) personal property stolen from public places when the Insured of: the effective date provisions of this policy, the date on which you first meet Insurer will pay the Benefit Amount for Critical Illness to the Administrator within 90 days after Beneficiary, if the Insured Employee is diagnosed by a Specialist with a covered lossCritical Illness condition or undergoes a covered Critical Illness Surgery as defined in section D5 – Critical Illness Conditions – Defined. eligible Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholders. Financial Person fails to exercise Due Diligence; Theft The Insured Employee must survive the Survival Period and the Diagnosis must be reported made on or after the Effective Date of Individual Insurance or the date of their most recent Reinstatement and while this policy and the group/association is in force. The amount of Critical Illness Insurance is the Benefit Amount shown in the Schedule according to the eligibility criteria as class of insurance to which the Insured Person or Employee belongs and, if applicable, the beginning of the period the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives WHEN COVERAGE APPLIES: Coverage applies for 90 days personal property with no evidence of a wrongful act; ii) baggage automatically terminates on the earliest of: the termination date of this Proof of Loss. immediately following a Covered Purchase. and/or its contents unless carried Additional Insurance protection chosen by the Insured Person by hand Employee. Reduction in Benefit Amounts will apply if stipulated in the Schedule. The amount of Critical Illness Insurance for a disabled Insured Employee whose coverage is extended under section 5.1 Continuation of Coverage or policysection 6 - Waiver of Premium is equal to the amount in force at the onset of disability and is not changed while the coverage is extended under those sections except with regard to the reductions specified in the Schedule, the expiration of the period for which required premium has EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest COVERAGE: We will reimburse the Insured up to $1,000 for Covered under the Insured Person’s personal supervision or a traveling been paid for you, the date on which you no longer meet the eligibility of: the effective date of if applicable. The following Critical Illness conditions are provided in this policy, the date . Refer to section D5 – Critical Illness Conditions - Defined for definitions. • Alzheimer’s Disease • Aortic Surgery • Aplastic Anemia • Bacterial Meningitis • Benign Brain Tumour • Blindness • Cancer (Life-Threatening) • Coma • Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery • Deafness • Heart Attack • Heart Valve Replacement • Kidney Failure • Loss of Independent Existence • Loss of Limbs • Loss of Speech • Major Organ Failure on which you first meet the Purchases that are damaged or stolen, except if stolen from vehicles. companion previously known to the Insured Person; 3) Any fraudulent criteria as the Insured Person.Waiting List • Major Organ Transplant • Motor Neuron Disease • Multiple Sclerosis • Occupational HIV • Paralysis • Xxxxxxxxx’x Disease • Severe Xxxxx • Stroke

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Samples: Multi Coverage Insurance Policy

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

DESCRIPTION OF COVERAGE. commercial use; medical equipment; used, rebuilt, refurbished or CLAIM FORMS: When the Administrator is told of a claim, the remanufactured goods; shipping, handling, or transportation charges Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Loss. for the cost of delivery of any Covered Purchase articles in a pair or If these forms are not given to the Insured Person within 15 days the authorize the Administrator to obtain records, reports or any other THE PLAN: As a Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholder, you set, coverage will be limited to no more than the value of any particular Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the documentation requested necessary to Our investigation or to verify are automatically eligible for Buyer Protection insurance. part or parts unless the articles are unusable individually and cannot Administrator a written description of the covered loss. the claim. ELIGIBILITY: This insurance plan is provided to Financial Institution be replaced individually, regardless of any special value the article CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to Administrator will give the Insured Person forms for filing Proof of Loss. Covered Purchase is charged to your Card account while the parts of a pair or set of jewelry or Fine Art. This insurance does not CLAIM PAYMENT: Reimbursement for covered losses will be paid to If these forms are not given to the Insured Person within 15 days the insurance is effective. It is not necessary for you to notify Financial apply to loss or damage of a) Covered Purchase caused directly or the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives Insured Person will meet Proof of Loss requirements by giving the Institution, the administrator or the Company when items are indirectly by: 1) Theft of i) personal property from vehicles, ii) personal Proof of Loss. Administrator a written description of the covered loss. purchased. property when the Insured Person fails to exercise Due Diligence and EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest CLAIM PROOF OF LOSS: Complete Proof of Loss must be given to THE COST: This insurance plan is provided at no additional cost to iii) personal property stolen from public places when the Insured of: the effective date of this policy, the date on which you first meet the the Administrator within 90 days after a covered loss. eligible Financial Institution Program Debit Cardholders. Financial Person fails to exercise Due Diligence; Theft must be reported to the eligibility criteria as the Insured Person or the beginning of the period the Insured Person within 60 days after the Administrator receives WHEN COVERAGE APPLIES: Coverage applies for 90 days personal property with no evidence of a wrongful act; ii) baggage automatically terminates on the earliest of: the termination date of this Proof of Loss. immediately following a Covered Purchase. and/or its contents unless carried by the Insured Person by hand or policy, the expiration of the period for which required premium has EFFECTIVE DATE: Your insurance becomes effective on the latest COVERAGE: We will reimburse the Insured up to $1,000 for Covered under the Insured Person’s personal supervision or a traveling been paid for you, the date on which you no longer meet the eligibility of: the effective date of this policy, the date on which you first meet the Purchases that are damaged or stolen, except if stolen from vehicles. companion previously known to the Insured Person; 3) Any fraudulent criteria as the Insured Person.

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Samples: My Rewardstm Premium Card Program Terms & Conditions

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